December 18, 2024 EcoAnemia, Hidden history
The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to restFor my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
Titanic : a staged sinking ?
What if the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 was deliberately staged by the elite ?
We know that the Rothschilds and other elite families helped finance, organize and carry out revolutions in the U.S., France and Russia, as well as the creation of states like Italy and Israel ; the political assassinations (attempted and committed) of Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
False flag events such as the sinking of the Lusitania in 1916, Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964, and the bombing of the Twin Towers in 2001, all of which involved the U.S. in wars that the public would otherwise not have allowed.
Before we begin to describe what happened, it is necessary to understand the context in which this incident occurred.
In the early 20th century, many passengers on ocean liners were poor immigrants.
Ships were often overloaded and over-insured, and insurance fraud was common.
At the time, the wealthy banker and industrialist JP Morgan was the head of the White Star Line, the company that built ocean liners such as the RMS Titanic and the RMS Olympic.
Those familiar with this character may already be aware, for example, of JP Morgan’s role in the life of Nikola Tesla, and how he initially funded Tesla to develop new forms of electricity, only to withdraw his funding when he discovered that Tesla was planning to provide free, unmetered electricity to the entire world.

On her maiden voyage in September 1911, Olympic suffered a collision, followed by another accident.
The ship was repaired in Belfast for four days for a propeller that could have been fixed in a few hours.
A propeller had to be taken from Titanic for Olympic.
This fact is definitely suspect, as will be seen later.
JP Morgan also had a big problem.
Olympic was probably not insurable, at least not for the amount of money JP Morgan wanted.
The newspapers of the day, owned by Morgan and other wealthy financiers, often spoke of the Titanic, praising it and calling it “unexampled in extent and magnificence.
They succeeded in convincing the most prominent members of society to make the transatlantic voyage.
Among the passengers were three very wealthy and influential men of the time : Benjamin Guggenheim, John Jacob Astor, and Isador Strauss.
All three were millionaires and opposed the creation of a private central bank in the United States (what would later be called the Federal Reserve) because it would adversely affect their personal fortunes.
This, of course, was a big problem for the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Morgan bankers’ cartel.
The Rothschilds had just become the rulers of Europe, establishing private, centralized and government-sanctioned banks in England, France, Germany, Italy and Austria, and naturally they wanted to do the same in the United States.
The exchange between the Olympic and the Titanic
It is very likely that at this point JP Morgan came up with a diabolical plan.
He needed to get Olympic’s insurance and possibly get rid of the responsibility of paying the insurance.
He also wanted to get rid of Guggenheim, Astor and Strauss so that there would be no opposition to his plan to create a new US central bank.
So what did he probably decide to do?
He traded the twin ships Olympic and Titanic.
In the video above, John Hamer presents impressive photographic evidence of the exchange, including a picture of “Titanic” setting sail on her “maiden voyage” with 16 portholes (Olympic had 16, while Titanic had “only” 14).
Hamer also presents other evidence, such as the discovery of the Titanic wreck in 1986 by Robert Ballard, who found a gray bottom (Olympic’s was originally gray and Titanic’s was black).
In addition, a propeller numbered “401” was found (originally from the real Titanic, but later swapped and installed on Olympic, presumably during repairs in Belfast).
Olympic’s maiden voyage was full, while Titanic’s was half-full: about 50 first-class passengers canceled their reservations at the last minute, all of them friends or colleagues of JP Morgan.
He himself was supposed to board, but did not show up, claiming to be ill; however, he was seen two days later at a French resort in good health with his mistress.
The chief officer (second only to the captain), a man named Henry Wilde, wrote a letter to his sister saying
“I still don’t like this ship”.
Why does he go on ?
Despite his less-than-positive safety record on ships he had previously commanded, Captain Smith was chosen to lead the ship.
Also, when the Titanic set sail, there was another huge ship patrolling the Atlantic.
Her name was the Californian and her captain was named Ward, who was most likely involved in the “conspiracy”.
Oddly enough (or maybe not ?), the night before the incident, Captain Ward slept fully clothed on the couch, kept the ship’s boilers on (it was then standard practice to turn them off at night), kept the crew on alert all night, and ordered his ship to stop in the middle of the night in a sea of ice.
The Fatal Iceberg
On the night of April 14, 1912, Titanic received 6 messages.
Of these, 3 were iceberg warnings and 3 were messages from Captain Ward to Captain Smith.

It has been verified that Titanic’s stopping distance at full speed was about 850 meters (about 0.5 miles) ; moreover, we have the testimony of Second Officer Charles Lightoller, who stated that the iceberg was visible from 2 miles away, making it relatively easy to avoid.
Yet, incredibly, once the iceberg was sighted and the order given to go around it, the collision could not be avoided.
Perhaps the engines had been tampered with in Belfast prior to departure ?
What happened during the distress call is also strange.
The Californian was only 19 miles away when Titanic sent out red, blue, and white flares.
However, the Californian saw only white flares, which were inexplicably ignored.
In addition, there was a seal trawler, the Samson, nearby at the time, exactly between the Californian and the Titanic, which sent out white flares, adding to the confusion of the whole situation.
What are the chances that another boat was in the same area of the ocean at the same time, sending out white flares ?
Very few.
As with many similar incidents, key witnesses suddenly disappeared.
In fact, First Officer William Murdoch would “commit suicide” and Sixth Officer James Paul Moody would “drown” shortly thereafter.
American and British Investigations
Second Officer Lightoller was the highest-ranking survivor, but he was very evasive in the American and British inquiries that followed the event.
For example, he claimed to have been in the water for an hour at the time of the collision, but life expectancy at that temperature (about -1°C) is only 4 minutes.
Also, Lightoller later wrote : “It was necessary to keep his hand on the whitewash brush”, referring to the investigations.
During these investigations, the captains claimed that icebergs of this size could be seen as far as 3.5 miles away, especially on a full moon night.
So why did the Titanic not stop ?
In addition, testimony from the time states that after landing in Plymouth, the survivors were held against their will all night and forced (or blackmailed) to sign a document called the “Official Secret Act”.
More than 100 years have passed since the fateful date of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.
In the aftermath, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was passed without opposition, and the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Morgan cartel succeeded in creating “their own” central bank in the U.S., the Federal Reserve.
A Case ?