Scientific articles (2). Water-based bases of everyday products incorporate graphene

September 27, 2024 5g, Chemtrails, Graphene, Neurocontrol, Scientific alternative studies, That terrible virus never isolated

Google’s stance is political, not scientific.

Veronica Baker

Scientific articles (2). Water-based bases of everyday products incorporate graphene

On this page – which I will update more or less daily – I will report on some scientific articles of particular interest in the very eventful times we are currently living in.

As reported almost a year ago, graphene is being introduced into the aqueous bases of everyday products with a risk of entering the body, into all kinds of vaccines and into all kinds of injectable products : magnetic foods, water, medicines, cosmetics.

In short, they are trying to hybridize us in every way.

This goes far beyond simple square chips and intra-body chip network systems, and nanosensors.

The hybridization goes much deeper than the simple insertion of “gadgets” into our bodies.

They are hybridizing the depths of our being.

It should be acknowledged that the only independent researcher who, along with me, has reported this methodology of hybridization of our being for a long time is Dani Diaz (the difference is that I believe that the methods used by the usual well-known ones are more than one, but these are details after all).

Scientific articles (2). Graphene is being introduced into the aqueous bases of daily-use products

Balezin M., Baryshnikova K.V., Kapitanova P., Evlyukhin A.B. (2018). Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid : First multipole resonances and energy concentration.

Mario Pincherle, in Egyptology, came up with a theory, according to the mainstream, “without concrete scientific evidence” on how the Pyramid of Khufu was built, hypothesizing in the inner granite monoliths a supposed “tower” that he believed preexisted the pyramid itself and linked it to the symbol of the Djed (or “zed”).

Only later was it transferred from Mesopotamia to Egypt to be placed on top of the Pyramid of Zoser, only later was it placed inside the Pyramid of Khufu (or the Great Pyramid), or rather the pyramid itself would have been built around the zed to protect it.

In fact, there never was a pharaoh named Khufu: the name actually means “manger” or “cradle” of the divine.

According to Pincherle, the zed tower and the “sarcophagus of Khufu” would also be a kind of place where time and space seem to change, due to the scattering of alpha waves to the frontal lobes.

Instead, his theory, much ridiculed by “official” science (especially Italian), has found confirmation in 2018: the resonant response of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, interacting with external electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency range (the wavelength is 200-600 m), has indeed been theoretically studied.

Using numerical simulations and multipole decomposition, it was found that the spectra of the extinction and scattering cross sections contain resonance features associated with the excitation of the electromagnetic dipole and quadrupole moments of the pyramid.

The electromagnetic field distributions inside the pyramid under resonance conditions are demonstrated and discussed for two cases: when the pyramid is in a homogeneous space or on a substrate.

In fact, the chambers of the pyramid can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy for both environmental conditions.

Ghione S., Mezzasalma L., Del Seppia C., Papi F. (1998). Do geomagnetic disturbances of solar origin affect arterial blood pressure ? DOI : 10.1038/sj.jhh.1000708

Solar-derived geomagnetic disturbances are often associated with biological and clinical events, including elevated blood pressure.
One study correlated solar activity levels with heart disease in the population.

The correlations seem very clear indeed.

Subbiah Alwarappan, Ashok Kumar (2014). Graphene-based materials  : science and technology.

An atom-thin form of carbon called graphene has been studied for its versatile properties since its discovery in 2010.
To date, graphene is considered to be the strongest and thinnest material known.

Enormous progress has been made in the application of graphene in nanoelectronics, in biological systems for sensing DNA, RNA, proteins and nucleic acids.
In addition, graphene-based nanodevices are available for the detection of bacteria and pathogens.

Kumar S. (2015). Studies on structural, optical and magnetic properties of low dimensional systems : CdO, Cd 1-x Mn x O, CeO2 and graphene based composites.

The impact of nanoscience and nanotechnology has enabled the understanding, exploitation, fabrication, and engineering of materials to build nanoscale devices.
The synthesis of nanomaterials of desired shape and size has been the subject of intense research for many years.

This very interesting dissertation will discuss these very topics.

Lei Young and others, (2022). Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination. Doi : 10.1016/j.virs.2022.02.009

Strange “coincidences” aside, it is interesting to point out some passages from this new study from Wuhan.

