November 22, 2024 Gender Identity, Great Reset, Scientific alternative studies
Mother Nature loves biodiversity.
Unfortunately, our society hates it.
How Nature created us. Sometimes life is made up of stark contrasts
We are living through a crucial period in the existence of the human race.
Meanwhile, the so-called “Great Reset” is increasingly penetrating every sphere and dimension of our earthly existence: practices of arbitrary genetic manipulation, for example, have already been transferred from plants and animals to humans.
It is no longer a question of experimentation, but of a real (and imposed) paradigm of management and transformation of the whole of humanity.
Our habitat, and especially our body, is constantly under siege.
From the outside, by an insane digitalization that goes hand in hand with the development of highly intrusive technologies, such as the implementation of the infamous 5G network, a topic that has already been discussed in detail in the first part of this long article.
From within, through arbitrary genetic manipulations and mRNA platforms imposed through “vaccines,” on the basis of a non-existent health emergency that is nothing more than a not-so-thinly-veiled attempt to modify our DNA, passed down from generation to generation from the genetic archive of Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon Man, and so on in our evolution.
If we do not resist this process immediately, we will soon witness the extinction of nature’s current biodiversity, knowledge, and memory.
But most of all, our freedom and therefore the very meaning of being human.
Our freedom begins with defending nature, our genetic heritage, our self-determination, and above all, our biodiversity, which is now literally emptied of all meaning.
We must fight hard and above all with the knowledge that if we lose this genetic heritage of ours, we will never get it back.
Tomorrow may be too late.

The very sad affair, which I will discuss in the next chapter, deserves to be widely disseminated, since it formed the cornerstone of all subsequent scientific studies that took place over the next fifty years.
By the end of the reading, it will not be difficult to understand the reason for certain behaviors and the enormous media manipulation that the mass media perform on a daily basis.
In fact, there are areas of our brain located in the subcortical regions, such as the hypothalamus and the amygdala, that if injured would cause our death because they control certain fundamental processes.
Without them, we would lose our identity.
Therefore, our life.
Unfortunately, some people think that they can always dominate nature.
Instead, it is just the opposite.
Nature always follows its own course.
And it always rebels when its deepest inner self is violated.
All these arbitrary genetic manipulations will have devastating long-term consequences.
Ah, John Hopkins Institute.
The worst debacles in medical history have always come from here.
John Money for example.
Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and especially Klaus Schwab are the same today.
With all their entourage of university professors, doctors, nurses, journalists and politicians.
They have no respect for human nature.
And especially individuality.
They wrongly consider us all equal.
The vast majority of world governments today are conducting an “experiment” with all humanity, just like John Money.
The end will be the same.
It is in no way possible to force a person to be what he or she is not.
The Failure of Gender Manipulation Theories (or Gender Theories)

David Reimer was born a homozygous male twin in 1967.
He was named Bruce at birth.
His twin brother was named Brian.
At the age of eight months, both twins were hospitalized for a routine circumcision.
But surgeon Jean-Marie Huot and anesthesiologist Max Cham performed it with a Bovie cautery machine, which is not normally used for such delicate procedures as infant circumcision.
Because of their foolish choice, Bruce’s penis was irreparably damaged.
As a result, his twin brother Brian’s circumcision was immediately canceled.
Bruce’s parents, obviously concerned about their son’s future, immediately took him to John Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore for a consultation with Dr. John Money.
Money was considered a luminary in the study of sexual gender identity.
Money was a firm believer in the theory that gender identity is relatively plastic in childhood.
According to this theory, gender identity develops primarily through social learning rather than because of anything “innate”.
In fact, by the late 1960s, some prominent academics, of whom John Money was undoubtedly the most famous, believed that all psychological and behavioral differences between males and females were acquired in the early years of life.
