October 9, 2024 Internet and virtual life
They seek to convince others that their opinions are sound and others’ insubstantial.
The uselessness of forums. It is common to observe rather questionable behavior

A forum, while being a space where opinions can be exchanged and where one can compare oneself with other people and thus evaluate one’s dialectical and communicative skills, also becomes a “mental gymnastics” in which each person performs the activities that he or she considers the best for his or her success.
In some cases, there are real “competitions” among forumists, whose goal is to convince other people that their own opinions are well-founded and that the opinions of others are flimsy.
If everything here were conducted under the banner of mutual respect and cordiality, this “gym” would be really useful in developing that intellectual “muscle” that is indispensable in real life as well.
Unfortunately, this is not the case, and it is not uncommon to observe some rather dubious behavior : those who cheat by changing personalities or using more than one in order to be in the “majority”, those who complain to the admin by claiming that one of their interlocutors has been banned and is therefore no longer able to reply, those who delete or distort the content of their posts by periodically revising them to make them seem consistent with what they will say later, those who even attack the real life of their interlocutor.
In short, a series of tricks used with the sole purpose of “subtracting” reason instead of obtaining it through one’s own abilities, such as those who use Styrofoam weights in the gym to make everyone who observes him or her think that he or she is a champion weightlifter.
He cheats and is aware that he is doing so.
But the important thing for him is not to pass as a cheater, but to give the impression of being what he is not and never will be.