November 2, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
It will always and always be money that dictates your life.
The slavery of money. To live with dignity, it is not necessary to possess great wealth

As my most devoted readers know well, in my life I have never had the goal of becoming a millionaire.
Of course, money is important in order to survive and have a (at least) decent life.
However, the more you earn, the more you risk losing your personal freedom.
Not only does money not buy love, but it also attracts people around you who are exclusively interested in earning something.
You can be rich and famous, surrounded by thousands of people who cheer you for everything you say and do.
Sure, you will always be the center of attention.
But you will also be very lonely if you live such a life.
That is why I have always done everything to maintain my personal balance.
To be able to fully enjoy that wonderful gift I received when I came into the world.
Even in the world of work, the same thing happens.
The more career you have, the more you inevitably become isolated from the rest of the world.
You can easily become the target of corrupt judges, greedy bankers who do business against the interest of their own clients, politicians who, in the name of some “supreme” value, can seize your business at any time.
Up to and including trying to physically eliminate you.
To live with dignity it is not necessary to possess great wealth.
I know it sounds like an exaggeration what I am about to say.
Just take a calculator and add it up.
You can spend a whole year in luxury hotels every night.
Always and exclusively fly first class, every week, on the best airlines.
And what would be the annual expense for such a nabob life ?
At most a million dollars.
So the exorbitant and, above all, illogical figures going around in so-called “high society” are completely out of proportion.
Of course, one can always buy the best villas in the most enchanting places on the planet.
Furnish them with works of art.
But at that point you would have lost your personal freedom.
Money will own you.
And you will only be its slave.
It will always and always be money that will dictate your life.