October 4, 2024 Internet and virtual life
You don’t have to be a genius to create avatars designed to get people talking.
Honesty in Metaverse Time. In the beginning there was just Adam and Eve…

In the beginning there was just Adam and Eve…
…then came nicknames, avatars and the metaverse.
But human beings have remained fundamentally the same, with their merits, flaws, vices, and virtues, which have certainly not disappeared with the advent of the Metaverse, where, on the contrary, such peculiarities tend to expand out of all proportion.
Here, everyone can wear a mask that makes him or her unrecognizable, finding the ideal environment to express, freely and without fear of criticism, the inner self that would otherwise remain dormant and suppressed.
In a virtual world, therefore, it is possible to transform oneself into whatever one wishes.
Not only physically, by changing your appearance with a few mouse clicks, but also (and especially) intellectually.
Just use a few search engines, find the right photo on the web to put in your profile, and you can finally play the role that is normally excluded in the boring daily dreariness.
You do not have to be a genius to create an avatar that will attract the interest of others.
And if you are also able to convey a minimum of emotion, to show colors that others have never seen, to make them perceive sounds that they have never heard, if you are therefore able to make them forget the monotony in which the normality of existence is all too often immersed with small and big stories, here is that in the eyes of those on the other side of the screen you become a special, fascinating, desirable being.
Maybe unattainable.
But undisputed protagonists of their games and fantasies, correcting all the aspects that do not satisfy them, redesigning some parts of their being, changing some colors of their existence.
But not everyone brags.
There are also those who, with honesty, choose to give an image of themselves that corresponds to what they really are.
This is someone you rarely meet.
His behavior is different, you can tell at once, because he is not constantly scurrying in a desperate attempt to carve out an ephemeral space of artificial notoriety.
A real person who does not need the virtual to be himself.