December 12, 2024 Hidden history, Reflections of a heretic
Don’t you think about what the so-called “strong powers” can do to you?
The total death of the rule of law, democracy and its corollaries such as due process, legal certainty, ne bis in idem, the prohibition of reformatio in peius.Chilling.
Italy in a nutshell. The total death of the rule of law
It is usually very difficult for me to agree with Luttwak, but in this case he is right as rain.
Network. Speech about maximum systems.
Mediterraneo. Last scene.
Italy in pills. Inevitably, those who delude themselves into believing they can change something end up with exactly these considerations.
Our society wants us to be told fairy tales, and if someone dares to say that water is wet, he is attacked by everyone.
The same goes for justice.
I feel sorry for those parents whose child has been killed and who, after 10 years in which the culprit has still not been found, continue to repeat :
“I have faith in justice”.
Likewise, I pity those morons who, after being convicted in the first and second instance, after losing years of tilting at windmills, and after finally being acquitted by the Supreme Court, exclaim :
“You see ? I was right to have faith in justice.”
But what kind of justice is that which pillories you without even listening to you and without you being able to defend yourself ?
What kind of justice is that which, for example, puts people in prison a few days before Christmas and then interrogates them in mid-January ? (Of course, so that in the meantime they do some time in prison and maybe are more willing to meet the demands of the Prime Minister when he “deigns” to interrogate them).
If a state apparatus is indecent, citizens have a duty to say so, precisely out of respect and love for their nation.
But Italy is not a country, Italians are not a people, but a jumble of municipalities, city-states and states, each of which thinks only of its own interests.
This country, without excluding political, territorial, religious, racial, etc. sides, should have been outraged at least since the days of Enzo Tortora.
Italians are slaves to their stupidity and they deserve it.
A country that was born and will die (because it will die sooner or later) on compromises and not on the idea of the people, suffocated by the mafia and clientelist spiral that has deliberately tightened around its neck.

The archives prove me right today, and will prove me right even more when the content of what I have been saying for years, and which is coming true more and more accurately every day, is revealed.
In the meantime, however, it is your problem alone, not mine.