January 4, 2025 The dark side of Chess, Totalitarianism
Willingly or unwillingly, those participating in the Melody Amber International Chess Tournament have been contributing to this apocalyptic program for more than 20 years.
Melody Amber : The real story (and significance) of the tournament
All of us, to a greater or lesser extent, are characterized by deficiencies that prevent us from objectively perceiving the facts of the socio-political reality surrounding us.
These deficiencies can be divided into three groups :
1. Lack of observation, shallowness of judgment, and general misdirection of thought.
2. Inadequate education, which does not allow us to grasp the totality of the facts of the world around us, to see them as interrelated, and thus to have a kaleidoscopic view of the world.
3. The tendency to be influenced by opinions and actions, and the consequent inability to critically analyze the information that is “imposed” on us.
The famous French psychiatrist Gustave Lebon expressed the same concept in more detail in his book “Psychology of Peoples”.
“In primitive and inferior races (there is no need to look for them among the true savages, since the lowest strata of European societies are similar to primitive man), one can always observe a greater or lesser inability to reason, that is, to associate ideas in the brain in order to compare them and notice their similarities and differences.
These ideas may be caused by past sensations or words that act as signs, or they may be produced by present sensations.
From this inability to reason comes great credulity and a total absence of critical thinking.
In the higher being, on the other hand, the ability to associate ideas and draw conclusions from them is highly developed, and critical thinking and the capacity for accurate reasoning are highly developed“.
It may seem to some that these sociological theories, which were very popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, are now outdated, especially since Lebon’s major works have not been published since.
But this is not the case.
As Edward Bernays later wrote in his book “Propaganda” :
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an essential element of a democratic society“.

Today, the rulers regard the human masses as bacteria or, more generally, as inanimate objects.
The technique of controlling the critical consciousness of the masses has been increasingly perfected by the so-called puppeteers.
The representatives of the manipulated masses (in short, the politicians) have succeeded in instilling in them the idea of their complete objectivity, self-sufficiency and rationality.
To these defects, which have been aggravated in recent years, have been added the sin of pride, lack of self-criticism, and belief in the futility of constant internal work of first spiritual and then intellectual self-improvement.
Of course, there are profound eschatological explanations for all this, but it is not the purpose of this article to consider them.
At this point, it is only important to note that these deficiencies in human character and thinking make it much easier for journalists to tell any little story that immediately becomes credible to everyone.
In this case the traditional Melody Amber rapid chess tournament, which took place in Monaco from 1992 to 2011, will be taken as an example.
The official version, which was always told in the press, was always more or less as follows :
“For no less than 20 editions, from 1992 to 2011, a rapid tournament was held in Monaco in the second half of March, featuring virtually all of the world’s strongest GMs over the years.
It was a tournament organized by the Dutch philanthropist and billionaire Joop van Oosterom (who sadly passed away on October 22, 2016) and the Max Euwe Association, which he sponsored.
The formula of the tournament was very unique indeed : 12 participants played 22 rounds in two groups (11+11), one playing rapid chess and the other (starting with the second edition in 1993) playing blind.
Curiously enough, the first blind chess tournament took place 119 years before edition number 1 of Melody Amber, in 1874.
The time allotted for the games was 25 minutes per player, with 10 or 20 seconds added for each move made, using the so-called “Fischer increment cadence”.For those unfamiliar with the game, it is worth mentioning that it was the former World Champion from 1972 to 1975, Robert Fischer, who came up with the idea of the increment and then patented it.
The tournament prize money has always been very high, reaching the exorbitant sum of $227,000 in the last edition in 2011 (a considerable sum for a minor sport like chess).
All organizational expenses were borne personally by Joop van Oosterom, a great chess enthusiast who had been Dutch Junior Champion in the early days of his career and had successfully participated in correspondence chess tournaments, winning the World Championship in both the 2003 edition (despite the fact that he suffered a serious heart attack in that edition) and the following one in 2004.
His incalculable wealth came from the proceeds of the sale of the Volmac Software Group, the company he founded in 1966 and which was acquired by the French multinational Cap Gemini in 1992.
To give an idea of the alleged proceeds of the sale, according to media reports, Van Oosterom’s wealth in 2004 was “more than 1 billion euros” (roughly equivalent to the wealth of the current Prince of Monaco, Albert II, but 20 years later).