Dr. John Money is considered the father of the so-called Gender Theory (or Queer Theory, known in Italian as Teoria del Gender), which, despite the obvious failure demonstrated by the very sad experience of David Reimer (and on thousands and thousands of other occasions), continues to assert that gender identity is entirely (or at least partly) “socially” constructed, and that therefore it is inappropriate to use terms such as “male” or “female”, but rather “generic” terms should be used.
Using this approach, Dr. Money was able to convince Bruce’s parents that gender reassignment surgery was the best choice for their son’s future.
For Bruce, the psychologist believed that since the penis could not be reconstructed in a fully functional way, it was much better to surgically equip the boy with a vagina in adulthood.
In fact, Bruce could have easily reached full maturity as a girl rather than as a boy.
Therefore, at the age of 22 months, Bruce underwent a bilateral orchiectomy.
At the same time, her gender identity was changed from male to female.
Her new name was to be “Brenda”.
According to Dr. Money, this “clinical” case was particularly good evidence that his social learning theory of gender identity was correct, a true ideal situation.
First of all, Bruce/Brenda had a twin brother, Brian.
The twins had shared much of their genes at birth and also shared the intrauterine environment during their mother’s pregnancy.
In addition, it was the first time that a male infant, who had no abnormality of sexual differentiation at birth, underwent gender identity reassignment (in infancy) and sex organ reconstruction (in adolescence).
John Money reported Brenda’s “progress” at all symposia and in medical publications for several years.
The “John/Joan case” was described as an example of “perfectly successful” female gender identity learning.
In order to publicly support the full feasibility of his theory of gender reassignment and surgical reconstruction of sex organs, he publicized this “medical case” on all major international television and news outlets.
Their theory was thus applicable even in cases where there was no intersex.
When Brenda reached puberty, she was prescribed estrogen to induce and enhance breast development.
However, as reported in some of the testimonies below, Brenda began to experience the regular visits as trauma rather than therapeutic treatment.
For this reason, her family decided to stop taking her to Baltimore.
At this point, John Money stopped publishing anything about the “John/Joan” case.
This behavior implied a perfect success of his theory of gender reassignment.
As a result, for years the international medical and scientific literature continued to believe that John Money’s theory was correct.
Only after two decades did the truth emerge in all its tragedy.
Brenda never felt like a girl.
Moreover, she was regularly ostracized and bullied by her peers.
Apparently, neither feminine clothing nor massive doses of estrogen could ever make her feel like she belonged to the female gender.
Her gender identity, which we now know resides in our brains, was naturally male.

At the age of thirteen, Brenda told her parents that if she was forced to see Dr. Money again, she would commit suicide.
Finally, in 1980, her parents told Brenda the whole truth about her situation.
Brenda later said that when she first learned the truth, she felt truly happy for the first time in her life.
At the age of 15, she decided to adopt a male gender identity and chose David as her new name.
In contrast, twin brother Brian’s reaction was truly traumatic.
After discovering the truth about his former sister, he became increasingly disturbed and suffered from acute schizophrenia.
Later, David Reimer underwent a new hormone treatment to reverse the female sex change performed by John Money.
In addition to testosterone injections, he underwent a mastectomy and two phalloplasty surgeries.
He soon fulfilled his dream of love and married his partner while becoming the adoptive father of her three children from his previous marriage.
His case became public in 1997 when David told his story to Milton Diamond, a renowned scholar of human sexuality and professor emeritus at the University of Hawaii.
His intention, of course, was to discourage any other doctor in the world from treating other children who suffered from a problem similar to his at birth.
Renowned journalist John Colapinto first published an extensive account of the story in Rolling Stone magazine in December 1997.
Colapinto later detailed David’s entire story in the book “As Nature Made Him“.
Royalties from the sale of the publishing rights provided David Reimer with greater financial security.
But soon after, his new ordeal began.
He separated from his wife and experienced serious family problems with his parents.
Then came the death of his twin brother, Brian, in 2002, due to the abuse of antidepressants combined with heavy drinking.
