December 7, 2024 Hidden history, Movies, Music, Neurocontrol, The Keys to the Abyss
I want one moment in time
When I’m more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in timeWhen I’m racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternityWhitney Houston – One moment in time
Whitney. A mutilated, dismembered and destroyed Diva
February 11, 2019
Just thank you

Eight years ago, you extinguished your star forever and flew to heaven as a sublime and elegant looking angel.
A life in which, at some point, you found yourself in the middle of the dark night of the soul because of your immense sensitivity, fragility and loneliness.
You who were described as cold, unapproachable and unsympathetic by the hypocritical journalists who now applaud you.
Fate did not allow you to cross that dark and terrible sea called depression and see the light again.
No one could understand the deep sorrow that subtly emanated from your melodious and sweet voice and warmed your frosty heart and soul.
At first the pain is shouted to the four winds.
But when there are no ears to receive it, you end up silencing it.
Thank you for being with me in all the best moments of my youth.
When I came back from the conservatory, I used to subtract from the hours I spent studying technique exercises the time I spent studying the sheet music of your songs, which I still keep like relics, and which I then played outside my classical repertoire.
With the lyrics of your songs written in my diary, which I memorized and the content of which I still remember perfectly today, years later.
All at once
I finally took a moment
And I’m realizing that
You’re not coming back
And it’s finally hit me all at once
Thank you for your curvy, delicate and provocative image, never vulgar.
Many of the photos I took in my glamour shoots were inspired by your style.
I wanted to be just like you, so I kept your poster in my room.
Thank you for getting me through my saddest and most melancholy moments.
When I felt sad, I would take my cap, my Walkman, turn off the light, and put my head under my pillow.
And that’s how I went to sleep.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to keep an unforgettable diamond in my heart forever.
In fact, your words have always been with me in every stage of my life and in every event.
In a nutshell, your words sum up my philosophy of life and the ideals that have always driven me forward.
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone’s shadow
If I fail, if I succeed,
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can’t take away my dignityBecause the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all
If I had not loved you so much, my life would not have been the same.
I will always love you.
Pills of youth
1988, PalaTrussardi (I was still a minor!).
Train + metro there and back?
On the way back, at midnight from PalaTrussardi, there was no more public transport, so the alternatives were either to hitchhike or to call home to be picked up.
The choice was to call home…
1993, Assago Forum.
It was a typical rainy autumn evening, but the show was really spectacular, despite the bad acoustics (a well-known characteristic).
This time I managed to bring along no less than my mother, a quiet teacher in ordinary life, but above all a notorious lover of classical music and opera, who really enjoyed the show (I consider it the best of the three I have seen live, with the gem of I Love You, Porgy).
1999, Assago Forum.
Of this evening I point out, in addition to the fact that being in the chair I had the opportunity to write a detailed review (still present in some lost meanderings of the net, as soon as I find it I’ll publish it !), that next to me – known a few minutes earlier – sat (well, actually she was always standing like me…) an already famous and established Italian singer (a great fan of hers and more wild than me) who had won a few years earlier…the Sanremo Festival….
Unfortunately it was her swan song, the first signs of instability (predictable, see the picture on the ticket…) were beginning to show.
Here is my 1999 review as promised.
Concert date : 10/20/99 Milan, Italy
Show Review :
The big day is here !
The diva comes back to Milan for the third time after her concerts in 1988 and 1993.
We are all looking forward to it : will her performance be unforgettable ?
We are sure that it will be a wonderful evening.
It is a rainy and cold day, we hope that Whitney will warm everyone with her music, her words of love, her emotions, her energy.
At 8:30 pm the lights go out, but that’s just the beginning, supporter Amanda Marshall.
She is quite beautiful, has nice songs, but no repertoire to fascinate.
Her show ends after forty minutes.
Now we all wait for Whitney, her concert should start at 9:30 pm.
Fifteen more minutes and… the drum roll, the lights go out and here is Whitney !
She is very, very beautiful, although she looks different : black pants and a rhinestone hat, a white blouse with a red rose in the buttonhole, black high-heeled shoes.
There is also a big screen showing pictures from the concert.
For the first song, Get it Back, large white lights illuminate the stage ; four dancers complete the setting.
At this moment we notice that Whitney is particularly inspired and the audience enjoys it.
At the end, a big red lamp is lit, Whitney takes off her hat and starts to sing Heartbreak Hotel, which has a very beautiful ending, played with very frequent key changes.
Very good !
It is time for If I Told You That and the whole audience warms up and sings along with her.
During this song, a very strange thing happens: Whitney drops her handkerchief and bends down to pick it up while she is singing.
The band stops playing and Whitney starts talking to the audience :
“Good evening…thanks to all of you here in Milan…I need to hear from you, I need to know that you love me“.
We all burst out (we are in the first row), we immediately applaud her and with my friend we say:
“Whitney, you know we love you“.
She looks at us and smiles.
Then she introduces the next song :
“Go back to 1985, my first album.
Do you remember Saving All My Love for You…“
It is a new version, a cappella, just her voice and a grand piano.
A wonderful performance, with a beautiful high note at the end.
SAMLFY ends on the same notes as Until You Come Back.
Also a very nice song, but less charming.
Now Whitney takes off her jacket, only her blouse remains.
Again a red light illuminates the stage and I Learned From The Best begins.
When the first notes of Step by Step are played, the whole audience explodes.
The mood becomes totally dance-like, and so we decide to get up from our chairs and start dancing.
Whitney is obviously happy about this, the people notice it and everyone stands up and sings the chorus with her.
We approach the stage and cheer for the diva.
It is a very emotional moment for us.
It’s time to change clothes and the band plays a mix of her hits – I Have Nothing, I’m Your Baby Tonight, Queen of The Night.
Some scenes from “The Bodyguard” are projected on the screen.
The lights also change : there are brighter red lights, in the background there are multicolored spots.
Nippy comes back on stage !
She is now wearing a gray sequined dress, a black top, boots and cuffs (the same as in the movie “The Bodyguard”), she starts singing “My Love Is Your Love” and the audience sings along with her in the chorus: she says “My love is your love” and we sing “Your love is my love”.
In the middle, her husband Bobby Brown comes on stage to sing a duet with her.
More dance rhythm in I Wanna Dance With Somebody and How Will I Know, at the end of this song everyone starts to applaud for a long time.
Now a moment of silence, it is time for the Gospel.
Whitney shares :
“From my movie The Preacher’s Wife…I believe and so I always pray…this is how you should be in church…”
And begins to sing Jesus Loves Me.
Perhaps the most intense moment, the best performance of the evening is in I Love The Lord : Whitney’s eyes shine with joy, great feeling and emotion.
The next gospel is I Go To The Rock, she is sweaty and wipes her beautiful face before introducing the band.
The mood becomes romantic : now the stage is lit only by a white spotlight, Whitney pulls up a white chair, sits down and begins to sing I Believe In You And Me, just her voice, a synthesizer and bass; the song ends first with Why Does It Hurts So Bad and then with It Hurts Like Hell.
Now a big blue light illuminates the stage, the background is full of blue spots, and Whitney sings the first notes of I Will Always Love You.
It is the final apotheosis: everyone sings with her, whispering the words… The sax solo changes, there’s an electric guitar solo…. sits back in the chair, drops the handkerchief…. and…. plays the higher notes… Wonderful !
The audience roars and a bright light illuminates the diva, who bows, curls up, everyone applauds for the eternal moments… she waves with a smile and leaves.
But it’s not over yet : the last song is played again, It’s Not Right But It’s Okay, in a dance remix version, the whole audience sings along with her.
An unforgettable evening.
Thank you, Whitney, for giving us such precious moments.
God bless you.
Sadly, this was the last time I attended one of his concerts live; in the following years, his artistic and general decline in life took away my desire to attend any of his shows.
I would have been too sad to see her beautiful voice deteriorate in a totally irreversible way.
The sacrifice of the iconic black diva
The event of Whitney’s heinous death by “drowning in the bathtub” (the usual “classic” signature) by the usual “unknowns” was indeed a great shock to me.
In fact, I could not listen to or play any of her songs for more than a year.
