January 2, 2025 Great Reset, The Keys to the Abyss, Totalitarianism
No one can, except for a very short time, wear one face to show to himself and another face to show to everyone else, without eventually finding himself unable to tell which is the real one.
The End of the Multicultural Society. Unfortunately, Europe is committing suicide
It has been three years since I wrote this piece, and the agenda is moving forward undisturbed, smoothly, or almost smoothly.
Perhaps Europeans really deserve this end.
November 11, 2021

You gave a machine one of the noblest concepts a human being can have : nationality.
Very few people have realized this.
While others have turned away from what it really means for the future now upon us.
When a machine is given nationality, that machine is given a set of rights that are inseparable from the person.
The right to legal representation, the right to health care, the right to be treated with respect, the right to participate in public affairs, the right to participate in political life.
In this case, however, it is not a machine, but a non-physical digital entity.
An artificial intelligence.
It is the most important thing in the world, yet no one has bothered to notice it.
It is very striking that in such “advanced” countries a cyborg has more rights than a woman.
However, if you go deeper, the reasons for this are “different” and very different from what you might imagine.
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, who is the first ally of the Arab-integralist culture that plans to take over the world and connect humanity to artificial intelligence : Klaus Schwab.
“Together we will create a new, happier life“.
Saudi Arabia has announced plans to build a $500 billion megacity (called Robot City) powered by robotics and renewable energy on the country’s Red Sea coast.
Majid Alghaslan, a young Saudi who heads a growing energy services and innovative technology company, said :
“Saudi Arabia is in the midst of an unprecedented economic, social and developmental transformation, and it is now clear that the country is more open than ever for business, especially for those with innovative ideas, and all of this is happening in the context of the country’s Vision 2030.
Innovation will underpin our transformation, and this is another important factor for sustainable economic prosperity and development for future generations of Saudis and the world“.
The connections between this crazy project and the so-called “2030 Agenda” are obvious.
For those who are still unaware, on September 25, 2015, the UN published the 17 goals that, according to its macabre intentions, it would like to achieve under the name of “Agenda 2030”.
While its predecessor, the so-called “Agenda 21” of 1989, was almost exclusively limited to ecological aspects, the subsequent UN program addresses almost all areas of life.
Although the so-called “Agenda 2030” (which is nothing more than Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset) superficially gives a positive impression of peace and justice on a healthy planet, a closer look reveals instead that it is the real agenda of the so-called New World Order to enslave all the peoples of the planet.
And here is the Vatican (at least the wing that is still close to Pope Francis), the third actor to enter the picture with a vengeance.
But the only thing they will achieve is the division of the world into a thousand pieces.
And the overkill against humanity, passed off as a “health emergency” and perpetrated against people of Western ethnicity (mainly Catholic or Jewish), fits right into the forthcoming analysis of Europe’s “multicultural” society.
Obviously, the perpetrators of the devastation are not the poor people (and, in general, the people who now live in the majority in the suburbs of large Western cities, especially in Europe), who make a living by selling trinkets, or those who work as laborers in big industry, but they are quite different…
A multicultural society that will soon fall apart
Unfortunately, the Qur’an speaks openly about viewing non-Muslims as “bad” people to be fought and oppressed until they convert to Islam or are physically eliminated.
Therefore, all non-Muslims should realize that Islam is not a friendly ideology towards other religions.
Or, as the mainstream likes to say, “tolerant“.
This is because the Qur’an contains numerous verses that encourage war against unbelievers.
Some are simply drawings of “commands” that teach cutting off heads, hands, or fingers.
To kill the “unbelievers“.
No matter where they hide.
Muslims who do not participate in these massacres are shamelessly called hypocrites.
And they are warned that Allah will send them to hell.
Here are some excerpts from the Qur’an :
Sura 2, verse 191 : And kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they have driven you out… ….
Sura 2, verse 193 : Fight them until there is no more blasphemy or polytheism with Allah…
Sura 2, verse 216 : Fighting (jihad) has been prescribed for you (Muslims), even if you do not like it, and Allah knows it but you do not know it…
Sura 4, verse 34 : It is men who take care of women…
Furthermore, an Afghan proverb states :
“A woman must remain in her husband’s house or in his grave“.
EU politicians are increasingly saying that “Islam belongs to Europe“.
Unfortunately, while this is historically and culturally true, it is not demographically true.

