December 19, 2024 Artistic eroticism
Sex is like bridge : if you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand.
Quitting is possible. Masturbation is useless

Every day, many people would like to get rid of this annoying burden, but they do not know how to do it.
The causes can be many : loneliness, lack of a partner, boredom, addiction to pornographic sites.
In the past, the symptoms of many diseases were attributed to this sinister practice.
Today we know that this is not the case.
However, masturbation can cause serious disturbances in an individual’s sex life and, above all, in his or her social life.
In fact, people who masturbate frequently (even several times a day !) often have no sex or relationship life with other normal people.
But masturbation is useless.
Just try to think about the feeling right after.
It is not guilt.
It is the realization that you just did something completely useless.
Be honest with yourself.
Try telling friends, colleagues or relatives about your autoerotic performance.
At best, they will feel sorry for you.