January 3, 2025 Great Reset, Totalitarianism
Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.
Political Psychopaths. Exactly what we are now witnessing in much of the West
It seems that many people have not yet realized that the fundamental problem is the aberrant concept of “equality” promoted by so-called “modern culture” (WEF and the like), when instead we should be talking about equal opportunities for all human beings, who are instead all different from each other.
Just like Mother Nature, who loves biodiversity.
Unfortunately, a part of it, called humanity, hates it.
The world, after the farce of the so-called “virus”, has quickly gone into reverse gear and is rapidly heading towards the goal of the globalists : the return to a feudal society, steeped in bigotry and ignorance, which is unfortunately spreading like wildfire around the world.
One should not look at who a person is, what religion he professes, what ethnic group he belongs to, what he does in his private life, who he votes for, but what he can concretely do, what contribution he can make in a certain situation.
In the past, many circles grew exponentially precisely because there was a great appreciation for the diversity of the people in them; indeed, it is only from diverse viewpoints and experiences that the most valuable contributions come.
The most productive and innovative companies and research centers were precisely those in which there were very different ways of thinking and people who were able to provide creative and innovative ideas through comparison.
I’m afraid that no longer exists.
And the results are there for all to see.

Many years ago, a newspaper headline asked, “What is the difference between a politician and a psychopath ?”
The answer, then and now, is the same : none.
There is no difference between psychopaths and politicians.
There is no difference between the havoc wreaked on innocent lives by callous, emotionless, selfish, irresponsible, parasitic criminals and elected politicians who lie to voters, trade favors for campaign contributions, defraud taxpayers, favor the corporate elite, and empower the military-industrial complex without the slightest concern for the impact their hastily passed laws might have on helpless citizens.
Both psychopaths and politicians tend to be selfish, insensitive, irresponsible, pathological liars, uninhibited cheaters without remorse.
Charismatic politicians, like psychopaths, never take responsibility for their actions, have excessive self-esteem, are unstable and unstable, have socially deviant lifestyles and often unrealistic goals, all sharing the same nature, seemingly easy charm and calculating mind.
These leaders always end up creating pathocracies, i.e. totalitarian societies dedicated to power, total control and the destruction of freedom, working against the interests of their own people, if not to favor certain groups, resulting in the deliberate polarization of citizens, illegal actions and the massive and unnecessary acquisition of debt.
Exactly what we are now witnessing in much of the West.
In other words, electing a psychopath to public office is tantamount to national hara-kiri, a ritual act of self-annihilation, self-destruction, and suicide that marks the end of democratic government and lays the foundation for a totalitarian, militaristic, intolerant, and, above all, inhuman regime.
The hallmarks of sociopathic politicians include ruthlessness, callousness, and a complete lack of conscience, as well as a willingness to place power above all else, including the welfare of citizens.
When a government no longer views its citizens as human beings with dignity and worth, but as objects to be manipulated, maneuvered, exploited, abused, imprisoned, and punished without remorse, and refuses to admit its own mistakes, we are no longer operating in a constitutional republic.
More seriously, the psychopathology is not confined to those in high government positions, but is spreading rapidly among the population.
Tyranny does not thrive because those who perpetuate it are powerless and unaware of their actions.
It thrives because it actively identifies with those who promote vicious acts as “virtuous”.
In a pathocracy, people first become and then identify themselves as “agents” of good or evil through their personal identification with a particular leader, party, or social system.
Much depends on how leaders cultivate a sense of identification with their followers.
It is quite obvious that politicians now speak almost exclusively in terms of “we” rather than “I”; their leadership is about cultivating this sense of shared identity of “we” and getting people to want to act in terms of “we” to promote collective interests.
The goal of the modern corporate state is rather obvious : to promote, cultivate, and entrench a sense of common identification among its citizens.
To this end, “we the people” can become “we the police state”.

We are rapidly becoming slaves to a faceless and nameless totalitarian system of government and bureaucracy that is relentlessly eroding our freedoms through countless laws, regulations, and prohibitions.
Resistance to these regimes depends on the strength of the opinions of those who decide to fight back.
This means that “we citizens” must be very careful not to be manipulated into marching hand in hand with an oppressive regime.
Citizens must make an effort to inform themselves about what the government is doing and how to hold it accountable for its actions.
Instead, they often allow themselves to exist exclusively in an echo space limited to opinions with which they agree.
They do not expose themselves to multiple media sources, independent and mainstream, and most importantly, they no longer think for themselves.
Elections have never been a means of opposing a police state, simply because “resistance” requires active people at all levels.
We are not faceless numbers or cogs in a machine.
We are human beings and, at least for now, we still have a chance to remain free, provided we tirelessly defend our rights.
But it may be the last.