November 12, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Or their children will be there.
Violent people. Let’s not let these people ruin the lives of others
There are people who have adopted violence as a “normal” behavior in their daily lives.
In every situation, they reason in this way and follow a very simple rule :
“You must do as I say, speak as I want, or I will break your arms and the arms of all your friends”.

I have tried several times to have a dialogue with these people, to make them understand that their behavior is quite disgraceful, always using politeness and good manners.
But it is all in vain, because violent people see life only as hitting, intimidation, and above all, omertà.
Yes, that’s right, omertà : they are truly convinced that if someone were to witness their violence, they would either pretend that nothing happened or keep quiet for fear of being implicated in some way.
The problem is that such a message, when it becomes the common behavior of an entire people, is extremely dangerous.
One must never leave room for all those criminals who have now internalized violence and omertà.
It is necessary to have a firm and determined attitude towards them at all times, in order to neutralize their threats and harassment.
Otherwise, our peace of mind and that of the people around us will be lost.
Let us not allow the violent to ruin the lives of others.
One day we may find them at our door, doing to us exactly what they did to them.
Or their children will be there.