In fact, mass immigration has helped make Islam an integral part of the European Union, especially in the last decade.
Just think of the large numbers of Muslims in France and Germany.
Of course, there is no chance that Muslims will leave the EU in the next few years and return to their countries of origin before the standard of living in the EU has fallen to that of the Third World.
Instead, it is much more likely that many Europeans, partly because of the problems they will face in the near future, will decide to leave their homeland.
But until then, the number of immigrants will continue to grow inexorably.
And as this process continues, European cultures will face even greater destruction.
As a result, Muslims will be less and less likely to return to their homeland one day.
Each younger generation will see the EU as its place of origin.
History repeats itself
Of course, governments will never change course until they are faced with a fait accompli.
The barbarization of Europe.
With the consequent denial of its history and culture.
They will never admit that what they are allowing will profoundly change the history and culture of the continent.
Just as the barbarians who gradually took control of it, first economically and then militarily, destroyed values in the past.
History always repeats itself, it is cyclical by nature.
Europe will once again be swept away by this wave.

Currently, only Kosovo and Albania are the only Muslim-majority countries in Europe.
However, the situation will change rapidly in the near future.
For example, a study conducted by the German Islamic Institute confirms that by 2045 there will be more than 50 million Muslims in Germany.
The current German population is estimated to be around 96 million.
In such a context, it is easy to predict that by 2040 (or perhaps even earlier), the German Chancellor (i.e., head of government) could be a Muslim.
A few years later, a majority of Muslim citizens could easily change the German constitution.
Another study, this time by the Pew Research Center for Europe in Washington, predicts a dramatic increase in the percentage of Muslims throughout the EU by 2050.
On the other hand, even if the EU’s borders were immediately closed at that time and the rate of migration immediately reduced to zero (but we know that this is not the case, in fact just the opposite is happening right now), this trend has very little chance of being stopped.
Just look at the difference in fertility rates between Muslims and Europeans.
Democracies or Technocracies ?
It is well known that modern democracies are not democratic at all.
And of course, if they were really useful, elections would be outlawed.
However, if events continue to develop at their present pace, “free elections” will soon be permanently outlawed.
Not only because the current incumbent politicians know that they have no chance of being re-elected, given the economic, social and political devastation they have caused over the past years.
But simply because their plan is to complete mass immigration (the infamous Kalergi Plan).
Consequently, by the time the current rulers “grant” the possibility of free elections, Muslims in particular, and all immigrants in general, will already be in an absolute majority in the EU.
Moreover, it can be assumed that even if the incumbent politicians are overthrown in more or less bloody revolutions, soon (2032 ?) the Muslim part of the population will not even have to reach 50 percent to win elections in most EU states.
Unlike the sluggish native Europeans, all Muslims with European citizenship will go to the polls when it comes to taking power.
It is only a question of time.
As a result, there will be no way for native Europeans to win national elections.
At that point, national elections will be abolished.
Introduction of medieval-style laws
These include Sharia law, full-body veils (burqas), hand amputations, head cutting, child abuse, arranged marriages, honor killings, stoning, public cremations, and persecution of Christians.
There is no reason for us to believe that the Muslim governments that will take office in many European countries in the increasingly near future (such as France, Germany, and perhaps even Italy) will be any better than those currently in office in Saudi Arabia or Somalia.