As everyone knows, the Principality of Monaco is a 4-kilometer-long paradise on the Mediterranean Sea, close to the French-Italian border, with magnificent beaches, first-class hotels and, above all, a reputation for being an important offshore center.
The principality is also known for its famous Monte Carlo casino (one of Monaco’s five districts), which was founded shortly after the country’s independence in 1861.The tournament was named “Amber” in honor of Van Oosterom’s eldest daughter, Melody Amber, who was born in 1992.
Participation in the Amber Tournament has been a dream of every professional chess player for years : really high prizes, excellent playing and recreational conditions”.

A similar description of the Monaco tournament can be found in any specialized chess magazine of the time.
And (perhaps) only one chess amateur in a million could have doubts about the authenticity of all these described events.
Yet all that has been told is nonsense.
To begin with, the most ridiculous thing about this “sovereign state” is that it is only half a square mile in size.
Some call it “the most glamorous country in Europe”, but, as the description just given above should give pause, its main attraction and, of course, its main source of income is the Monte Carlo gambling house.
Obviously, such a “fashionable resort” exerts a huge attraction on all the criminal scum of Europe who use it as a place of laundering and deposit of huge funds of dubious origin.
Otherwise, one would not explain its special offshore status in a state as small as Monaco.
Already to this obvious fact one must add the traditional chess tournament held for a good 20 years in such a sinister corner of Europe by the Dutch “philanthropist”, and this should leave one somewhat perplexed.
In reality, the situation is much more serious.
The Principality of Monaco is one of the most important strongholds of drug trafficking in Europe.
Here, for example, is what former British intelligence officer Dr. John Coleman wrote about it :
“One of the channels for the supply of heroin to Europe passes through the Principality of Monaco.
Heroin arrives from Corsica on the ferries that make many trips between Corsica and Monte Carlo in the summer.Neither the goods nor the passengers are checked.
Since there is no secure border between France and Monaco, drugs, especially heroin or partially processed opium, flow across the open border of Monaco to laboratories in France.If the heroin is pure, it is sent directly to distributors”.
From 1949 to 2005, the role of monarch was played by Prince Rainier III, a member of the old Italian Grimaldi dynasty, a typical representative of the European “black aristocracy”.
Since 2005, the role of Prince of Monaco has been played by the male son of the former monarch, Albert II.
Prince Rainier III’s love affair with Hollywood actress Grace Kelly, who became Princess of Monaco in 1956 and died tragically in 1982, quickly became world famous.
By way of background, here are two descriptions of the “love affair” between Rainier III and Grace.
The first is the one commonly reported in the press, the second is from Dr. Coleman.
1. “The beautiful woman proved to be intelligent and endowed with remarkable character and will.
Journalists are still investigating the sad circumstances of her tragic death in a car accident in September 1982.
Princess Grace constantly defended Monaco, especially its gambling industry, from the threat of Mafia invasion“.2. “It is well known that the Grimaldi family has been involved in drug trafficking for several centuries.
At one point, Prince Rainier III was overcome by greed and began to demand excessive commissions on his main ‘business’, drug smuggling, and did not stop after three serious warnings.As a result, his wife, Princess Grace, died in a “traffic accident”.
The brake fluid reservoir of his Rover had been sabotaged so that every time the brake pedal was pressed, a certain amount of oil would leak.As a result, when the car reached the most dangerous part of the mountain road with its sharp bends, the brakes failed and the car plunged into the abyss at full speed.
The Committee of 300 then went to great lengths to hide the truth about Princess Grace’s murder.
Her car is still in the possession of the French police, parked under a tent on a trailer that is “off limits”.
Everybody can choose to believe one of the two proposed versions.
After all, the subject of this article is not the history of the Grimaldi family, but the general atmosphere surrounding the Amber Melody chess tournament.
I just want to point out that the existence of such a “state”, whose main purpose is the distribution of drugs in the heart of Europe, is perfectly logical and fits perfectly into the general framework of the supranational policies currently being pursued by world bodies whose activities are not known to everyone.
Their aim is to establish a New World Order with a single government, religion and financial system, with total control over the population.
The ways to achieve this and the main priorities of the current policy are more or less these (all known to those who know the subject very well, but worth remembering) :
Total destruction of national sovereignty and identity.
Creating a general economic crisis and political chaos worldwide.Planning and financing local wars around the world.
