January 25, 2025 Artistic eroticism, Music
Music is universal.
Veronica’s Playlist. Music is universal

We all have songs in our hearts that we are more or less attached to.
That is why I decided to dedicate a post to a playlist of “my” songs, even if it is a very partial list.
This is regardless of whether they are my favorite authors in general or not.
In fact, sometimes I have enjoyed only one song from their albums.
This time I want to leave aside any esoteric/masonic meanings of the lyrics or videos : by now, after so many years, I know them quite well and believe that when one becomes aware of this, one automatically becomes immune to any subliminal messages.
The language of music is universal.
If we do not free ourselves from this very often insane spiral, we risk completely burning our past in the name of an insignificant present, an empty, aseptic future without any humanity.
Alberto Camerini – Sicurezza (paura della libertà)
An important message that the western world seems to have forgotten forever.
But in 1976 the situation was quite different, and lyrics like this could be heard :
Lavori il giorno e poi la sera,
sei stanco, non ne posso più
e vuoi soltanto riposare
e guardare la tvè che non riesci a fare niente,
pensare un gioco anche per te
ed immaginare il mondo
come vorresti e come èma tu non puoi cambiare niente,
non vuoi nessuna novità,
a te tutto così va bene,
tanto sai già che finiràcol tuo stipendio assicurato,
che qui niente cambierà
nel tuo futuro programmato,
paura della libertà.Sicurezza, hai bisogno di sicurezza
oppure… paura della libertà.
Betty Villani – La mia storia sei tu (il sogno)
Betty Villani, known only as the “meteor” who released a Spanish cover of Battisti’s “Ancora tu” in 1988, is instead a very good singer.
The fact that an artist is not successful with the public does not mean that she is not good.
In fact, Betty is also a singing teacher (she graduated from the Conservatory) and still sometimes performs with internationally renowned, albeit very niche, musicians.
On the other hand, it is common knowledge that many very talented singers have no commercial success.
Dolores O’Riordan – Ordinary Day
It is quite obvious that it is not possible to know in advance what might happen to us in this strange entanglement within us.
However, we have the ability to decide how to deal with things and what to do.
And then what choices to make.
This is really important.
This is the beginning of your day
Life is more intricate than it seems
Always be yourself along the way
Living through the spirit of your dreams
Elaine Page – Memory
It is said that cats can go anywhere, see everything and hear everything ; and since they cannot lie, they record everything exactly as it happened.
It is well known that I am very biased, given my passion for cats and, in general, for all the creatures that populate our world, but I think there is a lot of truth in the above statement…
Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live againEvery streetlamp seems to beat
A fatalistic warning
Someone mutters and the street lamp splutters
And soon
It will be morning
Emma Shapplin – Spente le stelle
A French singer singing in archaic Italian.
This is a very strange thing.
Emma Shapplin sings in Italian because, according to her, “the Italian language sings naturally“.
Perhaps we Italians should remember this more often, in order to preserve the uniqueness of our beautiful language.
Dunque fuggisti
I sogni vuoti
Dunque perdesti
I brevi vortici
O non più vivereOrmai, salvo…
La notte… la notte… la notte…
Enya – How can I keep for singing ?
A passage that takes me back to a very specific time in my life.
The future was little more than a guess and the past was gone forever.
But I could not stop singing.
My life goes on in endless song
Above earth’s lamentation
I hear the real, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creationThrough all the tumult and the strife
I hear its music ringing
It sounds an echo in my soul
How can I keep from singing ?
Evanescence – My immortal
I have never been a big Evanescence fan, but this song is truly a masterpiece.
The lyrics perfectly describe what it feels like when someone we love leaves us forever.
These wounds won’t seem to heal
This pain is just too real
And there’s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried, I’d wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream, I’d fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me I’ve been alone, I’m alone
Fabrizio De Andrè – Prinçesa
Life is full of strong contrasts.
In fact, what makes us feel good can often be a source of great pain.
Often, when we rejoice, we are inexorably affected by less pleasant events.
But suffering is not the only thing we will experience.
In the end, the enchantment and magic will always return.
Nel dormiveglia della corriera
Lascio l’infanzia contadina
Corro all’incanto dei desideri
Vado a correggere la fortuna
FGTH – The power of Love
Same argument as above for Evanescence : I dare say that all the rest of FGTH’s production is trash.
Of course, the lyrics have desecrating moments and are certainly a bit (very) out of line (on the other hand, FGTH had a very specific commercial role at the time, especially anti-Catholic).
But the main message about universal love, even if it has a mischievous double meaning, should never be forgotten.
Especially in a time like the present, when people think more about hating and destroying each other than about building anything.
This time we go sublime
Lovers entwine, divine, divine
Love is danger, love is pleasure
Love is pure, the only treasureI’m so in love with you
Purge the soul
Make love your goal
Gianni Morandi – Uno su mille
I have to repeat myself for the third time.