This sad event was followed only two weeks later by the loss — also caused by the usual “unknowns”, this time the usual “suicide by hanging from the ceiling by climbing from a chair about 20 cm high” — of one of my closest friends ; and after a few weeks… even a “warning” against me.
They put a former KGB spy on my trail, but I (fortunately) got rid of her in a short time ; shortly after that, they tried to break into my house at night and tap my phone.
The usual story that has been told many times before.
The following is my reconstruction of the events I wrote about at the time, based on information I found online in the so-called “alternative” media.
In memory of Whitney Elizabeth Houston (3.8.1963 – 11.2.2012)
The Black Diva “Divine One” of the Ancients, Queen Ahmose Nefiteri, (1562-1495 BC) reigned during one of the most important religious paradigm shifts in recorded human history.
During her reign, foreign rulers (Hyskos) had overrun the land of Kemet (Egypt) for the first time in its history.
The Hyskos and the God Set (Chaos) ruled Kemet for over 200 years.
Somehow they had been forewarned that the “Divine One” represented the providence and prophecy of Kemet.
For decades, the Divine One had been one of the most wanted men in the ancient world; “Capture and kill the Divine One” must have been their battle cry.
Their premonition of Kemet’s providence was correct.
When they found the Black Diva, she was at the head of the nation’s armies.
Queen Ahmose Nefiteri had rallied her people to resist her occupation and rule.
The “Divine One” and her brother, King Ahmose I (1550-1525 B.C.), drove the Hyskos from Kemet and restored the balance of the cosmic forces (Order-Chaos; Good-Evil).
Queen Ahmose Nefiteri was the grandmother of the 18th Dynasty, the Golden Age of Kemet (Egypt).
In her lineage are the great pharaohs Thutmosis, Hatshepsut (Queen Makere), Amenhotep and Tutankhamen.
The queen’s great-grandson, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV 1353-1335 B.C.), may be one of the most important pre-Christian figures in human history.
Without Akhenaten, there would most likely have been no “Moses”.
There would have been no Christianity as we know it today.
It is a turning point in history that the Lords of Chaos have never forgotten, even for a moment.
Whitney Houston, the symbolic black diva
In the 21st century, the black diva was no longer a myth.
In the week that summed up the 2012 Grammy Awards, Whitney Houston had to be one of the most important, celebrated and influential international music icons and poster girls.
According to Guinness World Records, Whitney Houston was the most awarded artist of all time, with two Emmy Awards, six Grammy Awards, 30 Billboard Music Awards, 22 American Music Awards, among a total of 415 career awards as of 2010.
She holds the all-time record for most American Music Awards by a female solo artist, and shares the record with Michael Jackson for most AMAs ever won in a single year, with eight wins in 1994.
Houston won a record 11 Billboard Music Awards at the fourth ceremony in 1993.
She also holds the record for most WMAs won in a single year with five wins at the 6th World Music Awards in 1994.
In May 2003, Houston was ranked number three on VH1’s list of “50 Greatest Women of the Video Era,” behind Madonna and Janet Jackson.
She was also ranked number 116 on their list of the “200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons of All Time”.
In 2008, Billboard magazine released a list of the Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the U.S. singles chart, ranking Houston at number nine.
She was also named one of the “Top 100 Greatest Artists of All Time” by VH1 in September 2010.
In November 2010, Billboard released its “Top 50 R&B/Hip-Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years” list, ranking Houston at number three, who not only had eight number one singles on the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, but also landed five number one R&B/Hip-Hop albums.
Houston’s debut album is listed as one of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine and is on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s Definitive 200 list.
In 2004, Billboard named the success of her first release as one of the 110 musical milestones in the magazine’s history.
Houston’s entry into the music industry is considered one of the top 25 musical milestones of the last 25 years, according to USA Today in 2007.
In 1997, the Franklin School in East Orange, New Jersey was renamed the Whitney E. Houston Academy School of Creative and Performing Arts.
In 2001, Houston became the first artist ever to receive a BET Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Black Diva was also one of the world’s best-selling recording artists, with over 200 million albums and singles sold worldwide.
Despite releasing relatively few albums, she was ranked by the Recording Industry Association of America as the fourth best-selling female artist in the United States, with 55 million certified albums sold in the U.S. alone.
Premiere magazine named Whitney Houston one of the 100 most powerful people in Hollywood.
In October 1994, she attended and performed at the White House State Dinner honoring the newly elected President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.
The Black Diva was also a priceless human commodity.
She could make or break a company’s stock.
Whitley Houston was not only a mega-superstar, but an iconic Black Diva if ever there was one.
She wasn’t controversial, but you have to understand her awesome power just by being on the world stage.
Her mere presence shatters and dispels global racial myths and stereotypes.
Her brief solo below still ranks among the most electrifying American vocal performances and moments in television history.
Official U.S. Policy :
“Prevent the rise of a black messiah who could unite and electrify the masses…“
She was a woman with a “treasury of melanin” that played out in the international entertainment world for all to see.
When you experience Whitney Houston, you actually see the explosion of divine life force and creative energy.
The true magic of Whitney is that she could absorb energy from sources such as light, heat, electricity, sound (music) and use that energy in her body as fuel to explode into other dimensions.
In Whitney you can see the miraculous workings of the Black Spot (Pineal Gland) and “Melanin Magic” rising from the lower nature to higher untapped spiritual natures.
The Greatest Love of All
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I’ll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can’t take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
The Black Diva taught the global poor and oppressed that truly seeing (discovering) ourselves in the Divine (God) in the midst of great adversity (psychological warfare) and power (Freemasonry or Illuminati) is the greatest gift of all for liberation.
The devil in the details
The Setup : February 2-7, 2012
Whitney arrived in Los Angeles on or before Thursday, February 2, 2012 with a large entourage of family, friends and associates.
On Thursday, she was seen leaving a doctor’s office in Beveley Hills.
On Saturday, February 4, 2011, she was spotted with Brandy’s younger brother, Ray J, at La Petit Four in West Hollywood.
For whatever reason, the mass media has been very selective in reporting on Ray J and Whitney Houston from February 2 to Thursday, February 9, yet it appears from some sources that he was her constant secret companion.
You would think that U.S. Homeland Security, the LAPD and Beverly Hilton Hotel security would have been on some sort of terrorism alert ; Grammy VIPs and clients would have been under tight security and surveillance prior to the event.
You would think that traffic would be controlled, employees, guests and visitors around the 2012 Grammys would be screened and cleared.
Normally, at the very least, hotel security would coordinate with VIP protection details well in advance of the event and their arrival in Los Angeles.
Yet, we are asked to believe that this nation’s largest and most important entertainment industry celebrity VIP and valuable corporate human commodity was left to “Willy Nilly” in Los Angeles; to romp, skip and jump around the city and the Beverly Hilton Hotel without security or surveillance.
The Times reported that days before her death, Whitney allegedly wandered aimlessly alone through the Beverly Hilton, intoxicated, “reeking of alcohol and cigarettes,” wandering through the lobby, hallways and ballrooms disoriented, disheveled in mismatched clothes and dripping hair, acting strangely, jumping around a ballroom and allegedly doing handstands near the hotel pool.
During this time, they want the public to really believe that America’s most important and visible entertainment icon attending the 2012 Grammy Awards was open to being kidnapped, assaulted or murdered by a foreign terrorist, stalker or sick assailant.
It would have been like 9/11, it could have caught U.S. Homeland Security, local and state police and America’s private security industry with their pants down again.
They want the public to believe that Whitney Houston was left Willy Nilly, disheveled, disoriented, stumbling, bleeding and alone in Los Angeles.
If Whitney Houston was left alone on this nationally televised event, it’s because it was planned.
You know exactly who she was with every minute and hour of every day she was at the Beverly Hilton.
Yet Ray J is always allowed to lurk in the background.
If Whitney Houston was left without eyes and ears, without a professional security team, it was because Clive Davis wanted it that way.
They wanted her in corrupt and compromised Los Angeles, the site and center of the Freemason/Illuminati cover-up of Michael Jackson’s murder.
The Black Diva was set up from the start, drugged, programmed with self-destruct alters, and dumped in the middle of a bunch of dysfunctional and chaotic MK Ultra/Illuminati/Luciferian Bloodoath Negroes ; and all they had to do was walk away.
