September 25, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Why is it easier to change and adapt without ever choosing one ?
Silences you need to listen to. Make ideas immortal

It often seems that there is not enough space to enclose our dreams, our interests, our fears, our worries.
Four walls that enclose us and sometimes seem to suffocate us.
And yet, each of us often goes our own way without ever realizing exactly where we are.
Those who look for shortcuts, those who cannot find a way out.
And those who stop without knowing the real why.
Exhausted, discouraged, disillusioned.
Sometimes we feel lonely.
Each of us is lost in our own thoughts, confused by our own questions, futile or essential, which we cannot answer.
The streets are busy, the houses are noisy.
The noise overwhelms our meager ideas.
And it prevails over the silence.
Silences in which, for those who know how to listen, even the rustle of the wind or the whisper of falling snowflakes can be discerned.
What would happen if we avoided listening to the voice of our heart instead ?
How would we understand if we never stopped to look within ourselves to see if we really got the result we wanted ?
We think, we whisper, we discuss, we talk, we criticize… but what remains at the end of the day of our thoughts and words, whether they are whispered or shouted, if we do not find the time to make them stick ?
Truly, all that we are will one day dissolve like snow in the sun, or be blown away like dust by the wind ?
By the way, what is one of my greatest dreams ?
To make ideas immortal.
To fight alongside all those who still have values, against a society that seeks to exterminate those who do not conform to its iron rules.
To reverse the course of a conflict that has always seen the strong prevail at the expense of the weak.
The clever at the expense of the naive.
The powerful at the expense of those who have no chance to assert their opinions.

And win this war.
Like heroes.
Giving the planet a hope to cling to.
Small, certainly insignificant compared to the great events of history, but leaving our mark.
A graffito on a wall, an engraving on a rock, a message in a bottle sent out to sea, perhaps destined to drift or be lost forever, but hoping deep in our hearts that someday someone will find it.
This is my dream.
Why run after time then ?
Why worry ?
Why all this worry about not losing the moment ?
Why are we afraid of the eyes we might cross if we stop ?
Why is it easier to change and adapt to all roads without ever choosing one ?
Or for the comfort of not having to carry a burden, or worse, out of habit ?
But among the reckless or even the fearful, there are still those who can enjoy the atmosphere of a summer sunset or feel the haze of a winter sunrise.
Those who choose different paths, where silence can be listened to for a long time, where one does not constantly change paths, does not run, does not get excited, but gradually builds, transforms and perfects oneself.