December 22, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Strange, isn’t it ?
War kills. Strange, isn’t it ?

It seems that many people are surprised (or rather, pretend to be surprised) when soldiers die in war.
Unfortunately, and I remind those who do not yet know this, ever since the world has existed in war, soldiers have always died.
War kills, it is strange, is it not?
Weapons are certainly not decorative knickknacks, but they are made specifically to kill.
Therefore, when a soldier decides to enlist and fight in certain parts of the world, he knows very well that he is in danger of being shot by some enemy ; and in that case, dying is certainly not a casual thing.
On the other hand, everyone should know by now that water makes you wet and fire burns…
On the other hand, it should give pause for thought that this war mission disguised as a peace mission is taking place in a part of the world that has always been in conflict throughout history, where the entire local economy revolves around the arms trade, where the Italian state has for years continued to invest public money as if in a bottomless pit, and where, in terms of personal feedback, no Italian citizen, apart from the arms sellers and a few politicians, has gained any economic benefit.
Strange, isn’t it ?
In an Italy that is dying more and more with each passing day, with social pensions at an all-time low, with health care, education and research in ruins, with more and more people struggling to find work and to get by, with the few resources available being taken away from those who really need them, the usual suspects are always favored.
And the “mercenaries” paid with public money to defend the interests of the merchants of death are given pages of heroic propaganda.