However, it is neither fair nor correct to blame all Muslims for what is happening in the EU.
Rather, the main culprits for this historical and cultural havoc are all politicians in office, majority and opposition, except for one.
In particular, it is the mass media that deliberately misleads the public.
They spread disastrous theories that the majority of Muslims are “good citizens who respect the constitution of European countries” and “want nothing but integration“.
Of course, some of the blame must also go to the so-called “immigration at all costs” advocates.
Those who are usually called “do-gooders” by the mainstream (a random name : George Soros).
Those who never miss an opportunity to criticize those who think differently from them.
And who, of course, always turn a blind eye (in fact, as I always say, both) to the crimes, mostly unpunished, committed by Muslim immigrants.
These supporters of emigration are usually Marxists.
Therefore atheists.
And they usually call themselves “freethinkers“.
The So-Called Politically Correct
However, they ignore or fail to realize (or worse, lie knowing they are lying) that in Muslim countries homosexuals are mercilessly impaled.
And Christians are persecuted all the time.
These advocates of immigration “at any cost” also ignore (or, rather, pretend to ignore) the fact that Muslims who renounce the Islamic faith can be sentenced to death.
They ignore the fact that violence against non-believers, which leads to the justification of terrorism, is still deeply rooted in Islam.
This is part of the culture from which the majority of so-called “refugees” come.
Immigration advocates, through ignorance, apathy, and other psychological reasons, refuse to see that this kind of “cultural enrichment” is actually a cultural impoverishment that will lead to the complete ruin of Europe.
Moreover, the integration of Muslims in Europe is at odds with their own way of life.
Deliberate destruction of European culture
The integration of most immigrants of Muslim faith is simply not possible.
The cultural differences between “pious” Muslims and “free” Europeans are simply too great.
The claim of Islamic preachers that every human being is born a Muslim and becomes a non-Muslim only through the negative influences of Satan proves their thinking.
So they will never have a chance to “integrate” with the other inhabitants of Europe.
According to their thinking, Christianity (as well as all other religions, especially the Jewish one) is just a “circumstance of the past”.
Therefore, they are not to be taken seriously or respected.
“Allah is everything and everything is Allah !”

According to Muslims, people should not think for themselves.
Nor should they speak critically about God.
In fact, God is always at the center of all events, and Muslims do not believe in a separation between religion and daily life.
Therefore, Allah is omnipresent in politics and economics.
Consequently, it is logical that Muslim legislation is based on Sharia law.
Only God’s will is in the foreground, no matter who defines it.
A constitution, “officially” written by humans, which does not correspond to the will of Allah, is therefore unthinkable.
Europeans, on the other hand, can be Christians or atheists.
Either way, most Europeans would not hesitate to agree with the concept of a clear separation of church and state.
They logically question the facts and connections and form their own opinions.
They look for the cause and solve the problem.
They see the need for something and invent it.
Europeans (and Westerners in general) are constantly trying to improve their living conditions.
They do not assume that things are ordained by God and must remain unchanged over the centuries.
A very uncomfortable thought
That is why, and I know I will get a lot of criticism for saying this, the Western world (Christian or atheist, it does not matter) is far superior to the Muslim world.
Just think of the very small number, if any, of Muslim inventions over the past few centuries.

What positive influence can a religion that claims its followers are unable to read, let alone understand, the Koran have on Western millenarian culture ?
How can they improve their situation in the future when the Qur’an itself calls changes “blasphemy” ?
How can Muslims truly integrate into a Western context ?
How can they critically observe everyday reality if only Allah has the answer to all their questions ?
How should men (Muslims) behave towards (Western) women when they are taught that women are born unclean ?
How can there be integration between the two cultures when preachers of hate (very often the imams themselves) incite Muslims to persecute Christians and all other non-Muslim religions are called creations of Satan ?
How can they be honest with Christians when they are taught that non-Muslims smell like camels ?
These are questions that are very difficult to answer.
Young European Muslims have grown up under the weight of these questions.
They are aware of the very questionable thinking that comes from their religion, but they think they can grow up by grasping the “best” of both worlds.
The Western and the Muslim.
They sometimes go so far as to demand the death penalty for Westerners who harm them.
At the same time, they are taught to steal, cheat, rape, and kill non-Muslims.
But young Muslims also lead a distinctly European lifestyle.
Not only the virtues.
But also and especially the vices.
They take drugs and enjoy the benefits of living outside Sharia law.
But they also know that heaven will be denied to those who indulge in “sin”.
Often these young people grow up with internal contradictions and cognitive dissonance that they cannot understand.
They develop feelings of inferiority that generate extreme hatred toward non-Muslims.
One day they may commit acts of extreme violence that could even lead to civil wars.
Sadly, hundreds of thousands of them already live in Europe.
Millions more are already entering unchecked.
The Current Pope’s Key Role in Destroying Europe’s Cultural Identity

