October 2, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Every fairy tale in the world has a princess who always gets into trouble.
Like the end of a fairy tale. Life is first a choice of how to live it

Crystal slippers, poisoned apples, enchanted needles.
Every fairy tale in the world has a princess who always gets into trouble.
But not before she has suffered no small amount of abuse from jealous stepsisters, heartless stepmothers, evil queens and touchy fairies.
The protagonists, good, kind and patient to a fault, are always saved by a handsome prince dressed in blue and riding a white horse.
A man of integrity and fearlessness who leads the maidens to the brightest and most glorious of existences, in which the feminine essence loses all meaning and disappears with the unfailing “…and they lived happily ever after”.
Whether it will be happiness and well-being is unknown, but one thing is certain : no princess will succeed in saving herself by rebelling and sending everyone to hell, and managing to carve out her own personal existence on her own, without a prince to lean on and depend on.
And this is perhaps the root of this insidious influence that penetrates the minds of little girls and follows them into adulthood.
Is it the fault of fairy tales, then, if a woman’s complicated mind has the quality of turning everyone into a prince, even those who are not princes but are light years away from possessing his gifts, in the belief that with him at their side every little part of the world will shine with a wholly unexpected brilliance ?
This is not to say that a prince cannot exist-someone somewhere, wandering, will surely exist-but it is not necessarily the case that every man who approaches is one.
More importantly, it is by no means a given that he will be able to rescue a princess, even if only from the dreary shipwreck of her restless life.
After all, life first requires a choice of how to live it, beyond the possible ferryman one might encounter.
To be able to steer the rudder of one’s own personal and unique raft of light in the first person is the prerequisite for the only true energy that can truly lead us to true happiness and serenity.
Just like at the end of every fairy tale.