September 25, 2024 MacroEcoAnemia
All human beings should be treated equally.
The fate of every empire. Preventing collapse is now impossible

A civilization flourishes when everyone benefits.
However, if there is an oligarchy with exclusive privileges, its decline (and inevitable eventual collapse) is already underway.
To make the world a better place, there is no need to create dogmas that limit individual choices.
Or direct them toward particular existential concepts.
Rules are obviously needed to avoid total anarchy.
There is no need to create laws that guarantee certain rights in favor of a particular group.
All human beings should be treated equally.
Ethnicity, skin color, religious belief, gender.
They must share common rights of equality at all times.
Of course, not everyone is endowed with the same abilities.
Or the same talent in work, in art, in social relations.
This is always a gift from God.
Unfortunately, we are often confronted with people who have a strange idea of the meaning of “other”.
Indeed, there are those who, although they have no right to do so, like to creep abusively and presumptuously into the folds of other people’s lives.They try to condition them according to the completely arbitrary canons of their own philosophy.
Often he does not meet anyone’s needs but his own.
Everyone must have the right to cultivate their talents.
Whatever profession one chooses.
True freedom, like countless other things, comes through this.
And making certain choices does not mean not respecting the freedom of others.
It means exercising your own.
When this basic premise is missing in a country (or in a civilization), human (and financial) capital immediately moves to safer shores.
Where basic living conditions are respected.
In fact, when the Roman Empire collapsed, most of the population had already left the capital.
Excessive taxes and skyrocketing corruption had brought the city to its knees.
The historical examples are innumerable.
The Roman Empire, the Celestial Chinese Empire, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union.
This time it is the turn of the European Union, Canada, Australia.
And above all, the United States.
This is the fate of all empires.
It is now impossible to prevent the collapse.
The metastases have now spread everywhere.
But we may still be in time to avoid total devastation.