David’s already severely compromised nervous system could not withstand this latest tragedy.
He sadly decided to commit suicide by shooting himself in 2004.
Definition of Gender Identity
What is GD (Gender Dysphoria) ?
For many people, dealing with this particular subject means facing the dark part of themselves that they would like to suppress at all costs.
This is the reason for the following complex treatment of a little known topic, which is always treated with great superficiality and guilt by the mass media.
More importantly, I will show how, once again, the usual inescapable trinomial of falsehood, composed of governments, the WHO and Big Pharma, has been spreading systematic lies at every level for years.
The development of gender identity is a matter of the brain.
In all primates (including humans), the brain has innate differences between the two sexes due to genetic and hormonal factors.
Endocrinology is a branch of biology and medicine concerned with the endocrine system, its diseases, and the specific secretions known as hormones.
It also deals with the integration of developmental events, proliferation, growth and differentiation, and psychological or behavioral activities related to metabolism, growth and development, as well as tissue function, sleep, digestion, respiration, excretion, mood, stress, lactation, movement, reproduction and sensory perception caused by hormones.
The endocrine system consists of several glands located in different parts of the body that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream rather than through a duct system.
For this reason, endocrine glands are called ductless glands.Hormones have many different functions and modes of action; one hormone may have different effects on different target organs, and conversely, one target organ may be affected by more than one hormone.
Thus, in different ways and at different times, the brain and the genitals develop their own sex.
The brain by much more complex endocrinological and genetic processes.
The genitals through rather simple endocrinological and genetic processes.
As a result of such complex endocrinological and, more importantly, genetic processes, gender discordance between the brain and genital organs, i.e. gender dysphoria (GD), can occur.
“I can hardly blame those who find it strange to wake up one morning and find themselves in a body of the opposite sex.
The mind, however, should not change, but remain the same.This is certainly not normal.
You come to hate your image and are willing to make enormous sacrifices of all kinds to find a harmony you never had.
If you can understand that for a moment, you are well on your way to understanding all that follows”.
How do the genitalia get masculinized ?
The process consists of two main steps :
Masculinization of the gonads through the action of the SRY (Sex Determining Region Y) gene.
The external genitalia are masculinized by the exclusive action of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on the Androgen Receptors, causing the formation of the penis.
Problems with the production or action of DHT can cause cases of intersex.
Definition of Intersex
Intersexuality is defined as the mixing of dimorphic sexual traits so that both male and female biological characteristics are present that are not normally found in the same individual.
Intersex conditions can result in the birth of males with XY chromosomes, but with genitals that look like those of a female.
According to their genital appearance, they are usually raised as girls and will continue to live as females.Alternatively, an intersex condition may occur in a female with XX chromosomes but male genitalia.
These individuals are often identified at birth (or shortly thereafter) and are typically raised as girls, as they will be able to have children.However, they can also be raised as boys.
The boys and girls just described have only testicles or ovaries and are medically called pseudohermaphrodites.Some intersex individuals have both male and female gonads : testes and ovaries or eggs and testes combined.
Such individuals are medically referred to as true hermaphrodites and may have genitalia that combine typical male and female or ambiguous characteristics.In addition to having both male and female characteristics in their bodies, an intersex person may also manifest these traits in their behaviors and preferences.
A variety of recognized conditions fall under the category of intersex.
Genes and hormones up close
The effect of DHT on ARs (AR=androgen receptors) is 4 times stronger than the effect of testosterone (T=testosterone).
The action of T is much more complex than that of DHT.Both ARs and estrogen receptors can be activated by T, while DHT can only activate ARs.
A complete action of T on the brain occurs exclusively during pregnancy, in the basal part of the brain and not in the cortical area.
The basal tissues are mainly the hypothalamus, limbic system, amygdala and stria terminalis.
These are the major basal systems that are directly related to our gender identity.
