November 28, 2024 Artistic eroticism, The dark side of Chess
An episode that is symptomatic of a certain way of thinking that has never changed over the years and that consciously aims at the total destruction of all passions.
Prohibido amar. According to them, love should be replaced by self-centeredness and materialism
In the lobby of the hotel, I met a charming girl I had already seen at the tournament.
“I would like to meet Tal tonight,” she told me.“Not possible : he has a meeting with Simonov soon”.
“Ah, Simonov ! I know him. Tell him I need to see Tal tonight and the problem is solved”.“No, if you meet Tal, the embassy must not know”.
“But why ? After all, my friend and I are communists, we are on your side !”I hesitated at this question : yes, why should that be ?
“You see, the Soviets have special rules of conduct and can’t behave like that abroad…”“But if Spasskij was here last year and met girls !”
“That’s why he’s not here this year”.“What do you mean ?” she cried indignantly. “Is it forbidden to love ?”
Yes, “prohibido amar”… In the Soviet Union many things were “prohibidas”.“Viktor Korčnoj – Autobiography in Black and White (2005)”

I never liked the character of “Viktor the Terrible”, a really very ambiguous figure and very different from how he has always been portrayed in the media.
I will be writing a follow-up article soon that will analyze all of these issues.
The episode in question, recounted in his autobiography, refers to a dialog that took place in Havana at the end of a round of play in the prestigious international tournament held here in 1963.
This event is indicative of a vetero-communist way of thinking that has never changed over the years, and that consciously aims at the total destruction of all passions and everything that is human.
Starting with the purest and most beautiful emotion we can feel : love.
On the other hand, the “dark” thinking is quite obvious.
Once the assumptions of materialism (the exclusion of ideal motives from human action) and rationalism (the denial of feelings and various moral values as valid motives) are accepted, all that remains is human action taken to the extreme, rational and ruthless.
No wonder, then, about the obtuse thinking — bordering on the well-known Inquisition — of the Communists.
The de facto “left” has simply replaced God with the state.
That is why the vast majority of communists (especially the “hard core” ones) are intolerant of minorities, totally asexual bigots incapable of feeling any kind of pleasure, algid, empty, cold people who feel no emotion.
I could never stand them in my life.
Of course, they could never stand me and my way of being and living.
False opposites (again)
Unfortunately, for many years a large number of gullible people thought exactly the opposite, based on their little fairy tales that they learned by heart and spread like gospel to their followers.
In reality, however, this has always been a false dualism.
Both ideologies have the same goal.
The destruction of reason, the annihilation of all truly deep spiritual thought, and the creation of the same model of society.
Misery, ignorance, charity, humiliation and complacency.
A high and unattainable world and a mass of wretches.
An expanse of the damned poor and a dome of the rich who will occasionally give them a few crumbs of their juicy lunch.
Make love not war
Any thought of unity, love and peace can (indeed must) inexorably stop their rise.
According to them, love should be replaced by self-centeredness and materialism.
This can manifest itself in many ways.
For example, a new religious extremism.
Or a Nazi-like militarism.
Promoting the idea that war is good.
Love, of course, is the opposite of all this.
Their only purpose is to create chaos, violence, war, death and destruction.
It really bothers them to hear about feelings, love, eroticism and, in general, anything to do with human passions.
We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.
We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.And the human race is filled with passion.
And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

The “leftists”, of course, do not like this.
Every time they pass, an inexorable artistic and cultural degradation advances.
The result is even more evident when we analyze the products of the spirituality of our being, that is, music, painting, and film.
Everything that is art.
The artistic and cultural degradation is obvious to anyone who wants to see it.
In the past, when listening to music or watching movies, there was a real desire for change.
Today there is no trace of that.
We are witnessing a disintegration and, at the same time, a suffocation of society.
But on the other hand, going back to the autobiography of Viktor Korčnoj, their cultural level was always like this:
“Aleksandr Roshal interviewed both him and me, asking the same questions and getting very short answers.
I replied that my favorite writer was O.Henry, while Karpov replied Lermontov.
My favorite movie was Fellini’s Nights of Cabiria, his Liberation, a Soviet movie about the war against Germany.
But maybe that was really his cultural level ?”
Yes, the cultural level of the so-called “communists,” representatives of the egalitarian “working class,” has always been this…