October 6, 2024 Internet and virtual life
The interior is completely neglected.
Only the exterior is exalted.
Personal blogs. The author tells you what he or she loves and hates

There are two ways to try to relate to those on the other side of the screen by writing through a blog.
I am referring, of course, to personal blogs such as mine, similar to a diary, whose sole purpose is to bring to light that part of us that we jealously guard in our hearts, contained in an almost impenetrable shell.
The first is what I call “of being” : the author tells his story, his life experiences, his childhood memories, his dreams, but also his fears, his desires, what he loves and what he hates.
These are the ones I like : I can easily relate to the author and feel his feelings, thoughts, emotions coming from his soul.
The second is what I call “of appearance” : the author does not contribute anything, but simply tries to draw attention to himself, usually in a frivolous way.
In this case, the readers are nothing more than “sources of energy” from which the author, like greedy vampires, draws to feel that exciting sensation that comes from the “consideration” of others, to redeem an existence that is most likely empty and perhaps even devoid of true emotion.
In these blogs, inwardness is completely neglected and only outwardness is exalted.
This is done in an attempt (very naive, in my opinion) to present an image that can arouse admiration, envy or sometimes even compassion in those who read it.