Later, after birth, the cortical regions of the brain are masculinized by the action of DHT, but not by that of testosterone.
Very few genes are important for gonadal and genital differentiation.
However, most of them are critical for sex differentiation in the brain.
Mainly in basal tissues.
A possible sex difference between the cerebral cortex and the basal part
Therefore, the following basic concept can be clarified at this point :
A woman’s brain has a basal component and a cortical component that are completely female.
The same is true for a man.
The brain of a GD M2F woman will be female in the basal part and male in the cortex, and vice versa for a GD F2M man.

In addition, the emotional state of the mother can interfere with the process of neural differentiation.
A mother under stress has a weakened immune system.
This can interfere with the action and production of testosterone.
In addition, the mother’s emotional state also interferes with the fetus’ endocrine system, disrupting the differentiation of the basal zone of the brain.
This can cause a gender mismatch between the basal part of the brain (where our gender identity is formed) and the genitals (where society mistakenly believes the only biological system that interferes with sexual gender identification is located), leading to a gender discrepancy.
This is the primary biological cause of transsexualism.
Defining Transsexuality
In the real world, the person with intersex characteristics at birth, who appears no different from others, is raised according to custom, identified as male or female according to society’s view of his or her genitals.
Unlike the majority of children born with intersex syndrome, there is currently no way to immediately identify their potential transsexuality.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to use this term only for adults who meet the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria (GD) and not for children.
In fact, in the DSM-V (as well as in the previous DSM-IV) there are separate criteria for GD in children (302.6) and GD in adolescents and adults (302.85), as already pointed out by American researchers (Frances, A., H. A. Pincus, et al., Eds. 1994).
On the other hand, other researchers such as (Issay, R. 1997) and (Menvielle, E. J. 1998) argue that so-called GD in children “should not be included in the DSM because it could be a symptom of homosexual orientation”.
Other researchers, such as (Cohen-Kettenis, PT, 2001 | Zucker, K. J. 2001), believe instead that this condition deserves to be considered as a separate entity so that its treatment can be managed appropriately.
Specifically, Dr. Peggy Cohen-Kettenis found that “a large percentage of children who manifest GD as children (17 of 74) continue to exhibit gender dysphoric behaviors as adolescents and have required reassignment surgery”.
Very deep trauma experienced in very early childhood can also be a cause.
A child may have a gender identity conflict that, as reported by (Green, 1987) and (Zucker and Bradley, 1995), can sometimes resolve in homosexuality.
In fact, when this type of situation occurs, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is most likely the primary cause of GD or, more commonly, GDNOS (Gender Dysphoria Not Otherwise Specified) situations.
These traumas can create a desire to be a new, different person.
Even in one’s gender identity.
PTSD-type situations always have some peculiar signs that a congenital GD does not.
A person who suffers from a mental disorder related to a PTSD-type experience is much more likely to develop GD than someone who suffers from congenital GD.
A molecular genetic chaos
Deterministic processes, such as the genetic and endocrinological processes described above, can produce chaotic results even in the presence of very small initial changes.
It is likely that gender identity is the result of deterministic chaos triggered by both genetic and endocrinological processes occurring in the various tissues of our body.
At least 54 genes are involved in these processes, some of them very complex.
Therefore, small differences and changes in some genes, such as the androgen receptor ARs, can create deterministic chaotic situations.
Imagine what 54 genes can do together.
Add to that the possible emotional state of the mother during pregnancy and other endocrine factors.
There are at least 3 characteristic types of AIS genetic syndromes, according to research by (Diamond M., Watson LA, 2004) :
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS).
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS).
Mild or minimum androgen insensitivity syndrome (MAIS).
From which it can be defined that :
CAIS always causes a specific syndrome known as testicular feminization syndrome or Morris syndrome.
PAIS can cause some situations of intersex and sometimes possible cases of GDNOS.
MAIS can cause situations of GD.