I am not a big fan of Gianni Morandi, but this song is wonderful, both for the music and the lyrics.
A hymn to life, full of meaning, inspiring you to never give up.
It is dedicated to all those who never believed in me.
Se sei a terra non strisciare mai
Se ti diranno, “Sei finito”, non ci credere
Devi contare solo su di teUno su mille ce la fa
Ma quanto è dura la salita
In gioco c’è la vita
Guesch Patti – Etienne
Yet another (if ever needed) demonstration that there is no need to strip for calendars and magazines and pose as a femme fatale.
Class is not water, and eroticism begins in the mind.
On the other hand, Patricia had a background as a ballet dancer at the Paris Opera.
Of course, the video was heavily censored by all music channels at the time.
A sophisticated and tongue-in-cheek video.
The choice of black and white, illuminated only at the end by a red light, was very appropriate ; a choice also made by the much more famous Anton Corbijn in the same year for the video “StrangeLove” for Depeche Mode.
Étienne, Étienne, Étienne
Oh, tiens le bienBaiser salé, sali
Tombé le long du lit
De l’inédit
Il aime à la folie
Au ralenti
Je soulève les interdits
Halo Circus – Do you believe in shame ?
This is a 1988 cover of a song by Duran Duran, offered by a now defunct group whose lead singer was Salvadoran naturalized U.S. citizen Allison Iraheta.
Why in the world did I choose this song ?
After some well-known people (from the so-called “counter-information” that should have been my “friends”) began to (virtually) harass me, the question began to echo within me:
Do you believe in shame ?
And my immediate inner answer was :
No, and I never will again.
From that moment on, the idea of creating this new website of mine was born.
Do you believe in love ?
Do you believe in shame ?
If love can conquer all
Then why do we only feel the pain ?
Jim Croce – Time in a bottle
This passage reminds me deeply of the time when I lost my Mom, way back in 1998.
The agony was short.
The impression is that of a smile.
A last breath of life.
She fell asleep forever.
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I’d like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with youIf I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I’d save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you
John Lennon – Happy Xmas (war is over)
The Christmas shopping frenzy.
Gifts and gadgets.
This is the only way Christmas is understood today.
Forgetting the real meaning.
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) can be heard as a means of processing the themes of social unity and peace through peaceful change implemented through personal empowerment.
War is over (If you want it)
Jóhann Jóhannsson – Odi et Amo
He was a little known artist commercially, but in my opinion he was one of the most important contemporary musicians.
Sadly, he recently died under unclear circumstances on February 9, 2018.
The idea of using the text of Catullus’ Carme 58 in a 21st century composition is, in my opinion, simply brilliant.
Odi et amo.
Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Leano Morelli – Nata libera
Freedom is a value that everyone claims to seek.
But in reality, very few have the courage to be fully faithful to it.
Sei come un cigno che allarga le ali,
sei nata libera, devi volare,
e chiudere a chiave la tua libertà
sarebbe solo un’assurdità.
Luca Carboni – Farfallina
I had always appreciated the sweet melody, the very melancholic lyrics and above all the truly spectacular string arrangement.
After 25 years I also understood the meaning of the lyrics (still misunderstood by most people) hidden between the words (beyond the obvious reference to Battisti in the first verse).
And I appreciated it even more.
Si dice in giro
che tu l’anima non l’hai
e come fai
a dire si o no
Non pensare che sia pazzo
se sto a parlare con te
è che sono solo
così troppo solo che…
Pop Tops – Mamy Blue
A classic that takes me back to my early childhood in the 1970s.
A nostalgia that evokes the most beautiful time that can exist.
The 1970s (and certainly the 1960s) were a unique era in the western world.
Musicians with a rebellious appearance, but with incredible talent that is still remembered today and will be forever.
One of the most iconic songs of the so-called “hippie generation”.
Her house we shared upon the hill
Seems lifeless but is standing still
And mem’ries of my childhood fillMy mind (Blue), oh, mamy, mamy, mamy
I’ve been through all the walks of life
Seen tired days and lonely nights
And now without you by my sideI’m lost (Blue), how will I survive ?
Stephen Schlacks – Blue Dolphin
The very first piece that I ever played on the piano… how many years have gone by !
Vangelis – La petite fille de la mer
This music reminds me of everything I have lost over time.
It can be childhood, the affection of a loved one, or something that can never come back.
It encapsulates what cannot be seen with the eyes, but can be felt with the heart.
It is a magical melody.
The (electric) piano literally cries, while the guitar and other musical instruments in the background accentuate the melancholy.
I do not recommend listening to this song if you are sad or depressed.
Whitney Houston – The greatest Love of all
These words have always been with me at every moment of my life and in every event.
I remember writing them as a teenager right behind the first page of the cover of my diary.
In fact, this is the first post I ever wrote on this blog.
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone’s shadow
If I fail, if I succeed,
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can’t take away my dignityBecause the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.