“Because MPXV infection has never been associated with an outbreak in China, the viral genomic material needed for qPCR detection is not available.

In this report, we used dual-selective TAR to assemble a 55-kb MPXV genomic fragment containing E9L and C3L, two valuable qPCR targets for detection of MPXV or other orthopoxviruses.”

Once again, the sequencing was done virtually.

In addition, the researchers “hypothesized” that “although a full-length viral genome is the ideal template for MPXV detection by qPCR, we attempted to assemble only a 55-kb viral fragment, less than one-third of the MPXV genome.

This assembly product is foolproof, virtually eliminating any risk of recovery of infectious virus while providing multiple qPCR targets for detection of MPXV or other orthopoxviruses”.

Erez M. and others (2018). Diagnosis of imported monkeypox. Doi : 10.3201/eid2505.190076

“It seems” that an Israeli strain of monkeypox was released in 2018 (the story of the traveler from Nigeria seems, frankly, highly implausible).

It is therefore possible that, given the effect of so-called “vaccines” in suppressing the natural immune system, possible infections may pop up here and there.

In any case, the usual supplements such as selenium, N-Acetylcysteine, quercetin, and zinc, help to keep the problem at bay.

It is also curious that in March 2021, NTI collaborated with the Munich Security Conference to conduct an exercise simulating a global pandemic of an unusual strain of chickenpox caused by a terrorist attack using a lab-engineered pathogen.

Just conspiracy ?

Betzalel, N.; Ishai, P.B.; Feldman, Y. (2018). The human skin as a sub-THz receiver – Does 5G pose a danger to it or not ? DOI : 10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.032

Some passages from this study are truly enlightening :

In the interaction between microwave radiation and humans, the skin is traditionally viewed as an absorbent sponge layer filled with water.
In previous work, we showed that this view is incorrect when we demonstrated that the coiled portion of the sweat duct in the upper layer of the skin is considered as a helical antenna in the sub-THz band“.

We also revealed the correlation of electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters with the sub-THz reflection coefficient of human skin“.

The presence of the sweat duct resulted in a high specific absorption rate (SAR) of the skin in an extremely high frequency band“.

We are raising a warning flag against the unrestricted use of sub-THz technologies for communication before possible public health consequences are explored“.

There is sufficient evidence to suggest that the combination of a helical sweat duct and wavelengths approaching the size of skin layers could lead to non-thermal biological effects”.

These concerns should be investigated, and these concerns should also influence the setting of standards for the implementation of 5G communications“.

Alphandéry, E. (2022). Nano dimensions/adjuvants in COVID-19 vaccines. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 10(10), 1520-155.

A very important article : for the first time the official literature recommends (at least for future use) the use of graphene and carbon nanotubes, disguising their use by justifying them as “adjuvants” in the development of so-called “vaccines” Moderna and Pfizer.

Also… not just mRNA, but DNA.

An article confirming suspicions about the existence of DNA origami and its possible self-assembly.

The proposed (so-called) “vaccines” contain several active ingredients : such as inactivated “viruses,” antigens, mRNA and DNA, all associated with standard adjuvants or nanomaterials (NM), such as liposomes in the (so-called) Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer “vaccines“.

The adjuvants in the so-called COVID-19 “vaccine” can be chosen from liposomes or other compounds, e.g. graphene oxide, CNT carbon nanotubes, exosomes, mesoporous spheres, polymers or metallic NMs“.

Channell J.E.T., Vigliotti L. (2019) The role of geomagnetic field intensity in late Quaternary evolution of humans and large mammals.

An important scientific study showing that the strength of the Earth’s geomagnetic field is an indicator of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) flux.
Interestingly, according to this study, the disappearance of Neanderthals and many large mammals in the late Quaternary period occurred during the lowest levels of Earth’s geomagnetic field strength.

In addition, human phylogeny, inferred from mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome, can also be linked to field intensity minima, i.e., the flux of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

Acuti Martellucci C., Flacco M.E., Martellucci M., Violante F.S., Manzoli L. (2022). Capnography assessment of carbon dioxide inhaled with face masks.

A study on the dangers of prolonged use of “masks”.