Of course, cases of GDNOS and GD are not exclusively determined by possible AIS situations.
Another syndrome of hormonal origin to report is congenital adrenal hyperplasia, better known as adreno-genital syndrome (SAG).
This syndrome is the result of hundreds of genetic mutations in the androgen receptor DNA (Gottlieb B, Beitel LK, Lumbroso R, Pinsky L, Trifiro M, 1999).
AIS is manifested by a marked inability of a person with XY sex chromosomes to respond to androgens.
This inability occurs despite the presence of testes and typical testosterone production, transport, and metabolism, as reported in the work of Batch et al. (1992).
As previously reported, one of the consequences is a relative or complete inability to respond to testosterone or dihydrotestosterone, hormones crucial for the organization and activation of anatomical and neural features necessary for typical male development.
In this regard, the results of studies by Imperato-McGinley J, Zhu Y-S. (2002), McEwen BS. (1983) and Hines M. (2002).
Individuals born with an AIS genetic syndrome have genitalia that can be typically female in appearance (complete AIS or CAIS) or ambiguous, with features ranging from typically male to typically female (partial AIS or PAIS), as shown in the figure below.
Tissues respond to estrogen by developing breasts and other signs of feminization.
Female internal reproductive organs are absent or vestigial and Wolffian duct derivatives persist, as shown for example by (Quigley CA, De Bellis A, Merschke KB, El-Awady MK, Wilson EM, French FS. 1995 | Imperato-McGinley J, Zhu Y-S. 2002 | Grumbach MM, Hughes IA, Conte FA. 2003).
No association has been found between gene mutation and phenotype.
Infertility is common.

Infants with CAIS appear female at birth and are raised as girls.
Unless there is a known or suspected family history of AIS or inguinal testes are found, these girls are usually not diagnosed until puberty.
The vagina may be short and blind and may or may not require lengthening, as shown in the work of (Quigley CA, Friedman KJ, Johnson A, Lafreniere RG, Silverman LM and Lubahn DB, 1992).
Breast development occurs, but pubic and axillary hair development is rare or absent.
In the absence of menstruation, causes are immediately sought.
Infants with PAIS are usually noticed soon after birth or at birth.
Depending on the degree of masculinization of the genitalia, the child may be raised as a boy or a girl.
AIS is an inherited condition that is transmitted as a single-gene X-linked recessive syndrome that can manifest differently in children of the same parents.
One child in a family may be raised as a boy while another may be raised as a girl, as shown in studies by (Evans BAJ, 1997).
Final Thoughts
1. A person can have male genitalia and XY-type chromosomes and naturally develop a female gender identity, or vice versa.
This is the main cause of most cases of transsexualism.2. It is very dangerous to perform sex reassignment surgery on babies or very young children.
It is absolutely necessary to wait until the child grows up and spontaneously manifests its gender identity.
Only then can a decision be made as to what will be the best choice.3. It is mistakenly believed that by knowing the chromosomes, gonads, and genitalia, one knows all aspects of an individual’s gender identity and biological sex.
In reality, they are only partially known.
Science has not yet provided all the answers.
A Real Life Testimony
Open Eyes, Open Minds

The echoes of the now customary gazillions, once again caused by the Satanists loyal to the New World Order, echo incessantly throughout the world’s media.
This is happening because of the abominable agenda called “transhumanism” promoted by Klaus Schwab, the head of the WEF, which claims to reset to zero any difference between the two sexes in the name of an androgynous neutrality that would simply reduce us to soulless robots.
But the path that has led to all this certainly did not begin recently; on the contrary.
Unfortunately, it has been going on relentlessly for decades, with the blessing of globalist governments.
In this regard, the only advice I can give is the following.
It applies to any news that receives great prominence in the mass media.
Always doubt those who have only great certainty.
And also try to listen to those who have serious doubts.
For true wisdom also lies in being able to recognize one’s own ignorance.