It’s a perfect backdrop for a powerful racist multi-million dollar white corporate structure to get away with first degree murder and cash in on multi-million dollar insurance policies.
That’s exactly what Philip Anschutz (AEG) did to Michael Jackson in the very same place.
Clive Davis and the Paradigm Shift
Born in New York in 1932, Clive Davis is an elite music industry executive created and maintained by privilege, class, race and oligarchy.
In 1966, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) reorganized its corporate structure, making CBS Records a separate special unit of CBS controlled by Clive Davis.
Davis was born and raised in the New York Columbian Illuminati.
According to the late investigative reporter Eustace Mullins, Clive Davis’ benefactor in 1966, the late CBS founder and chairman William S. Paley, was both a conduit and an operative for the CIA.
Many CBS directors had ties to the CIA.
The CIA learned the art of deception by overlaying its inner core group with members of elite secret blood oath societies from the country’s forefathers and most recently from the Nazis.
While their primary duties become the maintenance of secrecy instead of the U.S. Constitution.
The CIA has long had covert associations with major mainstream news publications.
By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, was with CBS.
“The CIA even ran training programs to teach agents to be journalists, who were then placed or “embedded” in major news organizations with the help of management.
The goal is information management designed by leading behavioral scientists from academia, or in CIA jargon, a psychological operation designed to elicit a specific and predictable response from unsuspecting news consumers“.
The specific and predictable response they want is undoubtedly forms of white supremacy (oligarchy), mind and behavior control of the masses.
CBS Records Group was headed by Clive Davis until he was fired in 1972 after it was discovered that he had used CBS funds to finance his personal life, including an expensive bar mitzvah party for his son.
We call it elite corporate embezzlement with criminal impunity.
In March 1968, CBS and Sony formed CBS/Sony Records, a complex Japanese business joint venture.
It also began the process of bringing Arista Records back under common ownership with its former parent Columbia Pictures, a Sony division since 1989.
It also brought Arista founder and corporate embezzler Clive Davis back into the spotlight as Sony Music’s chief creative officer.
White corporate criminals like Clive Davis from an Illuminati/Freemason background and CIA asset like CBS have their privileges that go beyond the law.
Davis lives with a male partner who’s a doctor.
They live in a Vicente Wolf-decorated apartment on East 57th Street and spend weekends in Pound Ridge, NY.
He reportedly first discovered 19-year-old Whitney Houston in her gospel singer mother’s cabaret act at a club called Sweet Waters in Manhattan.
He signed Whitney to an Arista Records contract.
Clive Davis was responsible for shaping and directing Houston’s early career.
Recall that prior to his assassination, Michael Jackson (and also George Michael) exposed Sony and its executives and administrators, such as Sony president Tommy Mottola, as “devils” and “racists,” and accused people at that company, as well as others, of creating a “conspiracy” against him by tarnishing his image with child molestation allegations because they wanted to break him emotionally and financially in order to gain the rights to his 50 percent share of the Sony-ATV music publishing catalog, which includes the lucrative Beatles music catalog.
In June 2011, Davis admitted on the morning show of L.A. radio station KOST 103.5 that he had lost interest in Whitney Houston.
Davis said flatly that he would never get back on the Whitney bandwagon unless her gracious voice returned.
Davis said :
“Whitney has admitted that she had to overcome a drug addiction.
It takes all of her energy.She also had a very hard time giving up cigarettes.
It sounds easy in comparison.But in this case, if you have a cigarette problem, you can’t give it up.
It takes all her energy.I know she’s committed to it.
I know she loves music.Right now she’s dealing with this situation and we’re not going to make another record or album until that golden voice is there and fully capable of blowing everybody away”.
Contrast Davis’ statement with the music industry’s treatment of white British pop singer Adele.
She received a lot of attention when she developed voice problems that affected her singing.
Her voice problems were attributed to her inability to quit smoking.
To protect her very special voice as a kind of national treasure, doctors ordered her to stop touring and promotional appearances ; rest, recovery and special attention for almost a year.
The 23-year-old Grammy winner was then flown to the United States – Boston – to undergo a special throat laser microsurgery with Dr. Steven Zeitels, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center.
While Whitney Houston lay in the Los Angeles coroner’s office, Adele performed with her surgically repaired vocal cords and took home six Grammys, including the prestigious trifecta of record, song and album of the year.
Adele’s record label is Columbia Records.
Columbia Records is an American record label owned by Sony Music Entertainment.
Clive Davis is not interested in Whitney Houston as a person and friend, or in her music for the sake of uplift, healing and spiritual inspiration.
He is interested in the manipulation, regulation and control of the mass media.
He is a Luciferian regulator conspiring in all things in a secret paradigm shift to ruthlessly control the flow, content and message of Black music and artists and the minds of the masses worldwide.
The Oppression, Fall and Death of Another Black Diva, Phyllis Hyman
The late beautiful and spiritual Phyllis Hyman had an extraordinary voice and a remarkably stunning 6’2″ presence.
Phyllis was signed to Buddha Records, which was owned by Arista when Clive Davis was president of the label.
During the four years that Hyman was under Davis’ mentorship, she came to loathe him.
According to some, Phyllis was a very proud and opinionated woman who enraged Davis, who was rumored to be a closeted homosexual pedophile.
Hyman was reportedly stunned that Clive Davis would not give her R&B ballads a chance.
Hyman re-recorded the Stylistics hit “Betcha By Golly Wow”.
She thought its success would demonstrate a continuing trend of R&B success for the future.
Davis, however, had a different global agenda that could be manipulated and controlled through pop music.
He wanted to control Hyman’s music, content, and message.
Davis demanded that she abandon the R&B and jazz genres with their deep African roots and influences; crossover and sell and promote corporate-controlled pop music.
Queen Divine as she knew herself, Hyman rebelled and was deliberately left unrecorded for four years to suppress her message.
She couldn’t sign with another label because of her contractual obligations to Clive Davis and Arista.
Like Michael Jackson, George Michael and others at Sony-Arista Records tried to destroy Hyman’s career by deleting her key albums and CDs.
They also conspired to prevent her from recording full-length albums elsewhere.
During Phyllis’ legal battles with Arista, Clive Davis promoted Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin, Angelea Bofill and a 22-year-old Whitney Houston in 1985.
In June 1995, 46-year-old Phyllis Hyman was found dead in her New York apartment.
The coroner listed the cause of death as an intentional overdose of pentobarbital and secobarbital (sleeping pills).
Five months after her death, Clive Davis released her last album, “I Refuse to Be Lonely“.
The album debuted at number 12 on the Billboard R&B Albums chart and peaked at number 67 on the Billboard 200.
As for Phyllis Hyman, no one seemed to question her death and look for the devil in the details.
If anyone wanted her dead, it was Clive Davis.
Queen Diva had been extremely vocal and public in exposing Clive Davis as a high-level pedophile.
The Fall of the Black Diva
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Clive Davis spoke at the funeral of Whitney Houston.
He said that he received Whitney Houston in his private bungalow at the same Beverly Hilton Hotel on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, before her death.
He specifically noted that she was without security.
It appears that after being alone in Clive Davis’ private bungalow on Tuesday, she began exhibiting and acting out bizarre behavior on Wednesday through Thursday, February 9, 2012.
It has been established that Clive Davis financially sponsored Whitney’s week-long stay at the hotel prior to the Grammys.
She was contracted to be one of his scheduled performers for his pre-Grammy party.
It was Clive Davis who dragged Whitney into the notoriously corrupt LADP jurisdiction and venue.
Whitney checked into the hotel with an entourage of family, friends and associates, but no security.
If Whitney didn’t have security, it was apparently by design.
It was the way Clive Davis wanted it.
The Luciferian/Illuminati elite wanted her alone, without professional eyes and ears.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Whitney Houston false pretext to murder : “I’m a cougar !”
After Whitney Houston’s death, some are still trying to figure out why Whitney collapsed, speculating that her cause of death could have been a downward spiral after seeing Ray J talking to US ‘X Factor’ contestant, 42-year-old Stacy Francis.
On February 9, Whitney attended rehearsals for Davis’ pre-Grammy celebration.