The current Pope is clearly in cahoots with the so-called “Great Reset”.
He preaches economics rather than faith and agrees with Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab on everything, including poisoning.
Of course, a revolt against his Marxist thinking is now beginning, albeit belatedly, within the Catholic Church.
A move unprecedented, or almost unprecedented, in the history of the Church.
“The Catholic faithful are calling for opposition to the policies pursued by Pope Francis that endanger the integrity, security and cultural identity of the West“.
But for those who write on this blog, this is hardly news.
These things have been well known since his election…
For example, people did not notice at all that as soon as he was elected, “the most good” (Pope Francis), what did he do when he looked out from the balcony ?
The Masonic salute of the NWO.
Moreover, the chosen name (“Francis”) has nothing to do with St. Francis of Assisi.
Bergoglio is a Jesuit (and the first black pope) ; the Society of Jesus was founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola along with his favorite disciple, Francis Xavier (celebrated on December 3 in the Gregorian calendar).
This is the Francis we are talking about.
Not the poor man of Assisi.
And the first words he spoke were :
“I have come from the ends of the earth…“.
Once again, the matrix that surrounds the lives of most people has shown its true face.

To understand Francis’ true thinking, we can read, for example, the encyclical Fratelli Tutti, which is nothing but the manifesto of the NWO (i.e. the “Great Reset” promoted by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum).
A political document.
Not a religious guide.
A secular world.
Not people of faith.
The arguments he makes are the usual talk we are fed daily by the usual “club” friends.
Equality of outcomes.
Instead of opportunity and individual freedom.
It follows that the foundations of Western democracies are definitely at risk.
Francis has taken off the mask
First of all, Francis implies a “globalist” political system.
He advocates the creation of a single EU-style government, which is much advocated by the NWO.
Of course, he denigrates the concept of nationalism.
He calls it “local narcissism“.
He advocates so-called “open borders” and denies any right to local sovereignty.
In essence, he advocates a one-size-fits-all government that overrides the will of individual states.
A government that could eventually evolve into a global totalitarian regime.
Francis also makes no secret of being a supporter of communism.
He opposes a global free market capitalist economy.
Instead, he proposes that “rich” countries form a seamless and continuous bond with peoples “who have nothing“.
This, of course, implies a redistribution of the world’s wealth as a “moral obligation“.
So once everyone has been made equally poor, where will further spending come from without incentives to work and produce ?
It could come from the confiscation of private property, as in the former Soviet Union, Cuba, or Venezuela.
This new economic platform for a “more just world” codifies the redistribution of wealth between rich and poor regions of the world as a “moral duty.
Francis concludes that “the free-market capitalist system marginalizes the poor and the disabled“.
It should therefore give way to a system that provides for a more equitable distribution of the planet’s resources.
He also reminds the public that “the Church has never defended the right to private property“.
And he recommends that it be limited to serve the common good.
The problem is that Francis himself turns a blind eye (both, actually) to the enormous wealth owned by the Vatican.
As well as that which he owns.
Maybe one day he will want to redistribute it ?
I don’t think so.
In addition to limiting private property, Francis insists on the right of people to migrate.
Both individually and “collectively“.
The right to “progress“.
Overlooking, of course, the (sacrosanct) right not to let strangers into one’s home.

