November 17, 2024 Internet and virtual life, Totalitarianism
Privacy is simply the right to make personal decisions about one’s most intimate affairs.
Or to live our lives in isolation from any form of outside control.
What is privacy ? Why is it so important to defend ?

In recent years, we hear a lot of discussion about privacy.
But what is it really ?
And most importantly, why is it so important to defend ?
Everyone talks about it, but few really know what it means.
But few really know what it means.
An abstract noun.
But it is fundamental to the rights of all human beings.
It is not something tangible, nor something that can be measured in any way.
It is simply the right (which everyone should have) to keep out of one’s public life anything that one does not want to be a part of.
Big Brother, in the form of an increasingly powerful government and an increasingly influential private sector, piles up pretexts why privacy should give way to national security, public order, and the like.
The right to be left alone is the beginning of all liberty.
Obviously, a society in which there is no privacy at all, as is so desired by the current planetary “conspirators,” is not only intolerable, but unlivable.
Likewise, a society in which there is total privacy could never exist.
Therefore, a balance must be struck.
Privacy is simply the right to make personal decisions about one’s most intimate affairs.
Or to live our lives in isolation from any form of outside control.
In other words, anything that should remain in our private domain (or that we deem as such based on our personal opinions) should never be exposed to the public domain.
Or, even worse, at the mercy of individuals, political institutions, or, even worse, private corporations.
To be governed is to be observed, inspected, spied upon, directed, regulated, fenced in, indoctrinated, catechized, controlled, valued, evaluated, censored, and commanded by beings who have neither title, science, nor virtue.
To defend one’s privacy is not to have something to hide.
It means defending one’s freedom.