January 16, 2025 Global Warming, Great Reset, Totalitarianism
History repeats itself, once again.
Every totalitarian government has always contained the seeds of self-destruction.
Because the psychopaths who rule them are devoid of empathy and have a blinding narcissism.An all-digital world would be too chaotic, unpredictable, and above all open to sabotage and corruption.
Will a shadow government emerge in 2025 ?

A shadow global government is the (announced) endgame of this enormous planetary chess game.
This fact is known to all.
The ultimate (stated) goal is to gain total control over every aspect of the lives of every single person on the planet.
This should be obvious to anyone who has been paying attention to everything that is happening in the world for years, if not decades.
Any remaining doubts were dispelled at the beginning of the “terrible virus” scam, when members of the global establishment began openly stating what their ultimate goal was.
To be sure, the “virus farce” certainly marked an acceleration of the globalist agenda, a mad rush toward the goal of a shadow global government that seems to have lost momentum.
But the ultimate goal has not changed, even if the agenda seems to have temporarily receded into the background.
But what exactly does “shadow global government” mean ?
What might a possible global shadow government look like ?
First, it is necessary to talk about what it almost certainly will not be.
1. No one will ever claim that there is a world government.
No, there will almost certainly never be an official world government, at least not for a long time.
This is a lesson that the elites have learned precisely from the experience of the “virus farce”.
Giving globalism a name and a face only stirs up stronger and stronger collective resistance.
2. Nation-states will never be abolished.
It is almost certain that Klaus Schwab (or anyone else) will never appear simultaneously on all the world’s televisions to announce that we are now all “citizens of the world” and that henceforth nation-states will no longer exist.
Partly because that might provoke resistance.
The main reason is quite different : tribalism and nationalism are too useful for all the manipulators of public opinion (who are very numerous, especially among the false “conspiracy theorists”).
And, of course, the existence of nation-states in no way precludes the existence of a supranational system of control, just as the existence of Rhode Island, Florida, or Texas does not preclude the existence of a U.S. federal government.
3. There will never be an explicit declaration of system change.
It will never be claimed that we are all united under a new political model.
But the illusion of “regionality” will mask the absence of a real alternative choice in the international political landscape.
A thin polysystemic skin stretched over a monosystemic skeleton.
Capitalism, communism, socialism, democracy, tyranny, monarchy.
Terms that will gradually lose their meaning, as has already happened in the recent past.
But they will never disappear.
What globalism will eventually bring is a collection of nation-states, most of them in name only, with only seemingly different systems of government, but all built on the same basic assumptions and all susceptible to an unelected and (most importantly) undeclared higher authority.
Basically what is happening now.
The only important aspects still missing in the construction of this shadow global government are the mechanisms by which this still crude model can be transformed into a global network in which all existing sovereign powers will completely lose their meaning.
And this is where the three main pillars of global government come into play :
Electronic Currency
Digital Identity Card
Global Warming
I will try to analyze them one by one.
Electronic Currency
More than 90 percent of the world’s nations are currently in the process of adopting a new digital currency issued by their central bank.
All this has been known for years, so there is no need to repeat old speeches here.
In short, an all-digital currency would make it possible to control every transaction.
And if one day that same currency were also programmable, it would be possible to control every transaction.
Clearly, an all-digital currency would be a potentially dystopian nightmare that would violate the rights of anyone forced to use it.
This is easy to understand.
But how can it be a building block of a potential global government ?
The answer is this : its “interoperability“.
A national digital currency is theoretically separate from other existing digital currencies, because most of them are (obviously) programmed to recognize each other first and interact later.
Of course, all national digital currencies have been developed entirely according to the guidelines provided by the Bank of International Settlements and major globalist financial institutions, and then programmed by the usual mega-multinational technology companies.
In June 2023, the World Economic Forum released a report that reiterated the importance of “Principles for Global Interoperability of Central Bank Digital Currencies,” concluding that :
It is critical that central banks prioritize interoperability considerations early in the design process by adhering to a set of guiding principles.
To facilitate global coordination and ensure harmonious implementation of CBDCs, it is essential to develop a comprehensive set of principles and standards.Building on previous research and collaborative efforts, this set of principles can serve as a solid foundation and guide central banks to proactively consider interoperability from the outset of their CBDC initiatives.
By adopting them, central banks could work towards creating a cohesive and interconnected CBDC ecosystem.
In addition, commenting on the same report they produced, their website later emphasized the following concept :
To ensure successful implementation and promote global interoperability, it is essential that CBDCs adhere to the principles of interoperability.
This approach can promote the harmonious development of digital payment systems, making them more efficient and interconnected.
It does not take a genius to understand the meaning of the terms “global interoperability“, “cohesive ecosystem“, “harmonious development” and “interconnected digital payment systems“.
It is quite intuitive to understand that there is no practical difference between 195 “interoperable” and interconnected digital currencies and a single global currency.
In fact, interoperability is the watchword of all globalist power structures planned for the near future.
This leads to the next point.
Digital Identity
The global trend toward mandatory digital identity predates the digital currency agenda and has actually been around for more than twenty years.
The first person to speak publicly about it was probably the infamous Tony Blair in 2006.
On the other hand, it has been proposed as a possible “solution” to every citizen “problem” for at least two decades.
Terrorism ? Digital identity will protect you.
Illegal immigration ? Digital identity will protect your country’s borders.
Pandemic ? Digital identity will keep track of who has been “vaccinated” and who has not.
Artificial Intelligence ? Digital identity will show who is human.
Poverty ? Digital identity will promote “inclusion in the global financial system“.
As with electronic currencies, a widespread digital identity service poses a serious threat to human rights.
And when national digital identity platforms are interconnected, a global system is created.
Again, the buzzword is “interoperability“.
Exactly the same language.
And that is exactly what the World Bank’s Identity4Development program says :
Interoperability is key to developing efficient, sustainable and beneficial identity ecosystems.
Recently, the Prime Ministers of the Scandinavian and Baltic countries have publicly called for the adoption of “cross-border” digital IDs.