However, prior to the rehearsals, Whitney made what appeared to be a filmed desperate appeal to Brandy, discussed below.
After the rehearsals, she ended up at Ray J’s hotel room before going to Kelly Price’s pre-Grammy party “For the Love of R&B Grammy Party” at the Tru Club.
At the club, Whitney got into a very public and explosive argument with Stacy Francis about Ray J.
A witness described Whitney going berserk and loudly yelling :
“This is my man !
I’m a cougar !
Bitch, get away from my man !”
Francis claims that even though she tried to reason with Houston that there was nothing going on between her and Ray J – they are old family friends going back 20 years – Houston kept yelling at Francis.
This irrational and uncharacteristic “I’m a cougar” stuff really doesn’t make any sense if she really cared about him.
Does it ?
Unless it was an implanted alter state.
According to Francis, Whitney, who was reportedly extremely sweaty and visibly out of control, got in her face and yelled:
“Why are you here ?
Who’s the bitch ?”
Whitney continued the tirade, which continued to spiral out of control, and reportedly put her hand in Francis’ face and pushed her forehead.
Francis then allegedly pushed Houston back, while Ray J and security guards tried to pull Houston away from Francis.
At some point during the altercation, Houston fell against the stage and scratched her leg.
Where is Whitney’s security ?
Whitney Houston, “Who’s the bitch ?”
People reportedly pleaded with Whitney to calm down, but she continued to spiral out of control and the two women began pushing and shoving each other.
What is so incredibly bizarre and strange about Whitney’s behavior is that she knew exactly who X Factor Stacy Francis was.
According to Francis, she and Houston had had a pleasant chat about her and the X-Factor show minutes earlier at the club.
Francis even reportedly showed Houston a picture of her 1-year-old baby, and the award-winning entertainer reportedly mentioned how much she loved her only child, Bobbi Kristina.
Recently, Stacy revealed on Dr. Drew (Drew Pinsky) on CNN that she was pulled over to the stage area later that night where Whitney and Ray J were standing.
She said that something had happened to Whitney.
Dr. Drew then jumped in and suggested that Whitney’s paranoia had suddenly been “triggered” and then stopped because he had been pushing the illusion on the air that Whitney had been acting out the disease of drug and alcohol addiction all along.
It seems strange that the mass media never revealed who was in Whitney Houston’s entourage at the club.
We are also led to believe that Ray J just happened to be there.
Above, Whitney was described as sweating profusely and disheveled when she left the Tru nightclub after the incident with Stacy.
The sweating is suggestive of post-hypnotic symptomatic “chills” and amnesia barriers, best illustrated by the Manchurian Candidate Sirhan Sirhan’s demeanor coming out of an altar (sweating disordered among other things) immediately after the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
In the picture above, she appears uncharacteristically calm and collective, as if nothing had happened.
Whitney must have been triggered into an altered state of consciousness (Cougar Alter).
You can see Whitney Houston in the classic calming down after an alter personality takeover, indicating that she was indeed acting under “hypnotic suggestion and compulsion” deliberately triggered by Ray J.
It is also interesting to note that there is no recorded Whitney Houston reaction to the Stacy Francis incident, either verbal or written.
One would think that her side of the story would have been pursued by the mass media.
I suggest that it doesn’t exist because she couldn’t remember or recall the incident due to implanted amnesia barriers, just like the Manchurian Candidate, Sirhan Sirhan.
In this case, the girl in the polka dot dress was Ray J.
Whitney had been deliberately triggered into the cougar alter to set the stage and create a false pretext (jealousy) for her murder.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Back at the Beverly Hilton on Friday night, Whitney Houston was reportedly partying with her daughter Bobbi Kristina, Ray J and Houston’s goddaughter Brandi Burnside.
Brandi is believed to be a “sex toy” of major black pro-atheists from Chris Stoke’s MK Ultra/Monarch barn discussed below.
At approximately 12:30 a.m., according to a TMZ report, friends of Bobbi Kristina tried repeatedly to knock on her door Friday night…but she didn’t answer.
They said they called security to get them to unlock the door and help them get Bobbi out of the tub.
This was on the same floor of the hotel where Whitney was found dead the next day.
They were told that the room Bobbi Kristina was in was registered under Whitney’s name.
Bobbi Kristina had been found unconscious in the bathtub just hours before her mother died the same way.
It is also imperative to remember that Bobbi Kristina was found dead in the exact same manner 3 years later.
Undoubtedly, Bobbi Kristina was also drugged.
It could have been either Bobbi’s or Whitney’s life for the Freemasons/Illuminati.
However, we know as in the case of Bruce Lee.
“They will take your seed, Brando Lee, too”.
Nevertheless, the common thread in the attempted murder of Bobbi Kristina and and the death of Whitney Houston is Ray J.
Some sources in the Hip Hop community have reason to believe that Ray J is a protected major Black Hip Hop and HollyWeird drug dealer and Whitney’s source and illegal drugs.
Whitney Houston & Brandy – Monarch sex-kitten
To set the stage to explain Ray J and the false pretext in the death of the Black Diva, let’s first look at his famous sister, Brandy.
On Thursday, February 9, 2012, just 2 days before her death, Whitney Houston reportedly crashed an E! interview while Clive Davis was talking to Brandy and R&B singer Monica.
Some described Whitney’s behavior as “a little manic” and odd as she told Monica about swimming “2 hours a day” and conspicuously handed a note to Brandy.
“The 48-year-old was strangely frazzled (stressed out) as she told daughter Bobbi Kristina to come say hello to “godfather” Davis”.
Meanwhile, Brandy had no noticeable reaction to the message, but is seen hugging Whitney at the end of the clip.
Brandy is the older sister of 31-year-old “Sexy Can I?” singer Ray J, so maybe it was something personal, but no one but the two women know what was written on the note.
However, Brandy seemed a bit surprised when Whitney’s quick hand suddenly handed her the note.
She looked at it briefly, then was filmed quickly handing the note to an off-stage assistant.
Not surprisingly, Brandy refuses to discuss the contents of the note.
In a 2004 issue of Vibe magazine, Brandy appeared on the cover of Vibe magazine prostrating herself to a higher power in what some described as a “mystical” move.
On the cover, she has a tattoo of a large monarch butterfly on her spine.
The image positions the monarch hovering over her head.
The overall positioning of the Monarch Butterfly and her prostrate position indicate that Brandy has undergone the Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Monarch Sex Slave mind control programming.
In short :
“Monarch” programming (I use that as a loose term for organized trauma-based mind control; not necessarily under the specific umbrella of CIA Project Monarch) to be used as child sex slaves for “elite” and government pedophiles”.
Brandy’s hand symbol is the sign of an occult pagan worship personality level.
The hand symbol is down in what appears to be the female vulvar goddess position.
HollyWeird stars are often implanted with complex triggers that set off personality switches.
They can be an upstanding member of a community, then murder someone on command with an alter, and then switch back to the primary personality who has no memory of committing a crime.
Most mind control slaves also have numerous alters to keep them in line.
For example, if a primary alter begins to discover what is happening and attempts to rebel or break, a suicide alter will be triggered to keep the primary alter in line and protect it from exposure.
Brandy’s implanted MK Ultra/Monarch self-destruct alter is unbelievably protracted and revealed in darkened black and white in an extremely rare public situation in one of those “don’t believe your lying eyes” moments.
The images below show the programming of the self-destruct alter, the self-destruct level from primary to alter, and then alter to primary personality.
These pictures are worth a thousand words that give a greater insight into what was going on with Whitney Houston’s implanted self-destruct alters that began to engulf her just days before her ritual death on Grammy night.
I suspect that the self-destruct programming began on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at Clive Davis’ Beverly Hilton bungalow when Whitney was alone – no security – no bodyguards.
Undoubtedly, Whitney’s note to Brandy moments before she was killed was her desperate, lonely cry for help.
Whitney Houston’s murder took place on February 11th, Brandy’s 33rd birthday.
Whitney’s death and her phone call to Brandy just days before her murder didn’t stop her show.
Dressed in black, Brandy partied the night away on her 33rd birthday with Ray J, Whitney’s last plea for help, and friends at the Supperclub in Hollywood. There may be some occult significance to the number 33 (33rd degree).
