November 3, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Devo liberarmi del tempo
e vivere il presente giacché non esiste altro tempo
che questo meraviglioso istante.
The secret to staying young. Constant, humble and joyful engagement
Although memories are the legacy of the past, they can sometimes bring to the surface of consciousness a memory etched in the heart.
In fact, we all possess gifts that can bear fruit for the betterment of ourselves and, by extension, all of humanity :
In constant, humble, and joyful commitment lies the secret to making your life an ongoing celebration.
Your life acquires meaning when it becomes a mission.
You discover your mission when you pause to reflect

This is the secret of being and remaining young.
In fact, youth has the freshness of dawn.
In the depths of every being, there is a hidden desire for youth that is sleeping, waiting to be awakened.
That is why no one wants to grow old, and those who go into the sunset always suffer.
Youth is fullness of life, maturity of giving, imagination, hope and beauty.
It is the yes of love.
In fact, it is easier for the young to give life than for the old.
To be heroic, to burn for an idea.
In the young, love still burns with all its virgin strength.
Youth is not a passage, an apprenticeship or a novitiate.
It is the sublime time to give meaning to life.
It is the hour of great decisions, the height of spontaneity.
Therefore, youth is ageless.
And it belongs to those who consider their life as a gift.
Only he is mature, alive, fruitful who, in the inexorable rush of time, preserves the freshness, heroism, spontaneity, and joy of life of youth.
Only he who can keep freshness in his heart is pious.
He is young who can read the goodness hidden in things, people and events, and who can wait, knowing that the future is in God’s hands.
He who knows how to catch the imperceptible sound of life that comes from everything, so that the world remains young.
Who knows that the ultimate triumph is the triumph of life.
Intimate secrets
We all guard something jealously and intimately.
It almost seems that we can be compared to the Little Prince.
Saint Exupéry ‘s who had a soft spot for the rose that illuminated his asteroid B 612.
He was so worried about it that he wanted to put it under a glass protector.
Nothing and no one should have endangered it.
In fact, I think each of us cares about something in a special way.
So much so that we want to preserve it forever.
Some more, some less, we all have one.