The Key Role of the New World Order in the Propagation of Gender Theory
No person on a true path of transition would think of being called by a male first name.
It is considered the greatest insult and disrespect.
Of course, I am talking about Vladimir Luxuria.
But why has this insulting character been so widely publicized ?
The usual three letters : NWO (for those who do not remember the English, New World Order).
In fact, until the year 2000, he had only distinguished himself by running a couple of gay discos in Rome (Degrado and MuccAssassina) and by organizing a striptease in St. Peter’s Square on the occasion of the Jubilee.
In fact, the local authorities had also authorized the Gay Pride Parade in Rome in conjunction with the Jubilee.
In addition to a series of “nice” initiatives that only increased the contrasts with the “normal” community.
A historical issue that seems to have been lost in the mists of time.
In Italy, the world of “different” social rights has always been politically in the hands of the most extreme left, in natural opposition to the prevailing Catholic-style bigotry (the usual, repeated and well-known concept of “Divide et Impera” of the Talmudic matrix).

There is another problem.
In the popular language, in the popular culture, anyone who dresses as a woman and is born a man is “just” gay.
For the common man on the street, who can barely read and write, it is easy to make people believe one thing or the other.
That is why this character was created exclusively for the mainstream, as well as all the others created on carbon paper all over the world, which are basically inspired by the insane gender theory promulgated in 1969 by Virginia Prince, which in turn was the result of the definition coined at that time by the infamous John Money, quoted at the beginning (from whom, of course, such a Klaus Schwab was also “inspired”).
The basic traits of all these “characters” are always the same: ardent Marxist, ostentatious ambiguity, avowed homosexuality or, more precisely, androgyny (to ingratiate themselves with the dark Satanists devoted to Baal/Baphomet).
All key aspects, precisely those on which the fraud is based.
The rest of the foul play was obviously done by the mass media, which has always focused exclusively on morbidity, diverting the public’s attention from the more important aspects of the problem.
In this way, they have also been able to endlessly repeat the aberrant concept of “gender equality,” again promulgated by the same Talmudists/Zionists/Satanists for whom all people are equal and should be considered and treated equally.
Instead, the correct concept would be equal opportunity, not equality.
The real numbers regarding the incidence of gender dysphoria in the world population
In fact, it is estimated that the number of transgender people (summing the two symmetrical cases M2F and F2M) is 0.012% of the total world population, while the homosexual population as a whole is about 10% of the total population, as reported, among others, by the International Journal of Transgenderism (2008).
This is why the falsifiers of the so-called “gender theory” have been manipulating the actual figures for more than 50 years, because they need to reach a certain number of people for “practical” reasons, either for purely “scandalistic” purposes or to “convince” as many people as possible of the goodness of their “theory”.
Nothing new to those who know the methods used by the New World Order all along.
HRT has nothing to do with “social learning”
“A long, complex, challenging, beautiful, wonderful experience.
But also frustrating, full of tears and pain.First you have to admit to yourself that you are not the person you have been presenting yourself to be.
At this point, you must turn to a specialized center that will try to understand the reasons for your inner discomfort and help you deal with future issues.You will find yourself crying because you feel that you are the only person in the world in this condition.
Or you will be terrified to reveal yourself to others and be judged for who you are.Technically, however, the term transition refers to the adjustment of one’s appearance to the gender with which one identifies.
The first step is to take hormone replacement therapy.
How does it work ?You gradually become more congruent with who you are.
The hormones begin to feminize the body, soften the skin, change the muscle structure, redistribute body fat, soften facial features, and increase breast volume.
Next comes the time for surgery“.

Obviously, the medical treatments usually prescribed (not only in Italy, but in general in almost the whole world), so much advocated by Big Pharma, are inspired by completely opposite principles and, as a result, serve to depress rather than to make happy.
In fact, feminizing drugs such as estrogen are not usually prescribed.
