December 23, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Violence is not strength but weakness ; it cannot create, it can only destroy.
Violent humanity
When the value of money is placed above human life, it means that there is no respect for the person of others.
Only material goods count.
The decline is inexorable.
As we have clearly seen in the last four years, we have now passed the point of no return.
Unfortunately, this is a long-term trend.
Years ago we saw the warning signs of what we are now experiencing.

I am saddened by the increase in violence.
Especially the indifference that often accompanies it.
Violence often becomes a spectacle.
And it attracts more and more “bystanders”.
Today there is a tendency to show everything in the name of total superficiality.
Buffoons become heroes.
The queues to attend trials for the most heinous crimes.
Or the high ratings of television programmes that deal with “unusual” situations or facts.
Events that many people think are not to be missed.
Simply morbidity.
A sign of the times.
While people who really suffer from the violence they have suffered are pushed aside and forgotten.
But my pain is nothing compared to the grief and suffering of a victim.
Those who survive violence are forever scarred by it.