Organization of a global terrorist apparatus and permanent war on terrorism.Continuously lower the level of education.
Destruction of all existing religions, especially Christianity.Total technotronic and biochemical control of the consciousness of every individual.
Deindustrialization and destruction of the “surplus population”.
Legalization of drugs.
This “policy” has been steadily carried out for several decades before our very eyes (and, more precisely, has received a strong acceleration since the general process of the collapse of Christian civilization was initiated several centuries ago), in completely different ways from country to country.

The distribution of drugs (creating the outward appearance of “fighting”) is an integral part of this plan, because the people must be constantly distracted from everything going on around them, demoralized and prepared for mass destruction or existence in new altered forms of consciousness, so that in the end the ultimate goal is achieved: total dictatorship.
Political technocrats use all “sports competitions” as “opiates” to intoxicate the masses.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a leading member of the Club of Rome, did not hide years ago the importance of “an information revolution based on entertainment and mass spectacle, which is another kind of drug for the increasingly useless masses“.
On the other hand, what we are experiencing is not an IT revolution, but a real social revolution.
This revolution is linked to the apocalyptic project of establishing a global electronic concentration camp on planet Earth, a fascist regime that, according to the globalizers, will lead people not only to physical slavery, but also to mental slavery.
As Brzezinski admitted, “the world is on the threshold of a transformation that will be more dramatic in its historical and human consequences than the French or Bolshevik revolutions”.
Willingly or unwillingly, the participants of the Melody Amber International Chess Tournament have been contributing to this apocalyptic program for more than 20 years.
The chess world is not usually the object of special attention from potential investors and patrons.
The rich spend money on chess sparingly and reluctantly, preferring to take it straight to a casino, a rich man’s club or a high-class brothel.
The figure of Van Oosterom, sponsor of several professional teams and organizer of numerous traditional matches and tournaments, is therefore all the more striking.
Van Oosterom has often been compared to the Dutch Bill Gates, founder of the first computer software company in the Netherlands.
Of course, it is really difficult to judge his level of expertise and business acumen.
But one thing is certain : he was directly involved in the “information revolution” that Brzezinski mentioned earlier.
After “retiring from business” in 1989, van Oosterom “decided to devote himself entirely to the passion of his youth” and began his rapid rise in the chess world.
At that time he was hardly the only patron from the Benelux ; Belgian businessman Bessel Kok, one of the creators of the electronic interbank transaction system SWIFT, was also unusually busy organizing chess tournaments.
Unlike Bessel Kok, however, van Oosterom’s enthusiasm for chess seemed sincere, not least because he continued to participate personally in various tournaments.
Not in person, but by correspondence.
In 1994 his life changed forever because of a dramatic event : van Oosterom was struck by a severe stroke.
His life was clearly in danger and it seemed that he would never be able to play chess again, as he could hardly move by himself or utter a few words.

According to the testimonies of the time, Muriel, the young wife of 30 years, who, unlike her husband, could not stand either the chess world or anything connected with it, was in charge of almost everything.
Even then it should have become clear that the official version of the “chess-obsessed patron of the arts” was now untenable : behind the scenes there was clearly an unknown will directing the organization of tournaments, since Oosterom himself was clearly incapable of doing so.
It should be added that van Oosterom had never given an interview since 1988.
More importantly, as the Dutch magazine Quote 500 pointed out even then :
“The state of his finances has always been shrouded in mystery“.
It is also a strange “coincidence” that his colleague and closest business partner, the one with whom he founded the company “Volmac” in 1966 and who later led it to fabulous profits, John de Mol (or J.C.L. Mol, a name that curiously recalls the eponym of the last Grand Master of the Order of the Temple, Jacques de Molay), is the same Dutch TV tycoon who launched a “special” TV project for mass manipulation called “Big Brother” in Europe.
Regarding this last point, I would like to point out another strange “coincidence” : in Italy, for the first edition of Big Brother, a well-known director in the chess world was chosen.
At this point a rather surprising thing happened : although Van Oosterom never fully recovered from the stroke he had suffered (reports at the time reported that he was not even able to speak), his performance in the correspondence chess tournaments he played began to improve exponentially.
So not only did he organize and sponsor (also) mail-order tournaments, but more importantly, he won them, until he reached the highest peak : the world title of mail-order game in two editions (2003 and 2004).