At the end of all of Whitney’s implanted nightmares, Ray J was to set up the false pretense of jealousy as a justification for her own self-destruction through drugs and alcohol.
Ray J-Jesus was the implanted trigger of Whitney’s self-destructive alters.
In the days leading up to her death, Whitney was desperately fighting against herself, as the Brandy implanted self-destruct alters above clearly demonstrate.
Whitney Houston told friends she “really wanted to see Jesus” in the days before her death … and claimed she had a feeling the end was near for her … according to several of Whitney’s friends.
TMZ has learned … Whitney was very spiritual in her final days, quoting the Bible, singing hymns and having intense conversations with her close friends and family about Jesus Christ and life after death.
We’re told …. On Friday, the day after her performance of “Jesus Loves Me” at the Tru nightclub in Hollywood, Whitney told one of her friends, “I’m going to see Jesus… I want to see Jesus“.
The next morning, hours before her death, Whitney was discussing a Bible passage about John the Baptist and Jesus… when Houston flashed a big smile and remarked, “You know, he’s so cool… I really want to see this Jesus“.
Another source tells us… Whitney had told friends that she “felt her time was coming“… and wanted to make sure she spent her time praising her Lord and Savior whenever she could.
Sadly, Whitney’s premonition came true.
It wasn’t a premonition.
It was mind control programming.
Brandy couldn’t tell what was in Whitney’s note.
The devil is in the details.
She is part of the cover-up and the conspiracy.
She sold her soul in an Illuminati pact for fame and fortune.
Her brother, Ray J, had to be part of the package.
They would do anything for paper (money, fame) and would gladly join Lucifer’s servants in any project, even if it involved murder, the murder of Whitney Houston.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
At approximately 3:55 p.m., an unnamed hairdresser reportedly became alarmed that Whitney was still in the bathroom after an hour.
At the time of her death, two of her bodyguards finally appear in her room.
It’s far too late.
One of them, Ray, had pulled her out of the tub.
Strangely, he remembers that she was already cold.
Cold ?
It is also reported that Whitney’s face was under the water and her legs were up, as if she had slid down the back of the tub.
She was drugged unconscious like Bobbi Kristina.
Or she was drugged and then slid under the water, but why would her legs be straight up ?
There were two people in room 434 the afternoon she died.
One person ate a hamburger, fries and drank a Heineken.
The other person had eaten a turkey sandwich.
The other person had been her secret companion that everyone was so quiet about.
It is also interesting to note that the Beverly Hilton has fired most of its low-level employees who covered the times and events surrounding Whitney Houston’s stay at the hotel.
Below, the Illuminati’s aggressive efforts to stop an aggressive independent investigative journalist from getting too close to the Whitney Houston death investigation is led by occultist Roman Polanski defender Whoopi Goldberg.
After hearing Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew ask some probing questions about Whitney Houston’s death on CNN, Goldberg rushed on the air to aggressively stifle independent mass media inquiries and questions about Whitney Houston’s death ; such as who was with her in the room at the time of her death, supplying her with drugs, and possibly pushing her underwater.
It is highly unusual for a network like ABC to aggressively attack the journalistic independence of another network like CNN.
Yet ABC did it.
They personally attacked Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew, and CNN appears to have dropped its independent investigative journalistic interests in the Whitney Houston murder.
Why ?
Furthermore, Whitney Houston’s note is material evidence.
It would be possible evidence of her state of mind immediately prior to her death.
Why is Brandy holding on to it like it’s not a murder investigation ?
Why isn’t the media, LAPS and the coroner’s office interested in the note to determine Whitney Houston’s state of mind prior to her death ?
It’s about that MK Ultra/Luciferian boy toy, Ray J.
It intentionally shows an upright Masonic pyramid hand symbol.
One day, while channel surfing, I came across a show called “The Love of Ray J
I wondered who this Ray J was supposed to be.
Ray J seems to be a Hip Hop poster boy for the Illuminati, who I call “Little Lucifer”.
The 5′ 7″ Willie Ray Norwood, Jr. was born on January 17, 1981 in McComb, Mississippi.
He is the son of a gospel singer and the younger brother of award-winning R&B star Brandy.
Ray J is a musician and rapper-singer without any outstanding musical talent that I could point to or hit records.
However, Ray J is infamously known for being a sexual partner of Kim Kardashian in a February 2007 porn home movie.
The home movie seemed to have been deliberately leaked to the public to create a sensation and publicity.
The Ray J and Kim sex tape was not an innocently leaked consensual act between two adults.
The porn film put both Ray J and Kim Kardashian on the roadmap to celebrity status as the mass media darlings of the hip-hop generation to push the moral paradigm to the breaking point.
Kim is the daughter of the late Robert Kardashian.
Kimberly Noel was born on October 21, 1980 in Los Angeles, California.
Robert Kardashian, most likely linked to the Russian-Armenian Mafia, was one of O.J. Simpson’s best friends and one of his attorneys in the infamous Los Angeles murder trials.
Kim’s family background is literally dysfunctional.
Robert Kardashian died on Sept. 30. 2003, eight weeks after being diagnosed with esophageal cancer.
Kim, above, playing another classic MK Ultra/Monarch Sex Kitten Black Cat theme and alter.
Little Lucifer, above, has been linked to an underground MK Ultra/Monarch-type boy farm associated with Los Angeles music producer/manager and filmmaker Chris Stokes.
Musician Raz B of B2K exposed the boy farm in a series of YouTube accusations and allegations.
In March 2003, B2K was voted “Favorite Group” at Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards and won two Soul Train Awards for Best R&B/Soul Single (Group, Band or Duo) and Best R&B/Soul Album.
Raz B accused Stokes, below left, of ritualistically abusing her as a sex toy.
Raz B then secretly recorded a conversation between himself, Ray J and Young Buck.
Young Buck is a former member of G-Unit.
Ray J, Raz B and Young Buck.
Young Buck, bottom right.
Clearly, Raz B understands that Ray J and Young Buck are getting loaded together.
He also understands that the contact with Ray J is through Young Buck.
The game and Young Buck are caught in a really weird and suspicious HollyWeird moment.
Young Buck shows that he can offer little to no resistance to the overly aggressive game, and the game knows it.
Monica Leon, aka Danger, from Ray J’s VH1 reality TV dating show “For The Love of Ray J,” was the first to publicly reveal that Ray J and Young Buck were secret lovers.
After that, Danger was probably committed to a mental hospital until she stopped publicly exposing multi-billion dollar HollyWeird Illuminati moments.
Raz B implied in one of his tapes that Ray J was also one of Stokes’ sex toys from the factory.
On Raz B’s tape, you can hear Ray J desperately begging Raz to clear his name in the whole molestation fiasco.
To support Raz B’s accusations, a photo of Stokes’ boy group Immature/IMX in bed was leaked.
If you are familiar with the Franklin Credit Union Cover-Up MK-Ultra Pedophile Scandal, the image above is eerily similar to the image below that was exposed in the Johnny Gosch kidnapping case.
On the tape, Ray J clearly told Raz B that the Chris Stokes thing needed to be squashed before it got out of hand and led to other things (Pandora’s box).
He told Raz B that among the powerful, rich and famous who had his back were the ABC television network, VH-1, Steve Rinfkind, Oprah, Gayle King and Sarah Palin.
On the tape, Ray J is clearly heard exposing the hip-hop music industry as being secretly controlled by a powerful underground homosexual subculture.
“I’m getting a lot of paper now.
I can’t diss anybody that’s homosexual in any way.If you like men, if you like women, whatever.
You do what you do, I respect you, I love you.I f*ck with a lot of niggas and females than homosexuals and bisexuals, thats cool.
So I don’t ever want to get it twisted like I’m saying it ain’t cool to do sh*t and cross that line.
And then on top of all that, I got the head of VH1 and I got the head of some other n*ggas on some fruity sh*t.Calling me, trying to get my number, taking me out on dates, and I don’t need that sh*t either.
It’s going down because of the rumors and I’m in a f*cked up position.Because I will never go out and say anything in the name of the f*ggot or anything like that.
Anything you say like that, your career is over.
Because the people that are in this world run the industry”.
Little Lucifer also seems to have had Clive Davis’ back.