Instead, anti-masculinizing, i.e. anti-androgenic, drugs are prescribed (of course, in the case of symmetrical F2M, the hormonal theory is the opposite).
In their twisted logic, if a person wants to dress like a woman, he is gay and wants to be sodomized.
So massive doses of Androcur or Diane 35 (especially the former is a notorious drug that has been banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for two decades because of its very dangerous depressive side effects) or Finasteride (a mild anti-androgen, usually used to strengthen the scalp and delay hair loss).
And the bare minimum (if any) of estrogen.
The excuse ?
According to Big Pharma, estrogen can be very dangerous.
This is sometimes true.
But this is how femininity disappears.
“We recommend multiplying the dose of estrogen by 3 and monitoring the reaction (after careful blood tests, of course).
Because, a priori, laboratories do not market drugs with doses that could be dangerous (in maximum doses).
They always leave a margin.
That is why my very thorough doctor multiplied the normal doses by up to a factor of 3 for the first four years.
He knew very well that I would tolerate the treatment, both physically and especially mentally”.
Of course, if someone (and unfortunately there are very many of them, perhaps the majority) tries to insert silicone implants into her body without having undergone any hormonal treatment beforehand (following the advice of some medical “expert” who follows the so-called gender theory) or, even worse, after having followed the “classic” medical protocols coming from Big Pharma, she practically always gets very bad results from an aesthetic point of view, resulting in (at the very least) severe depression.
This is where the “State” psychologists and self-help groups come in, to further manipulate the minds of people who are already in a state of severe distress, and who will eventually be led where they want them to go.
New members for their “movements”.
Therefore, those who can go abroad.
We have to start all over again.
Only, as I have said many times before, you need to have a great culture and also (above all) good economic opportunities.
Public facilities and ethical rules to follow. The importance of RLT (Real Time Life)
Public centers (especially in Italy) are highly publicized and presented as “the best in the world”.
In reality, they are light years away from any civilized country.
The fact that there are public facilities where reassignment surgery can be performed is certainly nothing to brag about if the same facilities are unable to provide state-of-the-art surgery and adequate ancillary facilities.
One could list a number of rules that should always be followed step by step :
Quality of life.
Ability to relate.
Problem solving in external relationships.
Inner balance.
It is clear that each of these is fundamental to living in peace.
They are all directly related to appearance, which is so important in our society today.
It is not enough to have papers in order that serve little purpose.
“Beginning to live full time as a member of the new gender.
It is not an easy time.
The period immediately preceding the so-called real life time is in fact the time of confessions and gradual coming out.If the problems are only on the surface, with banks, co-workers, municipal bureaucrats or with loved ones, it is often a really hard task“.
It is also evident that when a person “makes it”, he or she is often judged with detachment or considered privileged by those who do not achieve the same goal.
In the end, it is the classic war of the poor.
A look at the Italian numbers
In Italy, 95-97% enter public institutions.

The reasons are easy to understand: first of all, the lack of knowledge of a foreign language and the cost, which in this case is not covered by the national health system.
On the other hand, with a law dating back to 1982 (Law 164 of April 14 on the correction of gender identity) and with science that has made great strides since then, there is little to add.
As for job retention, there are (at least in theory) very strict union anti-mobbing rules.
The problem is that keeping a job is one thing, being able to live is another.
There is a lot of discrimination.
Of course, there are exceptions.
The lower the cultural level, the worse the working conditions.
The more widespread the ignorance, the more intolerance there will be in direct proportion to anything that does not conform or is different.
This applies to religious beliefs, skin color, culture, and sexual orientation.
Therefore, correct scientific information cannot be ignored.
The very information that Big Pharma goes to great lengths to hide.
Dear Mr. Judge…
The Usual Knowns, in their claim to be God and to perfect the world in their image and likeness, are destroying human rights, private property, and religious freedom.
These are essentially all the things that have made the West great.