All this could not but give rise to a series of “rumors” about his real playing strength.
Rumors immediately began to circulate that under the name “Oosterom” he was actually playing against the multiple Dutch champion GM Jeroen Piket, who had recently given up his professional chess career to work as Van Oosterom’s “personal secretary”.
The then well-known chess journalist Tim Krabbe went so far as to call Piket his “operator” and compared Oosterom to an inanimate mechanical puppet, a kind of golem.
With all due respect to GM Piket’s chess talent, it should also be pointed out that even in correspondence chess there are outliers, such as Gert-Jan Timmerman (winner of the 15th World Correspondence Championship) or the Swedish GM Ulf Andersson (who in his career reached world number 4 at table and world number 1 at correspondence, author by the way of some spectacular games, such as his victory over Anatoly Karpov in the Milan Supertournament in 1975).

So it was clear early on that there was (or was again) another person behind the name “Van Oosterom”, presumably a GM of medium/high strength, like Piket was at that time.
Some esoteric hints have to be made at this point.
The Amber Melody was traditionally held in the second half of March, coinciding with the spring equinox, Ostara, a name that has a particular assonance with van Oosterom.
A curious coincidence from the history of European occultism should be mentioned here : at the beginning of the 20th century there was a popular magazine in Austria called “Ostara”.
Its editor was Georg Lanz von Liebenfels, founder of the “Order of the New Temple”, a New World Order fanatic with obvious Theosophical influences.
Among his disciples were such famous people as Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin, of the latter he even wrote that “he was the only one, along with Lord Kitchener, who understood his teachings before the war and drew his own conclusions”.
One of Lanz’s books was found in Hitler’s personal library, now housed in the Library of Congress in Washington.
But what did this holiday represent ?
Its origins are shrouded in the darkness of deep antiquity, dating back to the Babylonian-Assyrian cult of Ishtar, the goddess of love and war.
Here is a brief history.
The biblical patriarch Noah had a grandson named Cush, son of Cam.
He married a woman named Semiramis and had a son named Nimrod.
After his father’s death, Nimrod married his mother and became a powerful ruler (according to another version of the legend, Semiramis was his sister).
The Book of Genesis describes it this way:
“Cush also begat Nimrod, who began to be strong on the earth; he was a strong hunter in the eyes of the Lord, which is why it is said: “A strong hunter, like Nimrod, in the eyes of the Lord.
His kingdom at first consisted of : Babylon, Erech, Akkad and Calneh in the land of Sennaar”. (Genesis 10:8-10)

But Nimrod was soon killed and his body cut into pieces and scattered throughout the kingdom.
His mother, Semiramis, became the mistress of ancient Babylon.
She managed to collect all the torn parts of her son-husband except for the reproductive organ (this part of the story closely resembles the myth of Isis and Osiris).
But it proved impossible to revive him without the missing part (this is where the Egyptian myth of Osiris differs), and it was announced to the people that Nimrod had ascended to the sun and would henceforth be regarded as the sun god, called Baal.
His cultic incarnation on earth was the flame of a candle or lamp (eternal flame).
Semiramis herself, who changed her name to Isthar, began to be worshipped as the goddess of the moon, the goddess of love, or simply as a goddess.
According to legend, she appeared on Earth in the form of a lunar egg that fell into the Euphrates River during the first full moon after the spring equinox.
It should now be remembered that the time of the annual Catholic celebration of Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Day of Ostara.
To meditate on the mysteries of Nimrod-Baal, followers of his cult symbolically drew the sign of the cross “tau” (T) near the heart.
Semiramis-Ishtar soon became pregnant “by the rays of the sun god Baal” and gave birth to a son named Tammuz.
“Tammuz” is the name of the 4th month in the Hebrew priestly lunisolar calendar (its serial number in the civil calendar is the 10th) and was later mauled by a wild boar.
Why is this ancient Babylonian myth so interesting ?
And what relation could it have to the chess tournament held in the Principality of Monaco ?
It is possible that many of its participants never suspected any of this, and that most chess enthusiasts, of all levels, will find it strange and even shocking.
However, the Amber Melody tournament in Monte Carlo never had anything to do with sport, nor with an ordinary cultural or entertainment spectacle.
It was, in fact, a work of religious worship, like the vast majority of major high-level chess tournaments that have been held over the years.
All this, however, will be the subject of other specific articles on the subject.