Here is Ray J and one of the main devils in the details of Whitney Houston’s assassination strangely huddled on the third floor of the Beverly Hilton at the very moment the Black Diva is being slaughtered upstairs on the 4th floor.
Ray J said he was at the Beverly Hilton helping Clive Davis, pictured with an unknown woman, set up for his pre-Grammy party.
But when Whitney was found dead.
Ray J was allowed to sneak out of the hotel.
It is not clear why Little Lucifer felt the need to mark the occasion with black and the number (3) three.
I believe it was part of his organized planning and then mere coincidence.
In the occult, three is the “balance of unities”.
It would be spirit, mind, body ; Father, Son, Holy Ghost ; past, present, future ; or creator, destroyer, sustainer.
Three can also represent the promise of new adventures and the assurance of the cooperation of others from whom you may need help.
Three typically symbolizes reward and success in most endeavors.
In Christianity, an “unholy trinity” consists of Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.
There is another devil in the details, the “power of one.
Both Whitney and Ray J received some form of mind control programming involving the concept of the “Power of One”.
It is essentially the programmed use of the power of one’s mind to control auras to protect, attract, influence, maim or kill.
It can be used to control oneself, others, and the environment.
No doubt little Lucifer, above, is afraid of the hulking Game.
Ray J invokes the mental exercise “Power of One” to overcome his fear of the Game.
Conversely, as in the case of Whitney Houston, the “Power of One” can be used by a dominant MPD alternate personality (Implanted Cougar Alter) to control the primary personality and other alters.
Saturday night, February 11, 2012
The Scarlet Woman & Clive Davis’ Pre-Grammy Celebration
There is a lot of speculation on the Internet about the ritual sacrifice of Whitney Houston and Queen Elizabeth nonsense.
However, there is no doubt that on the evening of Saturday, February 11, 2011, while the Black Diva lay dead in a Beverly Hilton hotel room, 800 mostly white guests, Alicia Keys and other black entertainers, one floor below, were chillingly celebrating her death.
One of Satan’s latest occult playgirls, Alicia Keys with the “Devil Horns” and the “Veiled Eye of Horus” was the headliner at the Clive Davis affair.
Above she is dressed for the occasion.
She is dressed in red, the color of the oriental dragon.
She is also telling the world that she has reached a new low.
She has taken another bite of the forbidden fruit, “Adam’s apple”.
In the Garden of Eden, Adam participated in universal sin by eating the red apple.
The color of the apple in religion, Greek mythology and history was red.
The color red is also the color of symbolic sacrifice.
“And they stripped him and clothed him in scarlet robes“. Matthew 27:28.
It is also one of the colors of the scarlet woman of Revelation [Revelation 17:1-6].
Red is also the color of the blood sacrifice.
Sunday February 12, 2012
Grammys, The Whore of Babylon, Roman Polanski & the Sharon Tate Murders
The next day, Sunday, February 12, 2012, while Whitney Houston lies dead in the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office, Luciferian/Illuminati Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Nicky Minaj enters the Grammy’s ceremony also dressed in scarlet (color of blood stains) as the Whore of Babylon of Revelation with a Roman Catholic Pope.
The red dress has an image of the figure most likely Medusa from Greek mythology.
Medusa was a legendary gorgon, a monster.
Nicky performed a ceremony at the Grammy’s called “The Exorcism of Roman” which I believe was directly related to the symbolic sacrifice of the Black Diva Messiah.
One of Nicky Minaj’s widely publicized alter MPD personalities is Roman Polanski.
Actually, it is ABC’s The View-Whoopi Goldberg’s friend and her former boyfriend’s satanic mentor, Roman Polanski, the devil in the details.
They do not play games.
Roman Polanski is a notorious elite fugitive pedophile and powerful international Luciferian.
In the 1960s, Polanski was part of an extremely dangerous and sinister Hollywood star-studded satanic coven in Laurel Canyon near Lookout Mountain that has been linked to the 1968 CIA assassination of U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy ; and convicted MK ULTRA mass murderer Charles Manson.
The Laurel Canyon Coven of Lookout Mountain has also been linked to drug trafficking, mind control child sex slaves, pornography, snuff films, murder, and the occult of the Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.
Polanski produced and directed two of the most notorious secret Luciferian initiation rites and occult horror films in history, Rosemary’s Baby (1968) and the Ninth Gate (1999).
Polanski was born in Paris, France in 1933.
During Nazi rule in Eastern Europe, Polanski’s mother was murdered in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
His father barely survived the Austrian concentration camp Mauthausen-Gusen.
In 1977, after a photo shoot (child pornography) at actor Jack Nicholson‘s home near Lookout Mountain, Polanski was arrested for drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl.
He was charged with rape, but pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a minor.
To avoid sentencing, Polanski fled to his home in London and then to France the next day.
It is interesting to note that the prosecution’s star witness against Polanski was actress Anjelica Huston, daughter of Hollywood actor and director John Huston.
Anjelica was the girlfriend of the demented Bob Richardson, above, father of the notorious Satanist-Nazi-loving fashion icon photographer of Barack Obama and Kanye West, Terry Richardson.
All belong to a secret, powerful, international satanic coven.
Ninth Gate, like Polanski’s 1968 Rosemary’s Baby [which summons the Great Beast, Aleister Crowley’s Moonchild (Satan’s offspring)], is a slick, covert Luciferian initiation rite film.
The Ninth Gate is designed to subliminally draw in the unsuspecting and lead and initiate them into and through the Nine Gates of Hell.
So why is Nicki Minaj, in an exorcism, resurrecting an international fugitive, Roman Polanski, in the mass media on the day that Whitney Houston died ?
Lucifer’s servants do not play games : the satanic murders of Sharon Tate
In 1969, Polanski and his Luciferian coven were involved in one of the most infamous, horrific mass murder satanic sacrifices in American history, the Sharon Tate murders.
On August 9, 1969, Sharon Tate, Victim 1, was eight and a half months pregnant when she and her unborn child were brutally slaughtered in her home along with four others by followers of Charles Manson.
Tate was married to Roman Polanski.
Sharon was two weeks pregnant.
She begged the killers to at least save the baby.
The unborn child died in her womb.
The horrific mass murders took place in their home near Lookout Mountain at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon.
One of their victims, Abigail Folger, Victim 2, must have fought bravely and desperately to save her life.
She was found bloody and dead just outside the house.
Folger suffered massive and gruesome stab wounds to the face from the assassins.
They do not play games.
Tate and her former lover, the notorious hairdresser to the stars, Jay Thomas Sebring, Victim 3, were hung from the ceiling rafters, stabbed, tortured and strangled to death.
Their outside victim, Wojciech Frykowski, Victim 4, was also found outside the house, bloody, brutally beaten and stabbed to death.
Downstairs, Steven Parent, 18, had just arrived at the scene to visit the Polanskis’ dog groomer in a back house.
He was also murdered, stabbed, and shot in the head.
He became the infamous 5th victim at 10050 Cielo Drive.
As they left, the satanic killers used a towel dipped in Sharon Tate’s blood to write “Death to Pigs” on the wall and “Pig” on the front door.
Preston Guillory, a former Los Angeles sheriff’s deputy, reportedly revealed:
“A few weeks before the [Spahn Ranch] raid, we were told not to arrest Manson or any of his followers – the reason he was left on the street was because our department thought he was going to launch an attack on the Black Panthers”.
The satanic carnage didn’t end at Cielo Drive.
On August 10, 1969, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were brutally murdered in their home near Laurel Canyon and Hollywood.
War (racial) was carved out of Leno’s body.
As the satanic assassins left with the blood of the LaBiancas, they left a false call to arms on the wall of the house, again “Death to Pigs”.
Charles Manson’s handlers and the Aleister Crowley’s “Ordo Templi Orientis” (OTO), the Process Church, wanted to start a race war.
The followers of Manson’s satanic cult were sent to sadistically kill part of Polanski’s Luciferian coven, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, Wojciech Frykowski, and make it look like the Black Panthers did it.
They were murdered and sacrificed in such a horrible way to shock the world into starting Helter Skelter, the apocalyptic race war, and the wholesale extermination of black people.
The many strange faces of Tex Watson
Charles “Tex” Watson is widely believed to have been one of the main butchers in the satanic Tate and LaBrianca murders.
