October 22, 2024 Movies
The conspiracy exists !
Then people will never have to know the truth.
Truth is not always revolutionary.“Illustrious corpses” – phrase spoken by a Communist Party official in the final scene.
Illustrious Corpses (1976). The true anatomy of the Italian State
The purpose of the so-called “strategy of tension” was to abolish the constitution and declare a state of emergency.
Today it has been achieved.
Not only in Italy, but in as many as 4 European countries : Italy, France, Spain and Belgium.
And the fact that now there is an attempt to implement on a global scale what was attempted then in individual countries (not only in Europe), is not only a clue, but precisely the proof that the same forces behind the scenes are responsible for the “plandemic” as they were in the past, for example, for the Piazza Fontana, the central station in Bologna or the Oktoberfest in Munich.
The truth is always revolutionary.
Cadaveri eccellenti (Illustrious Corpses) is a truly first-rate movie, inspired by the “devious” right-wing political terrorism that took place in Italy in the 1970s.
But the theme is really appropriate for all times.
Especially the modern age.

Right or left, the techniques are always the same.
And so is the way they are carried out.
First, create the problem with a “classic” “false flag” operation.
Then respond to the resulting fear and panic with solutions involving strict population control and the consequent loss of personal freedoms, always proposed as temporary, of course.
And there you have it, immediately another goal achieved in the slow and subtle march toward the absolute power of the few over the many.
Beyond the subject matter (inspired by Leonardo Sciascia‘s “The Context – A Parody” )
of the movie, I think it is one of the best in the genre ever made, in virtually every respect.
And the jewel of the white luxury Mercedes with Geneva plates – showing the real instigators of the so-called “communist revolution” – is truly memorable.
A movie that shows the true anatomy of the Italian state.