November 4, 2024 Great Reset, Totalitarianism
Resistance to totalitarianism, whether imposed from without or within, is a matter of life and death.
“George Orwell – Literature and Totalitarianism, 1941″
How totalitarianism arises. Every dictatorship follows this simple pattern
Define a common thought for “everyone.”
The so-called “normality.”Decide that “anyone” is the judge authorized to rule on behalf of “everyone.”
Define that “good” equals “similar to everyone,” while “bad” equals “different from everyone.”“Anyone else” is the opposite of everyone.
And it is evidence of adherence to “everyone” to exhibit hatred toward “anyone else.”
Every dictatorship uses this simple pattern.
For example, Hitler decided that all Germans were “everyone” and all people who were not ethnic Germans were “everyone.”
Once it was established that “everyone” was blond, blue-eyed, and spoke German, while “everyone” was blond, had wide hips, and liked to have male children, everyone else was considered “evil.”
Therefore, he was “evil” because he was simply “different.”

To oppress is “everyone”.
When you are considered “someone else”, therefore “different from everyone”.
To oppress is the society we live in.
Our neighbour is our leader.
Torquemada is our co-worker.
And the instruments of the Inquisition are called “ignorance and stupidity”.
Simply a “wrong” point of view to be “suppressed”.
Normalcy is the sick world in which “everyone” lives.
Hitler would have had no chance of seizing power on his own.
Neither would his counter-alternative, Stalin.
But with the help of the so-called “normal” society, i.e. the so-called “people”, with their “normal” thinking, they succeeded quite easily.
Without a society of East Berlin-style whisperers, judges in pectore, backbiting and ignorance, none of these totalitarian regimes would ever have come into being.
In fact, these regimes arose precisely at the time when society took this form.
No snowflake could ever feel responsible for an avalanche.
Similarly, no one would feel responsible for a dictatorship just because they like to speak ill of others.
But unfortunately, individual freedom begins where the standardisation of human beings ends.
Every totalitarianism begins with the creation of a standardised model of a “citizen”.
Every tyranny is presented by its supporters as “social”.
So if you think you are a “normal” person, you are also part of the tyranny.
Internet as a means of spreading totalitarianism
So where do the dictators , tyrants, judges, persecutors and executioners lurk ?
Among the so-called “normal” people ?

Take, for example, this monster called Facebook.
A black eye ?
“Go over there. Who to, me ?”
Unemployed ?
“No, I’m looking for a new challenge”.
Have you ever seen someone actually ask for help on Facebook ?
No, I’ve never seen it.
Always for “others”.
People who post on social networking sites tend to be independent, successful, and wealthy.
In short, they are happy people.
The real world is falling apart fast.
Except on Facebook.
But if you post on a social network, you have to stay in the mainstream.
Otherwise, your neighbor might hear you, your boss might read you, the government might oppress you, a lawyer might sue you.
In short, you are a prisoner of conformity.
And thus an integral part of totalitarianism.
“Normal” life under totalitarianism
Surveillance state, mine work for so-called political prisoners.
Along with other terrible “punishments” for simply expressing a different opinion.
No college for children, no career opportunities.
No permission to travel.
Unless the “citizen” turns out to be really troublesome and difficult to “re-educate”.
One to get rid of as soon as possible.
And total control over all aspects of its citizens’ lives, private and public.
And, of course, total control of the media and culture.
An “obedient” citizen will be treated better than others.
But what about everyone else, the so-called “other” and therefore “disobedient” ?
Here is my solution
Here are some rules I have set for myself.
It is not possible to change the people around us.
Perhaps in time those around us will get the message.Do not be afraid to express an opinion that is not “conformist” and therefore “not normal.
Spend your free time only with those who do not conform, not with just anyone.Never be afraid of your own actions and possible “social” consequences.
If you want to be with “everyone”, you have to conform to “normal” thinking.
And thus become part of totalitarianism.
In short, you have to choose sides.
Do you agree with totalitarianism ? Best wishes !

If you willingly wear the mask, you will willingly accept whatever “vaccine” “your” government or “political party” offers you.
You will also believe any mainstream propaganda.
You will accept every call for isolation and dissociation.
You will allow your mother to die sadly in a hospital ward, alone.
She will be buried in a mass grave without a funeral.
One day, when the mask will be declared “normal” and “everyone” will have to wear it “for life”, you will agree without hesitation.
And you will learn to adapt to the worst of humanity.
Instead of wanting the best for yourself.
Those who argue that you must “adapt” are valuable allies of totalitarians.
Whoever they are.
A person wearing a mask will never recognize his personal boundaries, will never communicate them and, above all, will not defend them.
He is simply a person waiting for the “right” “trusted” person to step on him without any mercy.
Manipulation of Reality
Here is how the manipulation of reality works today.
A first “manipulating” factor is information overload.
A bombardment that often confuses.
A brilliant and at the same time terrible mechanism.
A much more insidious and effective control than the great Orwell could have imagined.