Tex came to California sometime in the summer of 1967.
He was in the same Hollywood-Beverly Hills business as Jay Sebring in hair products.
Tex co-owned Crown Wig Creations on the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.
In the fall of 1968, Tex joined the Manson Family after allegedly meeting, but most likely setting up, with Charles Manson at the Beach Boys’ Dennis Wilson’s house in Laura Canyon.
Polanski’s old Polish friend Wojciech Frykowski and Jay Sebring were involved in the Beverly Hills/Los Angeles drug trade, linked to the Canadian Mafia through the infamous French Connection.
Polanski’s inner circle regularly supplied Tex and the Manson Family with drugs, including “Orange Sunshine” LSD.
Tex wrote in his prison memoir, Will You Die for Me, that it was the use of Orange Sunshine LSD that finally convinced him that Manson’s apocalyptic vision of Helter Skelter was real.
Orange Sunshine was primarily manufactured and distributed by a group known as “The Brotherhood of Eternal Love,” which operated out of a beach resort near Los Angeles.
One of the Brotherhood’s principal drug manufacturers and dealers was Ronald Hadley Stark of New York.
The Brotherhood was controlled by Ronald Stark, who an Italian high court concluded had been a CIA agent since 1960.
Brotherhood funds were channeled through the Castle Bank in the Bahamas, a known CIA “property”.
Stark had been secretly assigned to a CIA project later revealed to be MK Ultra.
In addition, Sharon Tate was a known and established “witch” who was initiated into witchcraft in London on the set of the Polanski directed film, The Fearless Vampire Killers, by Alexander Saunders, “King of the Witches”.
Saunders had received direct “training” as a child from the Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.
The Polanski home was a known haven for a coven that practiced witchcraft and regularly performed satanic rituals and ceremonies, including Tex and the Manson family.
Manson family member Susan Atkins, above, was also a well-known and notorious Mendocino County “witch” who was part of Polanski’s secret satanic coven.
Susan “Sexy Sadie” Atkins, who admitted to stabbing Sharon Tate, was also an adept of the notorious Satanist Anton Szandor LeVay, Church of Satan. Below, Susan Atkins, nude, in a 1966 satanic ritual with her Luciferian mentor, Anton LeVay.
LeVay, below left, with the familiar demonic hypnotic stare, was the technical advisor on Polanski’s legendary Rosemary’s Baby, which also starred Sharon Tate in a small role, and is widely believed to have played the Devil in the film.
After Tex was extradited from Texas to face murder charges, a self-destruct or termination alter personality took over Tex’s primary personality to protect his MK Ultra handlers, the sources of his mind control programming.
In October 1970, Tex was committed to Atascadero State Hospital.
He was found insane and incompetent to stand trial.
According to one report, the then 24-year-old was “turning into a vegetable.
He was fed through a tube, had lost 50 pounds, and would stare into space and giggle.
A UPI story quoted the report : “He remains mute and nonverbal,” it said.
“At times he appears to understand and tears well up in his eyes”.
He was subsequently tried and convicted of murder, but his handlers remain unknown.
We do know, however, that Tex lived at 8584 Wonderland Avenue for 5-6 months after arriving in California and before joining the Manson Family in the fall of 1968.
The secret and classified facility is located at 8935 Lookout Mountain Blvd, just across the street and down the road from the infamous Wonderland Avenue in Laurel Canyon.
Lucifer’s Servants & the Secret Lookout Mountain Laboratory
For decades, the mountains and canyons overlooking Hollywood, especially Laurel Canyon, have hidden many things, from Wild West outlaws and racist “White Knights” to a complete $4 million pre-World War II Nazi compound and fort.
Hidden in a valley in Laurel Canyon off Wonderland Park Avenue in the 1960s was a top-secret U.S. military propaganda machine, the Lookup Mountain Laboratory.
In 1941, the United States, Army Air Corps (1352d Motion Picture Squadron) secured a 21/2 acre, hidden from view site in Wonderland Park Valley, now Wonderland Park Avenue in Laurel Canyon, and turned it into a top secret, electrically fenced movie production house identified as the Lookup Mountain Laboratory.
In 1947, two years after the end of World War II, Lookout Lab operations suddenly included post-war propaganda for all branches of the U.S. military, indicating that it had come under the domain of the Pentagon.
The Lab was transformed into what was claimed to be the world’s only completely self-contained film studio.
With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults.
It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad, and a bomb shelter.
Lookup Mountain Laboratory also had something to do with the development of secret weapons test films for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
The facility’s existence wasn’t acknowledged until the early 1990s, even though it had produced some 19,000 government propaganda films and had the likes of John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe working there with top-secret clearances on “undisclosed projects” for national security.
Lookout Mountain Lab and CIA MK Ultra Mind Control
Svali, an alias, an Illuminati defector, revealed that there was a secret location in California where all the “trauma-based mind control” training films were made.
It was most likely the Lookout Mountain Lab, and the training films referred to were undoubtedly part of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control program, which would be extremely significant and consequential.
Hollywood civilian studio personnel from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, and RKO secretly worked alongside military personnel as producers, cameramen, and directors.
Top-secret experiments were conducted and military training films and documentaries were made here until the secret studio was suddenly shut down in 1969, most likely after or just before the Manson Family’s Helter Skelter project in the canyons.
The secret Fort Hunt Treaty between General Reinhard Gehlen, Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS, and the U.S. government created an unholy alliance with the Nazis regarding the nation’s national security.
Their collaboration led to the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Following the Fort Hunt Treaty, over tens of thousands of zealous Nazi scientists, doctors, technicians, military, intelligence, and counterintelligence specialists were secretly smuggled into the U.S. through Project Paperclip and then secretly embedded in federal national security departments, the military, and other U.S. agencies and departments, local governments, universities, hospitals, and corporations.
The National Security Act of July 26, 1947, officially created the CIA.
The Nazis, specifically the SS, Set-Baphomet Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun, officially went on the U.S. government taxpayer payroll, and operations at Lookout Lab suddenly expanded and increased significantly that same year.
I suspect that Lookout Lab was the result of another secret collaboration between the Nazis and the U.S. government.
It was an extension of Reich Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment Paul Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi propaganda machine into America.
Reichsminister Goebbels had been largely responsible for creating the Nazi mass media propaganda program to control public and world opinion to, among other things ; spin the rise of the mythical Fuehrer, expand Nazi Germany’s Wotan (Aryan Supremacy) paganism, and mask and conceal its vast military and intelligence global aggression war machine for world domination ; racial genocide of Jews and people of color.
The 2012 Super Bowl & the Rise of the Dark Forces of Baphomet
Above, “Rise” written in the blood of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca.
Don’t overlook the CIA’s Occult Bureau, which played a major role in the development of Nicki Minaj’s Satanic-themed Grammy production ; and Madonna’s Kemetic (Egyptian) themed 2012 Super Bowl halftime show, which I call the Rise of Set (Baphomet).
By now there should be no question that Nicki Minaj is one of Baphomet/Lucifer’s servants, appearing on the set as one of Madonna’s ceremonial Rise of the Devil.
But I wondered about British rapper M.I.A. (Mathangi Arulpragasam), who is of Sri Lankan Tamil descent.
She has an extremely impressive record of philanthropy in the motherland.
However, she has undoubtedly undergone some form of MK Ultra mind control programming involving the direct whitewashing and suppression of the “melanin magic” and the pineal gland.
I am not sure if her expression at the Super Bowl was directed at America’s racist imperialist war machine or a message from the God of Evil and Chaos, Set-Seth; and his conspirators, the Guardians of Darkness to the Keepers of Justice, Peace and Divine Order?
M.I.A. is directly connected to Benjamin Bronfman.
He is the son of Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Chairman-CEO of Warner Music Group and billionaire heir to the Seagram fortune, and black actress Sherry “Peaches” Brewer.
Yes, the same elite and powerful Bronfman Oligarchy of the Illuminati.
Get this.
Whitney Houston’s cousin and Luciferian psychic, Dionne Warwick, introduced the two.
As in the days of old, Set-Lucifer seeks to destroy the balance of order, justice, peace and harmony on Earth; and to reign in evil and chaos.
