November 15, 2024 Great Reset, Memoirs from under the stairs
Questions I never get an answer to.
The disturbing bastions of Christianity’s pro-life agenda. Two sides of one coin
In Europe, the countries that stand out for their Christian pro-life traditions are Spain, Italy (and to some extent Ireland).
In Spain, the CitizenGo movement, which also made headlines in Italy a few years ago with a controversial ad campaign comparing abortion to feminicide, is very strong.
I have written in the past about why there is so much mainstream talk about the latter issue.
[Femicide] evokes a symbol.
The killing, or rather the repression, the control of femininity, of inner beauty, of serenity, of maternal love, of solidarity […].The prominence of competitiveness, brute force and hierarchy are functional in this case to a dialectic of war, reactivity and fear reaction.
Like a real strategy of tension and fear of the other, to be instilled in the mind day after day.
CitizenGo began as a side project of HazteOir, an association founded in 2001.
According to a Spanish investigation, HatzeOir has ties to the ultra-Catholic, far-right Mexican group El Yunque, whose purpose is supposedly “to defend the Catholic religion and fight the forces of Satan with violence and murder”.
The founder of HatzeOir is Ignacio Arsuaga, grandson of a Francoist general.
CitizenGo’s initiatives, such as the “anti-gender bus”, raise the question: where do all these funds come from ?
Its website has not published official financial statements since 2016, when its turnover already amounted to €1,853,950 (curiously, but not too curiously, the exchange rate in CHF is also reported), of which only a little more than 11 percent came from “regular” donors, i.e. members and supporters.
The final profit amounted to 200,983.62 euros, a very high figure for a simple opinion movement financed exclusively by “donations”.
In addition, HatzeOir enjoys tax benefits in Spain because it is declared a “non-profit” organization.
At this point, a legitimate question arises : who are the generous “philanthropists” who have been filling the coffers of this ultra-Catholic association close to the reactionary extreme right for years ?
Personally, I have an idea about who these “hidden” financiers are : they are always the same, in short, those who subsidize both extremes of both sides, as in all modern “wars”.
On the other hand, even in Italy, the links between the ProVita association and the extreme right have long been known.
ProVita’s spokesman is Alessandro Fiore, son of Roberto Fiore, leader of Forza Nuova.
Its newsletter was distributed in its first phase by the company run by Roberto Fiore’s daughters, Carmen and Beatriz, and is called Rapida Vis s.r.l., a completely coincidental name that has nothing to do with the Ventennio (irony mode on), whose registered office (also coincidentally) coincides with the headquarters of Forza Nuova.
It is also a coincidence that the president of ProVita, Antonio Brandi, is a close friend of Roberto Fiore.
Also coincidentally, Notizie ProVita is published by the “Società Cooperativa Giornalistica Arl” (and thus receives public funding from Agcom), which is chaired by FN activist Beniamino Iannace.
Here is a recent “gem” released by the pro-life group CitizenGo that shows their true hidden face.
“Recent debates at the United Nations and the World Health Organization have revealed depopulation schemes masquerading as things like “LGBT rights” and “women’s health.
WHO guidelines for “transgender and gender diverse health” are decided by committee members who in almost all cases have financial ties to organizations that profit from gender reassignment surgery.These guidelines promote the use of harmful drugs and irreversible gender reassignment surgery (castration and sterilization) on children and adolescents.
Meanwhile, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women’s goals for this year are to promote trans ideology and seek universal access to abortion.
They continue to promote the extreme idea that women cannot be defined by biology and that gender is a social construct.This significantly harms women around the world and puts many of them at risk”.
It is a pity that this is solely and exclusively the insane gender theory proclaimed by Virginia Prince in 1969, the result of the definition then coined by the notorious John Money in the late 1960s, which in turn was “inspired” by Klaus Schwab with his “transhumanism”, which claims to zero out any existing difference between the two sexes in the name of an androgynous neutrality that simply reduces us to soulless robots and, above all, has absolutely nothing to do with anything related to gender dysphoria.
It is a waste of time to try to have a dialog with these people.
The vast majority of them do not really realize that they are trapped in an extreme right/extreme left dualism (or Nazism/Bolshevism), which are actually two sides of the same coin.
Now, let me tell you about a couple of episodes that directly affected me.
For example, for a long time I had to deal with a member of Forza del Popolo who kept republishing some of my posts on his party’s forum.
At one point, the dialog suddenly stopped because of his mental “dullness”.
But on the other hand, we know very well that politicians use all issues exclusively for their personal benefit (=votes of their target electorate), always using the old (but always useful) method of “divide and rule”.
Instead, here is another episode where we can see who wrote the message (Mr. Ricardo Delgado Martin himself ?).
On the other hand, he is a character who is very familiar with the so-called “Handbook of the Perfect Gatekeeper“.
His attempt, not even badly concealed, is to discredit me by spreading completely false news, and to spread a false image of me in such a way as to make me completely ridiculous in the eyes of his followers, especially considering that I have always opposed “certain circles”.
There is no need to add more.

Mother Nature loves biodiversity.
Unfortunately, our society hates it.
It is indeed nature that can create disorder and infinite variation.
In any case, true gender dysphoria is extremely rare, affecting one person in about 13,000.
It is therefore obvious that almost all people have never encountered one.
So how does a person you have almost certainly never met, and whose existence you probably do not even know, affect your life ?
And what is the effect on your life of politicians (of whatever stripe) whom you have never met and who want you dead or enslaved ?
Questions to which I never get answers.