Joseph Goebbels was Adolf Hitler‘s Minister of Propaganda.
He was the real power behind the Nazi dictatorship.
Thus, during the Nazi dictatorship, he was the real holder of power.
He was the strategist who managed to turn an ideology born in a very small group of people into a mass movement.
His “talent” was his ability to identify the different suggestion mechanisms of the human mind and to create very effective manipulation tactics
In Nazi Germany, citizens thus became part of a pathological political project, feeling that they were the bearers of universal truths.
Goebbels is long dead.
Eventually, the facts revealed the true face of the madness of the Nazi regime.
However, the manipulative tactics used still have a significant impact today.
In fact, virtually the manipulative tactics used still have a significant impact today.
The 11 Principles of Propaganda
1.Principle of Simplification and the Single Enemy : pick an opponent and insist on the idea that he is the source of all evil.
For example : “immigrants,” “the right” or “the left.”2.Principle of contagion : lumping all those who commit crimes into a single category.
This reinforces the idea of a single enemy to fight.
For example : “all immigrants are terrorists.”3.Principle of transposition : constantly shifting the blame for one’s own mistakes to the opponent.
Or you can transfer your own faults to him.
The thief calls his enemy “thief” in order to confuse his ideas and get him into trouble.4.Principle of exaggeration and distortion : to turn any anecdote, no matter how small or trivial, into a fact on which the survival of society depends.
The goal is to make every act of the opponent seem suspicious and threatening.5.Principle of vulgarization : “All propaganda must be popular and adapt its level to the least intelligent of the individuals to whom it is addressed.
The ability of the masses to understand is limited.
Their understanding is limited.
Besides, the masses forget very easily”.6.Principle of orchestration : propaganda must limit itself to a small number of ideas and repeat them tirelessly.
Each time from a different point of view, but always leading back to the same concept.
There must be no ambiguity or doubt”.
This is why “if a lie is repeated enough, it eventually becomes the truth”.7.Principle of renewal : it consists of publishing and rapidly disseminating large amounts of news and ideas that denigrate the opponent.
In this way the defense will be constant.8.Principle of truthfulness : presenting information that appears to be confirmed by solid sources, even if it is only partially true.
The aim is to create great confusion.
Citizens will tend to find the simplest explanation : a lie that cannot be disproved is preferable to an implausible truth.9.Principle of silence : it consists in not participating in debates on subjects for which one does not have sufficiently convincing reasons.
At the same time, one should conceal news that favors the opponent.
“If you can’t counter bad news, invent other news that distracts public opinion.”10.Principle of transfusion : use national or cultural myths or prejudices to arouse a visceral component to fuel certain political practices.
Ideas must be supported by the most primitive emotions.11.Principle of unanimity : convincing citizens that it is necessary to think like others, creating a false unanimity.
The instinctive desire to belong to a group will complete the work.
The scheme of Goebbels and his followers also included the use of charismatic leaders and very simple, but emotionally powerful slogans.
At the same time, spectacular rituals were used in which color and sound played an important role.
All this succeeds in putting the citizens into a kind of hypnotic sleep.
From which, unfortunately, they do not awaken until it is too late.
“Flying donkeys” (a fictional example).
According to some, donkeys eat carrots, kick and bray.
Others do not want this news spread.

When they say it is not true, they are trying to hide the reality.
They may succeed for a while.
But eventually the truth may come out and disprove them.
The latter take subjects who work for them or do their bidding — who publicly claim : “Donkeys eat carrots and bats, fly, kick , can walk on two legs, and bray.”
To the original information is added false but not unbelievable information (they eat bats and can walk on two legs) and another absolutely absurd information (they fly), again placed in the same context.
At this point, media sensationalism and people’s instinctive curiosity about strange news will lead to more talk about donkeys being flying animals than the rest.
Someone will believe this theory and subsequently be considered a “crackpot.”
There will be TV shows and newspaper articles explaining that it is a hoax, and eventually the news will be perceived as such.
All the news, even the part about the carrots and the screaming.
At best it will be forgotten or at least questioned.
The last step is when some poor fellow will try to bring the discussion back to the real information.
But at that point he will look like a fool and be easily “destroyed” by those in charge :
“Again with this flying donkey business ! Ah ! Ah ! Ah !”
Try to put yourself in the place of the person who would simply like to communicate two true facts and explain the truth in such a climate, in front of an average public opinion uninformed about the specific facts, with a chorus of preachers ridiculing the unfortunate person by exploiting the false and unbelievable information on which the first phase of the public discussion is organized.
It is a foolproof and deadly mechanism.
Even those who know it well often fall for it or decide to let it go.
Because he has neither the time nor the inclination to investigate and discern.