October 13, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
The more oxygen the brain gets, the better it can function.
Brain Oxygenation. An important factor in improving our mind

An important element in the improvement of our mind is the oxygenation of the brain.
It is no coincidence that more than a third of the total oxygen available in our bodies goes to the brain.
The more oxygen it receives, the better it can function.
A stimulating environment leads to larger capillaries and consequently a higher density of glial cells, the supposed cells that act as intermediaries between neurons and blood vessels.
But how can the brain be better supplied with oxygen?
The answer may seem paradoxical at first: you have to reduce the amount of oxygen you breathe.
When carbon dioxide (CO2) in the bloodstream increases, the body interprets this as a lack of oxygen.
As a result, it immediately goes on high alert and dilates the carotid arteries, which carry blood to the head, to the maximum to allow more blood to enter.
This allows for extra flow of oxygenated blood.
The capillaries that carry blood to every nook and cranny of the brain are the oxygen pumps that supply our neurons with the fuel they need; therefore, an increase in blood flow to the brain helps slow brain cell death while activating inactive or semi-active brain areas due to lack of blood flow.
As we age, our oxygen pumps become less efficient, leading to more and more brain cell loss.
Thousands and thousands of neurons die every day; the older we get, the greater the daily losses.
Therefore, to try to stop this process, it is necessary to bring more oxygen to the brain through a balanced diet, while avoiding hard liquor.