November 20, 2024 Hidden history, The dark side of Chess
This, by the way, is only a small part of the evidence nailing Kasparov and Anand.
But it was more than enough to be immediately censored by Wikipedia.
Valery Salov : Where do coincidences end and patterns begin ?

As I imagined, some readers (actually very few and coming exclusively from the chess environment ; on the other hand, this is a niche blog) did not like at all Valery Salov’s point of view regarding the (unfortunately obvious) ritualistic nature of the World Championship match played in 1995 between Garry Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand.
I know, it is really very difficult to accept such shocking truths, when all your life you have thought exactly the opposite.
For my part, I had Garry Kasparov among my chess “idols” for many years, studied many of his games very carefully and read many of his books.
In 2006 I even gave a small lecture about him and the analyses of his games (made by well-known GMs, certainly not by me, a player of less than excellent level).
To all of them I ask the following questions :
Why did the Kasparov-Anand match start on September 11, 1995, exactly six years before the events of September 11, 2001 ?
On that occasion in London there was also a promotional brochure, printed in the magazine “64” published by Alexander Roshal in the same year, in which Kasparov was depicted as King Kong on one of the Twin Towers, while Anand was flying towards him and, as in the famous painting about King Kong, shot him.
This is a very interesting clue that should make you wonder where coincidences end and patterns begin.
Also, do you remember exactly how the match took place ?
And why on earth did Wikipedia completely censor the content regarding Valery Salov’s explanation of what happened, practically immediately after it was published ?
For the record, this is his current Wiki page.
While these are the immediately censored pages, not even visible on (hardly a coincidence, although some keep insisting that can also be used to present evidence in court…).
Salov’s view of the connection between the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center and international competitive chess derives mainly from the following observations.
First, the match for the World Chess Championship organized by the PCA in 1995 (between Garri Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand) took place on the 107th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, with a start date set for September 11, 1995, exactly six years before the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center.
Second, in three games (9th through 11th) of this game, a tower sacrifice occurred that played a significant role in the final outcome.
In fact, in these three games the rook sacrifice leads to a winning position for the color making it.
In the ninth game of the match, on the 27th move, White allowed the black knight to capture White’s king’s rook (the Rb1, i.e. the one that was in h1 in the initial position), leading to a brilliant victory in just a few moves.
In the 10th game, on the 17th move, White allows the Black Queen to capture White’s Queen’s Rook (the Ta1, which was in a1 in the initial position and never moved from the starting square) and White wins the game in the opening.
Finally, in the 11th game of the match, Black sacrifices a rook on the 31st move, forcing White to give up the game, who is in a completely losing position whether he accepts the sacrifice or not.
Note that in English the chess rook is called Rook (from Persian Rokh or Arabic Rukhkh), while in most European languages it is called Torre (in Spanish, Italian and Catalan), Tour (in French), Turm (in German), Toren (in Dutch), Tårn (in Danish), Тура (in Ukrainian and Russian).
So in all languages of the world such a combination is translated in chess jargon as “rook sacrifice”.
Based on all these observations, GM Valery Salov identified a significant correspondence between these rook sacrifices and the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
The first tower sacrifice (in the ninth game) corresponds to the first impact of the first plane : the king’s rook (also translated as “male tower”) is sacrificed on the 27th move, and this corresponds to the impact of the first plane on the north tower, which Salov, for various reasons, considers to be the “male tower” of the World Trade Center.
Instead, the second rook sacrifice (in the 10th game) corresponds to the impact of the second level: the female rook (also translated as “female rook”) is sacrificed on the 17th move, and this corresponds to the impact of the second level on the South Tower, which, again for the same reasons, Salov considers the “female rook” of the World Trade Center.
Instead, the third and final tower sacrifice (in the 11th game) corresponds to Building 7, the third and final “tower” of the World Trade Center that collapsed during the 9/11 attack.
