October 2, 2024 Artistic eroticism
Redheads have always walked the line between the good and the bad.

Pale skin, very pale, almost transparent, contrasting with the color of her red hair.
Red, fire red, copper red, ash red, mahogany red.
But what else do girls with red hair have?
Do they have a different quality than blondes or brunettes?
Why are they considered by many to be the most fascinating and capable of stimulating the erotic imagination?
Redheads have always been positioned between good and evil.
Angels or devils.
There are those who despise them and those who adore them to the point of obsession.
There are also those who consider them to be algae and those who, on the contrary, are ready to declare that, thanks to their erotic exuberance, they are capable of transmitting emotions and sensations that go beyond all limits.
Indeed, the scent of their skin seems to be absolutely exclusive.
Intense, candy-like, deep.
Moreover, in some of them, the ephelides resemble a firmament of stars, like a sleight of hand that attracts and draws attention.
But perhaps the fascination with redheads is mainly due to their extreme rarity.
In fact, natural redheads make up only 1% of the world’s population today, and it is becoming increasingly unlikely that they will be found in the future.
As a result of migration, racial mixing and the resulting globalization, redheads are likely to become extinct within a few decades.