November 28, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
To err is human.
But to persist in error is foolish.
How to create critical thinking. Recognizing your mistakes is essential in life

You do not always make the right and winning decisions in life.
But that helps you grow, become a better person, and learn from your mistakes.
A seemingly trite phrase.
In fact, it hides a profound truth.
When you question this fact, you are actually asking yourself a problem, which in other words is:
“I want to improve myself, could the mistakes be an opportunity for success ?”
Since we were born, we have been doing nothing but increasing our intellectual capacity by making mistakes.
One day I heard an interesting remark in this regard:
“Why don’t adults become smarter than they could be ?
Because they are afraid to admit their mistakes !”
Forgetting that they learned everything they know by making mistakes.
Whenever we make a mistake and consciously remember what happened, if the same situation arises again, we will cherish the memory and behave in such a way that at least the same mistake will not be repeated.
Personally, I have made many and will continue to do so at least until the end of my life.
But I hardly ever repeat any of them.
Recognizing one’s mistakes is essential in life.
However, learning is very subjective.
In fact, most people keep repeating the same mistakes.
But they never learn.
Changing mindsets or trying to bring people to their senses ?
I have long realized that this is completely impossible.
I would like to add a thought about some aspects of today’s society that I consider very serious.
Rampant opportunism and extreme egoism.
And especially being valued only for what you have (or can give, in various areas) and not for who you are as a person.
We are slipping faster and faster down a dangerous slope.
And I fear we will get worse and worse.
As a result, for next Christmas, after a request via virtual order from the PC, of course, I will have a T-shirt printed that says :
“No thanks”.
Delivered by drones only, of course.
And for those who will ask me :
“Why no thanks ?”
I will answer :
“I am no longer interested in chatter”.
We now live in a world of chatterers and incompetents.
A world that should never be taken too seriously.