They are just playing at being God.
They don’t believe in anything except the abstract, materialistic entity that is the state.
They see any other belief, including the value of our Mother Earth, as a weakness of humanity.
A Santa Claus-like fantasy.
That is why they always oppose those who believe in freedom.
Obviously they hate individuality and excellence.
All these people have total contempt for life, happiness, beauty and love.
They only desire power because they consider themselves to be the only “right” people in the world.
To them, everyone else is “scum”, unworthy of life.
It is only when you meet them personally that you realize the hatred that lives within them.
And if you happen to have to deal with one of them in a court of law — good luck !
They want to have the last word at all costs.
In this regard, I can share my (fortunately unique) experience.
By the way, under Law 164/82, you have to file a civil lawsuit against the Italian State before you can go any further.
On the day of the first hearing before the Court of Milan, Civil Section IX (granted after more than a year of waiting), Judge Maria Cristina Canziani (politically linked to the Democratic Magistrate’s Office), as soon as I entered the courtroom (the hearing was obviously behind closed doors), under the astonished gaze of the lawyer who followed my case and therefore accompanied me that day, began to address me with expressions that were truly infamous and, above all, offensive to my dignity.
Of course, without ever allowing me to answer.
Comments such as “you are an obvious case of forgery“, “you are only pretending to be someone you are not“, “this is an obvious fraud against the Italian State“, “you have no right to reply in this situation“, and “I will immediately and urgently order a counter-analysis that will immediately expose this unworthy fraud and we will finally see who is right“, I can of course never forget.
Expressions unworthy of any institutional office.
Let alone from a judge.
Frankly, at that moment, I was on the verge of physically attacking her.
Or severely insult her.
Only my strong self-control prevented me from doing anything inappropriate, which would have caused me a lot of trouble.
A week passes.
Appointment at the same time.
Of course, it was the same section of the court.
As I waited to be called into the courtroom, a petite and very nice lady approached me and, upon introducing herself, exclaimed in amazement :
“Ah, is that her ?
Just looking into her eyes is enough to understand everything, let alone the rest.Don’t worry, you’ve already passed the evaluation, although of course we’ll have to go through the whole bureaucratic process again, as required by the judge“.
She was the expert appointed by the magistrate.

In just over a month, the new “analysis” was completed.
The judge was forced not only to grant the motion, but to issue an order.
That was a given.
But in the reasons she had to admit, I imagine through gritted teeth, that I was “a subject of high cultural and intellectual standing“.
A judgment that must have cost her a lot of effort.
She did not schedule any further hearings – as is customary – and simply left the final judgment in the clerk’s office (after a good three months of waiting), never to be seen again by yours truly.
Finally, it was discovered that the first expert report I had submitted, with a legal translation from the original English, written by an associate of Dr. Milton Diamond, had not been accepted “due to the absence of a stamp on one page, making its provenance indeterminate“.
A behavior that never changes, neither in time nor in characters.
They never, never change.
Fortunately, in my case, I had a very knowledgeable person to intervene.
And a woman of truly exquisite manners.
Not only did she call me a “person of high intellectual and cultural level“, but she also gave me the highest score for the “canons of evaluation for the authorization of rectification for adjustment to the substantial female nature” required by the court.
But more importantly, he showed that he truly valued my individuality and my way of being.
He helped me realize that I was already perfect.
Imperfect in its perfection.
I should have been more open to emotion and love.
An experience that left an indelible mark on my soul.
Final reflections
Life is often made up of strong contrasts.
Often, when we are happy, less pleasant events are not long in coming.
On the other hand, this is not the only thing we will experience.
After that, the spell and magic will always return.
The important thing is that we never come to terms with evil.
Because what makes us strong, what makes us immortal, is our soul.
This is what we must preserve at all costs.
And above all, we must always have the courage to face the most difficult challenges that await us in this life.
© 2021 Veronica Baker All rights reserved
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