November 22, 2024 Hidden history, Totalitarianism
You will never convince them to change their minds.
Their mental programming will not allow it.
JFK 61 years later. Everybody knows what really happened

It has been 61 years since the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, the last of any significance.
A consolidation of the official story, a dash of sentiment, and some “new evidence” confirming the “findings” of the Warren Report are expected.
Of course, the so-called “alternative” media channels have also been subjected to this, with one “red pill” (remember the Matrix ?) claiming these days that “Oswald’s contact” was an Israeli and Jack Ruby a Jew, which would imply that Israel planned JFK’s assassination.
This is baseless nonsense designed to reinforce the lie that Oswald was the assassin and to tar supporters of the truth about JFK with the brush of anti-Semitism.
While mainstream articles try to link Oswald to Cuba or the USSR, repeating the now familiar notion that “the Communists did it !”
This would have led to a U.S. cover-up to avoid nuclear war.
Or they simply repeat lies older than those repeated by the well-known mindless, such as this one from TIME, where their “historical reporter” does not even mention the Church Commission’s conclusion of “probable conspiracy.
These are trivial attempts at propaganda, devoid of any argument, and therefore hardly worthy of consideration.
There is no point in responding to them.
There is no point in arguing with them, because these are neither opinions nor facts they have learned, but ingrained beliefs, codified assumptions upon which they build their model of reality.
You will never convince them to change their minds; their mental programming will not allow it.
The media will continue to tell their meaningless stories to their dwindling readership, with their old lies echoing through empty headlines.
No one with common sense will ever believe them.
We all know what really happened, just like 9/11.
As for the historical and political context of the time, we must first delve into the ties between JFK and Indonesia (with JFK being a staunch opponent of the CIA, the likely reason for his assassination), the way U.S. foreign policy changed after his death, and his struggles against the U.S. military-industrial complex while in office.
On the other hand, for those who want to immerse themselves in the subject through mainstream cinema, Oliver Stone’s 1991 masterpiece, JFK, is well worth watching.