NGOs such as the Open Identity Exchange (OIX) publish reports on the “need for data standards that enable interoperability of digital IDs within a federation and across federations“.
The list of national governments that are adopting digital IDs, “partnering” with corporate giants to do so, and/or promoting cross-border interoperability is already long and growing.
In October 2023, the United Nations Development Program published its “guidelines” for the design and use of digital identities.
Basically, there is no practical difference between 195 networked, interconnected digital identity platforms and a single global identity program.
That’s how they set up global currency and identity programs, and can control and monitor everyone’s movements, financial transactions, health, and more.
A surveillance and control mechanism operating in a model designed to hide the existence of a shadow global government.
But what about politics ?
How can this shadow global government order local politics and laws without revealing its existence ?
Through global warming, of course.
Global Warming
Climate change has been at the top of the globalist agenda since the 1990s.
It is the Trojan horse of the anti-human technocracy.
As early as 2010, well-known climate change “experts” suggested that “humans are not evolved enough” to combat “climate change” and that “it may be necessary to pause democracy for a while“.
More recently, in 2019, Bloomberg published articles with headlines like “Climate change will kill national sovereignty as we know it“.
On the other hand, so-called academics have been repeating this for years :
“States will not be able to solve global crises like climate change until they give up their sovereignty”.
For years now, the mainstream has been selling climate change as a reason why we might be “forced” to give up democracy or national sovereignty.
In parallel, there is an ongoing propaganda narrative dedicated to transforming “climate change” from an environmental issue into a global issue.
At this point, all national governments will agree that “climate change” is an urgent problem that requires global cooperation to solve.
They will hold summits where they will sign international agreements binding nation-states to certain policies “for the good of the planet“.
In fact, having established this very model, they have recently begun to expand the scope of “climate change“.
Turning it into the answer to every possible question.
It is obvious that “climate change” has always had a significant impact on energy and transportation.
To achieve an immediate effect, simply rename “climate change” as a “health crisis“.
And that is exactly what they are doing.
They also say that “climate change” will cause a food crisis and that international trade must be globally sustainable with special attention to the climate.
The World Bank says it is necessary to reform the education system to combat “climate change“.
The IMF adds that every country in the world should tax carbon emissions and that digital currencies can be good for the environment.
Do you understand how this works ?
Climate change affects agriculture, food, public health, energy, transportation, trade, tax and fiscal policy, even education.
Almost every sector of government is now potentially covered under the “climate change” umbrella.
There is no longer a need for a single world government.
Just a single group of “impartial international climate change experts” working to “save the planet“.
Through the lens of “climate change“, these experts will have the power to dictate government policy in almost every area of life for every nation (or nearly every nation) on the planet.

This will be the new global government of the modern world.
Not centralized, but distributed.
Cloud computing.
A supranational corporate-technocratic mind.
With no official existence or authority, and therefore no accountability, it will channel all its policy decisions through a single filter : “climate change“.
In other words, there will be no single global currency, but dozens and dozens of “interoperable” digital currencies that will create a “harmonious ecosystem of payments“.
There will be no single global digital identity, but a series of “interconnected networks of identities” that will strive to ensure the “free flow of data to promote security“.
There will be no shadow global government, but “international panels of impartial experts” appointed (of course) by the United Nations to make “policy recommendations“.
Most or all of the countries of the world will follow the recommendations.
But more importantly, anyone who tries to call these expert panels a shadow global government will be met with responses from so-called fact-checkers like Snopes or Politifact (or their counterparts in more or less every nation on the planet) pointing out that “UN expert panels do NOT constitute a global government because they have no legislative power“.
This is how the shadow global government will take shape starting in 2025.
Of course, its existence will always be denied.
But it will be very, very real.
In any case, history will once again repeat itself.
Every totalitarian government has always contained the seeds of self-destruction.
Because the psychopaths in charge have always lacked empathy and are characterized by blinding narcissism.
An all-digital world would be too chaotic, unpredictable, and above all open to sabotage and corruption.