My job is to give you the right info every time.
Even when it might seem less than ideal or a bit upsetting.
Then, it’s up to you, my reader, to decide if what I’ve written (or presented) is right or not.
The truth should be found using logic, reason, and empiricism.
It shouldn’t be forced on anyone, or used to manipulate others.
I’m a pretty versatile person, and in addition to doing research and journalism, I’m also happy to offer a range of other services.
I can help you with interpreting, professional translations, web design, web hosting, search engine optimization (SEO), and domain management.
I’ve made sure that all my services are easy for you to access and affordable, especially if you’re short on time or money.
And if you need help improving your strategic skills, whether it’s for work or personal growth, I’m here for you.
Last but not least, I’m a big believer in the power of social interaction.
I think the Web should be a place where people can connect and communicate with each other, not just a tool controlled by artificial intelligence.

Sometimes human cruelty affects small, defenseless pets who suffer much abuse.

The Great Crisis
This is exactly what your life will look like by 2030 if the WEF program is fully implemented.

Holograms of real life
It’s about the daily lives we’re losing sight of, the very foundation of our own history.

Rotten science
These days, the tech to hack people on an enormous scale is right at our fingertips.

It’s a tough subject that forces people to look at their darkest moments…the ones they want to suppress at all costs.

A space where individual or sometimes collective stories are shared.

Apparent Diversity
It’s funny how the more you think you know, the more you’re actually ignorant.

Putin and Schwab enemy ?

Is Trump antiagenda ?

Is Trump a “Christian” defender ?

Is Trump really independent ?

Will the economic system crash ?

The future of Europe is being determined right now.