October 11, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Reality is often where a role plays.
Sincerity and lies. Reality is often the place where a role is played

Is lying more natural than honesty?
In my experience I would say yes.
I believe that the spontaneous behavior of humanity is to skillfully instrumentalize words to deceive others, and while sincerity requires some emotional commitment, falsehood slips away quietly, without any hindrance.
The entire history of nations is built on lies, and human relationships, whatever they may be, are based on a lack of sincerity, to the extent that the “sincere” person is referred to as an “example,” as if to indicate that only certain individuals (the chosen ones) are capable of overcoming the “force of gravity” that inevitably leads everything back to the terrain of falsehood.
Is my view perhaps too pessimistic?
But how many people have believed the words of those who assured them of friendship, loyalty and love?
How many have been deceived to the point of being “burned” by them, even to the point of wearing the same shoes as those who deceived them?
At this point, it is unnecessary to specify that I love real people.
I love them for the mere fact that they are such, for their awareness of being such, for the sense of authenticity and spontaneity that emanates from them.
I could spend hours and hours of my day with real people.
I would love to hear their stories and tell them mine.
I would like to feed on the truthfulness they are able to convey.
I could then feel safe from the whirlpools that those who play roles that are not their own are capable of creating.
Real people are the only reason why I do not regret the time I spend in certain places where it is possible to meet them.
But do you think that real people can only be met in reality?
Because reality is often the place where you play a role.
To be a real person is not the same as to exist.
Existence has nothing to do with truth.
It is possible to exist and especially to live in falsehood, to lie to ourselves and to others.
And tirades are not always the most appropriate means of communicating that we are true.
Truth is a silent path of fidelity and consistency that one must face alone before presenting oneself to all those with whom we wish to relate.
True people are very few, but as soon as they communicate, they manage to express a feeling indescribable in words, which is the real reason for my availability to them.