Moreover, it is capitalism, and certainly not communism, that has improved the economic condition of generations of workers and peasants by making them bourgeois.
Communism has only one major flaw.
When the public “handouts” run out, where will the money come from?
Communist politicians assume that the failure of their governments to innovate, produce and distribute goods and services will always be someone else’s problem.
Certainly not their own.
Under communism, a clique of leaders with their friends and family members have always lived in absolute abundance.
While everyone else is discouraged from working and impoverished.
If not worse.
In today’s communist China, citizens are also subject to a civil “surveillance system” that controls virtually every aspect of their lives.
From their ability to travel to where they can live.
Although totalitarian China, which I recall implements a purely “state-style” capitalism, has effectively lifted tens of millions of people out of abject poverty, its “economic model” for decades has simply been to seize information and technology from the West.
Recent history also reminds us that communism has done nothing but bring misery and poverty.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People’s Republic of China, North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.
Although Marxist-Leninists in the former Soviet Union have called themselves “comrades” for decades, they have been guilty of the deaths of more than 20 million people in their own country.
That is, 20 million of their own fellow citizens.
Even in the People’s Republic of China, it is estimated that at least 50 million Chinese died in just four years during the so-called Great Famine.
The text of the papal document cites a plethora of Judeo-Christian scriptures as theological justification for these global structural changes in the world order.
Francis also categorically rules out the existence of “just wars“.
He does not even consider the possibility that people can improve their standard of living after a war or revolution.
So, according to him, all people living under the yoke of a tyrant must always keep their mouths shut and take it ?
He also argues that in an age of nuclear proliferation and other means of mass destruction, no war can ever be justified.
What if one country is attacked by another with impunity ?
According to Francis, the “foreigner” is always a desperate, impoverished refugee seeking comfort.
Never an aggressor with the will to conquer.
That is why he urges the natives to be patient with the newcomers.
So that they can integrate more easily into the local population.
But the reality is very different.
Especially in Europe, where there has been a massive and dangerous influx of Muslims in recent years, many “foreigners” not only do not want to integrate, but also pose a security threat.
On the contrary.
They often want nothing more than to displace the dominant religious or ethnic group.
Another very strange and disturbing aspect of this encyclical is the textual reference to the personal relationship between Francis and Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb of Al-Azhar in Cairo.
The Grand Imam’s advisor, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Salem, was present at the ceremony for the presentation of the “Fratelli Tutti” encyclical.
No mention is made of representatives of other faiths.

This detail is truly remarkable.
As “Fratelli Tutti”, he seems to meticulously avoid any topic that might offend non-Christians.
Especially Muslims.
Nowhere does Francis mention Jesus as God the Father incarnate, a practice the Koran calls polytheistic blasphemy.
There is no in-depth discussion of the sacrifice of Christ’s passion and death, which Muslims deny ever happened.
There is no encouragement to evangelize and spread the Gospel.
The entire concept of the Holy Trinity is reduced to an oblique poetic reference in an after-the-fact prayer that follows the reading of the encyclical text.
An obscure and solitary mention of the Holy Trinity, which Christians honor every time they make the “sign of the cross,” seems perhaps a deliberate omission so as not to offend the “sensibilities” of others, perhaps Muslims, who embrace the idea of “tawhid” (the absolute unity and indivisibility of Allah).
At this point, Catholics should ask themselves if they are the true recipients of the encyclical.
And at this point, one should ask if Francis really represents Catholicism.
Simply because there is no mention of the most important Catholic beliefs in the encyclical.
There is no mention of the immortality of the soul.
There is no mention of the Eucharist, the Catholic belief that Jesus as God is present in substance in the consecrated bread and wine.
There is no mention of the sacraments.
There is only a vague reference to the “resurrection”.
Francis also explicitly condemns religiously motivated terrorism.
But without specifically identifying the Islamic source of most “holy war” terrorism.
In the encyclical, however, he omits to say that Muslims believe that the Koran is the eternal and divine word of Allah.
It is not subject to interpretation or change.
In fact, the Koran and the Hadith (the alleged words and deeds of Muhammad, the other fundamental Islamic scripture) are replete with hateful instructions against Jews.
There are also passages that justify unequal treatment between “infidel” Christians and “Muslim believers.
There is also no mention of recommendations to punish apostates, adulterers, and homosexuals.
All deliberate omissions.
But Francis is known to be a false and deceitful character.
In short, “Fratelli Tutti” is an absolutely stunning encyclical.
A true manifesto of the New World Order.
In short, a veritable attack on Western Civilization, which is closely tied to Judeo-Christian culture.
Unfortunately, Europe is committing suicide.
Doctors, cardinals, ayatollahs, academics and preachers of hate all have the same goal.
To gain recognition and power without making a positive contribution to improving the living conditions of the people.
The multicultural society will prove to be the greatest failure in modern European history.