October 1, 2024 Global Warming
What is happening has nothing to do with stupidity and ignorance.
It is all deliberate.
Rewilding : nothing ever happens by accident

In this latest period, farmers seem to be constantly baffled by decisions made solely to please so-called “environmentalists”.
Farmers call the new government policies burdensome, senseless, reckless, destructive, insane, bureaucratic, and harmful.
In short, simply incomprehensible.
For example, they are “advised” to follow “biodynamic” farming methods, which involve the use of plant and mineral products.
In addition, many of them have been “urged” to support the the “rewilding” program so enthusiastically promoted by (the same) climate change advocates, whose ultimate goal is to return half of the earth’s land to wilderness.
Under this program, city parks often bloom wildly, and gardeners are encouraged to let grass grow all summer long.
Rewilding also means leaving long, uncut grass on sidewalks, in public places, and in private gardens.
But doing so will dramatically increase the spread of ticks and thus Lyme disease.
It will also increase the number of people who are bitten by venomous snakes.
In addition, long, uncut grass on roadsides and medians will increase the spread of pollinators and make traffic accidents more likely.
To ensure that neither farmers nor ordinary citizens encroach on the land designated for rewilding, bison, water buffalo, wild boar and beavers have also been introduced into it, with obviously disastrous end results.
Naive people think that if the land is left uncultivated, it will soon turn into wildflower meadows filled with daisies, tulips, forget-me-nots, elderflowers, and violets.
In reality, fields abandoned to the rewilding project will simply become a chaotic and unsightly collection of stinging nettles, brambles, mosquitoes, and giant dogweed, in addition to a rapid spread of Reynoutria japonica over the next few years.
Most farmers see the problems they face as the result of the stupidity, ignorance or inability of the European Union (and local governments) to understand their needs.
But what is happening has nothing to do with stupidity and ignorance.
It is all deliberate.
More and more countries now depend almost exclusively on imports for most of their food and energy supplies.
And most of the food has to be produced in industries owned exclusively by the elite.
Reducing the amount of land available to grow food thus serves only and exclusively to create food shortages, hunger, and a consequent, inevitable reduction in the world’s population.
The key point to always remember is that nothing ever happens by chance.