In this case, Salov notes an apparent coincidence between the completion of the 11th game and the collapse of Building 7.
In fact, in the 11th game, Kasparov made a terrible mistake on the 27th move, but Anand, incredibly, did not take advantage of it and had to resign a few moves later.
According to GM Valery Salov, Anand’s defeat “happened almost instantaneously and completely on its own”, just as Building 7 collapsed “in free fall, in just 6.5 seconds, for no reason at all”.
And in fact, we know very well that explosives had been placed in the foundation of Building 7 a few months earlier, as well as other very interesting details about the event.
Salov also notes a peculiar “coincidence” between the way Torre’s sacrifice in the 11th game has been downplayed in the chess literature on the 1995 PCA World Championship match and the way (by the usual “unknowns”) the collapse of Building 7 has been “strangely erased from the minds of U.S. citizens”.
Moreover, in all three games, the player who sacrifices a “rook” always wins.
Again, the “coincidence” between the sacrifice of a rook as part of a strategy to win a game of chess and the sacrifice of the World Trade Center as part of a conspiracy to “gain” control of the world, and thus “win” the “game for control of mankind,” is obvious.
GM Salov therefore concludes that all these facts cannot be a coincidence.
(a) The start date of this game was November 9.
(b) The tower sacrifices occurred during games 9 through 11.
(c) The three tower sacrifices can be correlated with the three collapses of the World Trade Center Towers during the September 11 attack (9-11 in the English notation of the date).
Salov therefore argues that these three games in the match (and probably other games in the same match) were preordained games that followed kabbalistic “rituals” ; it follows that the three rook sacrifices (in chess) represent the sacrifices of the World Trade Center Towers during the 9/11 attack (the two Twin Towers and Building 7).
Salov also questions comments that appeared in the chess world at the time claiming that the rook sacrifice made in the tenth game of the match was an example of Kasparov using his extensive theoretical background in opening theory (it is well known to everyone in the chess world that Kasparov was the player who probably had the best theoretical background of all time).
Rather, Salov sees this rook sacrifice as a preordained game, prepared precisely to show everyone that Kasparov was a great theoretician and that, as he demonstrated dozens of times throughout his career, he possessed “monstrous” knowledge.
In fact, the same rook sacrifice in the opening had already been “prepared” in the 10th game of the FIDE World Chess Championship, played in Baguio in 1978, between Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchnoi (the two games are identical until Black’s 13th move).
Thus it is possible that the tenth game of the 1995 PCA World Championship was pre-arranged on the basis of the tenth game of the 1978 World Championship between Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchnoi (I will deal with these two players shortly, and in particular with the obvious “oddities” that happened in this match, which catalyzed media attention at the time and was also filled with cabalistic rituals, as were the next five World Championship matches played by Karpov and Kasparov between 1985 and 1990).
In addition, in the 11th game Kasparov made a truly unconscionable mistake for a player of his caliber, but Anand not only did not take advantage of it, but immediately afterwards made a much more serious mistake in a very simple position (he did not play a move that even a player of my level would have played immediately without thinking about it) and resigned shortly afterwards.
For this reason, GM Salov believes that this sequence of moves could indicate that the 11th game of the match was also preordained : the omissions made by the two players are indeed inconceivable for two players of this level, such as the then World Champion Kasparov and the future World Champion Anand.
Valery Salov believes that Kasparov always voluntarily participated in these cabalistic “rituals”.
As far as Anand is concerned, he most likely also participated voluntarily, but it cannot be ruled out that he was under some form of mind control that forced him to make the exact sequence of moves necessary to reach the positions before the rook sacrifices in games 9 to 11.
In this context Salov stated :
“What was Anand really doing at the World Trade Center in New York in September-October 1995 ?
Basically he was acting, imitating, pretending to play chess”.
This, by the way, is only a small part of the evidence that nails Kasparov and Anand.
But it was more than enough to be immediately censored by Wikipedia.