December 20, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
It is necessary to work for a living.
Not to satisfy the needs created by marketing.
Old-fashioned humanity. Good habits combined with common sense

As a child, my maternal grandparents, with whom I spent summer vacations, taught me many good habits.
My grandfather Giovanni was a farmer.
During the day he worked as a laborer in a famous Belgian chemical industry, Solvay, in Rosignano, in the province of Livorno.
On Saturday mornings, however, he would return to the farm to work as a farmer.
He also tended his personal vegetable garden, where I spent my childhood.
My grandmother Lida was a housewife who tried very hard to make ends meet with the family budget, which was always very limited.
In short, people with big hands as workers of the land.
Poor, but at the same time sober.
People who did not know the glamorous side of life.
Also because they didn’t have much to spend.
All these very good habits, so related to common sense and our inherent nature, have always reminded me of the importance of good financial management, not only of everything we own.
They also helped me organize my daily life.
They reminded me that it is not always necessary to spend.
Especially to buy something that is not really needed.
For example, here are a few that anyone could easily follow :
Nothing is thrown away because everything can be made into something else, just keep it well (and remember).
A torn tablecloth can be easily recycled and used to make potholders, dishcloths, or a small curtain.Electric lights should be turned off as long as natural light is available.
If a light source is needed, just move closer to the window.
Personally, I put my office desk (and PC workstation) right next to the windows.It is possible to save money even when you have more to spend.
If you can live with less, you can live with more.
The opposite does not work : spoiled people are short-lived.It is useless to dress differently every day.
“He who is always beautiful will never be beautiful.”Learn to do as many things as possible yourself.
It is a source of satisfaction and makes you more and more independent.
“Don’t let others do what you can do yourself”.
You have to work for a living.
Not to satisfy needs created by marketing.
Sobriety is a way of life.
It is a way of being instead of having.
A way of life that can distinguish between real and manufactured needs.
No, it is not the usual cheap goodist preaching of the usual “left-wingers” who always talk about “recycling”, “saving the planet”, “consuming less” and other phrases they parrot in every sauce.
But it is just my way of life.
Humanity of the past.
Si vis amaris ama
The idols of our youth are special.
But children’s heroes are immortal.
A world that unfortunately no longer exists.
Of which we are losing the basic coordinates.
But above all, the indispensable pillars.
On which, since its beginnings, it has built its endless and legendary history.