Once again, Set-Seth and the Guardians of Darkness are scouring the Earth to murder the sons and daughters of the Divine Order.
I don’t believe that anything of such national/international implications and proportions goes over the public airwaves without the approval and cooperation of the Agency and U.S. Homeland Security.
It is also clearly unqualified documentation and incontrovertible evidence that the FBI’s Cointelpro was a major covert Luciferian program initiated to suppress the rise of the mysterious “Black Messiah” who would unite the world in universal peace, justice and harmony.
The FBI’s COINTELPRO memo of March 4, 1968 remains completely arbitrary.
It targets anyone, both heroes and heroines, who might unite and electrify the masses.
The infamous COINTELPRO Target Memo is so broad that it even targets Whitney Houston, the “divine” of the entertainment industry.
So says the official government record.
The covert war against the “Divine” and the “Black Messiah” was and remains a secret policy of the U.S. government.
Roman Polanski was one of the secret “Boys of Lookout Mountain”.
He is a Luciferian High Priest.
However, the Luciferian fascination with Polanski is not his legendary Satanic initiation films, but his connection and sacrifice of his wife and unborn child to one of America’s most legendary horrific murders of the 20th century, the infamous Sharon Tate murders.
There may have been more gruesome and horrific murders, but these were the paradigm-shifting murders of human beings that set the stage for and justified a government campaign of inhuman terror against black people; and signaled the downfall of the entire hippie peace flower generation of the 1960s.
Lucifer’s Servants Play No Game : The Great Beast 666 Aleister Crowley & Jack the Ripper
Roman Polanski is not unlike the Luciferian secret fascination in the Great Beast 666 Aleister Crowley.
Crowley is associated with the world’s most legendary and horrific murders of the 19th century, the Whitechapel murders of Jack the Ripper in London.
Crowley was about 13 years old at the time of the murders.
Both waves of satanic terror involved 5 (five) brutally murdered victims to shock the consciousness of the human race.
Occultists believe that the number 5 is the number of death.
The number 5 is a characteristic of man.
First, according to the cabal, it is the number of the perfect man (free from his animal side).
According to the Bible, it is the symbol of the Man-God through the five wounds of Christ on the cross (that is why it is also considered the number of grace).
But it is also associated with man in general (2 + 3), having an unstable character of duality, 2, in spite of his divinity, 3.
Mary Ann Nichols, August 31th, 1888, Jack the Ripper’s first victim.
Annie Chapman, September 8th, 1888, Jack the Ripper, 2nd victim.
Crowley claimed to have personal information regarding Jack the Ripper’s identity.
Catherine Eddowes, Whitechapel, September 30th, 1888, Jack the Ripper, 3rd victim.
“It was London, 1888.
A teenage boy called “Little Eddie” went to work with red stains on his hands.
Little Eddie was a sex worker, a new attraction at the boys’ brothel on Cleveland Street.He was the latest teacher’s pet of the aristocratic gay community.
But he took it the wrong way.When he arrived at his birthday party with blood on his hands, some gentlemen wondered if it was from a dog bite or the beak of Poe’s raven.
But others knew better.
It was London, 1888, and the horrors of Whitechapel weighed heavily on everyone’s mind.Some men suddenly realized that “Jack the Ripper” was a teenager”.
Elizabeth Stride, Whitechapel, September 30th, 1888, Jack the Ripper, 4th victim.
Prince Eddy of the British royal family (Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale) was sometimes said to visit the sauna baths on Cleveland Street.
But there was another Little Eddie in the same dark apartment.
He was one of the telegraph messenger “rent boys” or liveried squires who filled the baths and washed the towels (according to “Jack the Ripper : The Final Solution” by Stephen Knight, published in 1976).
When the stabbing rumors started, he changed his name and slipped through the police dragnet.
Edward Alexander Crowley changed his name to “Aleister” when he was about 14 years old.
Mary Jane Kelly became Jack the Ripper’s infamous 5th victim in Whitechapel on November 9, 1888.
Among the underground, Crowley was known to be in secret possession of a bloody talisman given to him by Jack the Ripper that had acquired magical properties.
I seriously doubt that the Great Beast was Jack the Ripper.
But he was there.
I believe that he was part of the secret British Royal Family-Satanic Whitechapel cleaning team of the affairs of Prince Albert and the Whitechapel prostitutes; and the British Royal Crown was indebted to him for this service and the secrets he kept.
I certainly believe that the Great Beast knew who he or they were.
Thus, the mysterious significance of Madonna’s 2012 Super Bowl halftime show again highlights the popular rise of the Egyptian God Set (Baphomet).
Nicky Minaj’s ceremonial invocation and resurrection of an alter of Roman Polanski (Zolanski) at the Grammys celebrates the fall of the symbolic Black Diva-Messiah (Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, 17th Dynasty of Ta-Merry [Egypt]) and signals yet another generational united secret campaign among the followers of Set in the spirit of Roman Polanski (Greater Sacrifice) to promote a more vicious and covert war against the God, humanity, goals and aspirations of people of color on a global basis.
Before recorded time, the usurper Set mutilated his brother Osiris, a wise lord, king, and bringer of civilization.
Osiris’ wife, Isis, reassembled Osiris’ body and embalmed him. Osiris’ son Horus sought revenge on Set, and the ancient myths describe their conflicts to restore Osiris’ throne and peace and justice to the land of Kemet.
Queens of the 1st dynasty once bore the title “She Who Sees Horus and Set”.
The Pyramid texts present the Pharaoh as an amalgamation of the two deities.
Apparently, pharaohs believed that they balanced and reconciled competing cosmic principles, essentially order, peace, and justice, and chaos.
In the 15th dynasty, Kemet was invaded by the Hyskos, “rulers of foreign lands.
The invading Hyskos adopted the god Set-Seth [mythology] Chaos to represent their deity.
The god of evil and chaos, Set-Seth, and his conspirators, the Guardians of Darkness, sacked all the ancient lands for Queen Ahmose-Nefertari and the Black Osirian messianic lineages of the land who would oppose them and restore cosmic order to Kemet.
A terrible death was their fate if unearthed and exposed.
The Hyskos ruled the land for some 233 years, from the 15th to the 17th Dynasties of Kemet (1783-1550 BC).
Queen Ahmose-Nefertari reappeared in Kemet with her brother, Ahmose I, and they heroically drove the ruling Hyskos (Chaos) from Kemet in a series of bloody battles from south to north.
Kemet was restored.
The two competing cosmic principles of Order-Good and Chaos-Evil were once again balanced.
Queen Ahmose-Nefertari is the grandmother of the 18th Dynasty (the Golden Age of Kemet).
She remains one of the most revered and inspiring women in Kemetic (Egyptian) history, if one can keep quiet.
There is no doubt that America is out of symbolic cosmic balance, and the forces of darkness that rule the country continue the cosmic battle between God and evil of the ancients unabated.
They are slowly coming out of the darkness through the mass media as seen in the news, television, movies, music, and the 2012 Super Bowl halftime show, the Grammys, and the murders of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.
They are becoming more bold, brazen and tyrannical in their efforts to control the global masses with an iron fist of inhuman brutality and indifference.
Every god, figure or messianic musical voice like Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston (and also, for example, Prince and Bob Marley) who, like Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, promised symbolic order, love, peace and justice through their music have been mutilated, dismembered and destroyed.
Both Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston (as well as Prince, Bob Marley, George Michael, Michael Hutchence, John Lennon, Dolores O’Riordan, and many others) were surrounded by Lucifer’s minions.
Michael was drugged by MK Ultra like something out of the pages of Jonestown, kept in a coma until his life was extinguished.
Whitney Houston was maimed and dismembered with MK Ultra drugs and highly sophisticated and scientifically advanced COINTELPRO electronic harassment devices that slowly consumed her and left her haunted by demons.
But the fight is far from over.
There will be other symbolic symbols of justice and peace such as God’s Son Jesus, Queen Nefertaris, Ahmoses, Huey Ps, Dr. Kings, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houstons, Phyllis Hymans and Donny Hathaways and others who will resurface to lead us in the cosmic and spiritual battle against evil and chaos.
As Martin Luther King, Jr. said:
“A lie cannot live forever”.