November 20, 2024 Chemtrails, Graphene, Scientific alternative studies
It has been clearly demonstrated that there is a different radiometric pattern indicating the presence of chemical trails or injection of tropospheric TAG aerosols.
Tropospheric aerosol geoengineering TAG : radiometric evidence of chemtrail existence
Studio di riferimento
Herndon, JM; Hoisington, RD; Whiteside, M. (2020). Chemtrails are Not Contrails : Radiometric Evidence. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 24 (2), pp. 22-29.
Tropospheric aerosol geoengineering, known as TAG, is often confused with solar geoengineering, which takes place in the stratosphere to reduce the incidence of solar radiation.
Although both involve the injection of aerosols, the substances used for spraying can differ, as can the degree of diffusion of the material.
For example, spraying at stratospheric altitudes would require military aircraft, experimental balloons/drones, or commercial aircraft specially prepared to reach such altitudes.
Tropospheric spraying, on the other hand, occurs at altitudes at which commercial aircraft operate, approximately 5-10 km.
The advantage of tropospheric spraying is its lower cost, since any commercial aircraft can be used.
On the other hand, the altitude at which it could be sprayed would not be sufficient for greater coverage, so a linear, quadratic spraying strategy would be needed, much like a tractor plowing a field.
Unfortunately, the scientific literature on tropospheric aerosol geoengineering is limited, as one might expect since it is closely related to the phenomenon of chemtrails.
This paper analyzes the study by (Herndon, JM; Hoisington, RD; Whiteside, M. 2020) that empirically demonstrates the presence of chemtrails.
Before delving into the study of the frequencies of ionizing radiation in the atmosphere and its interaction with the chemical clouds behind chemtrails, it is necessary to identify some types of chemical clouds produced by this phenomenon.
Analyzed facts
The authors set out to uncover the truth about some of the contrails left behind by aircraft.
“There is a concerted effort to mislead the public into believing that jet astrophysics aerosol trails, called chemical trails by some, are harmless trails of ice crystals formed by moisture in aircraft engine exhaust.
Our goal is to use radiometric measurements in the 250-300 nm range to show that a typical chemical contrail is not a condensation contrail, and to generalize this finding with additional data“.
“Contrails” are typical condensation trails produced by the heat of an aircraft’s jet engines.
Not to be confused with “chemtrails”, which are typical of spraying.

Because of the interest of the explanation provided by the researchers, it is quoted in full for analysis : “The UV absorption during the transit time of the radiometric sensor through the aerosol wake is unequivocal radiometric evidence that the chemical wake is not a wake of ice crystals, because the UV absorption by the ice is negligible along the measured wavelength in the wavelength range considered.
The absorption coefficient of ice, k-ice, is ≤ 0.1 m-1 at 300 nm and 0.665 m-1 at 250 nm.
The near total reflectivity of snow is further evidence of the extremely low spectral absorption of ice.
In fact, between 300 and 600 nm, the absorption by ice is so weak that it can be set to zero for some geophysical purposes, such as calculating the absorption of solar radiation by atmospheric ice clouds, because the path lengths of photons through atmospheric ice crystals are very small compared to the absorption length.
However, UV absorption by particulate matter, including coal fly ash, is fully consistent with the data collected.
Airborne particle trails, including so-called “chemtrails”, i.e., white trails and black trails, have also been analyzed.
White trails are white because a high percentage of the incident light is scattered and only a small portion is absorbed.
Black trails are black because there is very little scattering ; most of the incident light is absorbed.
They cannot be traces of ice crystals because, as discussed above, ice has low absorption not only of UV light but also of visible light.
Other physical manifestations of aerosol trails are incompatible with ice crystal trails.
These include dispersion rather than evaporation, spontaneous production of start-stop-start particle contrails, and contrail origins sometimes not associated with engine exhaust“.
This means that the UV intensity is not what is expected for a trail of condensation and ice crystals, as can be seen in Figure 2.

They also point out that “particulate matter in the troposphere is heated by solar and terrestrial radiation, transfers this heat to the atmosphere through molecular collisions, reduces atmospheric convection, and simultaneously reduces heat loss from the surface, causing both local and global warming.
This phenomenon occurs in combination with other techniques that melt polar ice“.
This also justifies the fact that global warming is anthropogenic, but not necessarily caused by the greenhouse gas CO2.
The authors attribute these effects to tropospheric spraying, which they characterize as “covert aerial spraying to deliberately cause climate chaos, floods, droughts, and crop failures“.
Therefore, they state that “aerial particulate spraying is deliberate air pollution“.

In conclusion, the researchers state that “we have presented radiometric measurements that clearly prove the falsity of this characterization for a specific case, but that it is typical of this situation.
In a more general framework, we show that the physical manifestations of air tracks are incompatible with crystalline ice tracks, but fully consistent with aerosol particle tracks“.
In other words, they conclude that the phenomenon observed in the sky is not consistent with the effects of condensation clouds, since radiometric readings typical of ice crystals are not obtained, showing that another phenomenon is taking place that is consistent with the spraying or injection of tropospheric aerosols.
They also give possible causes or reasons for the deception : “Why the widespread misinformation about airborne particle trails / tropospheric aerosols ?
Probably because both the purpose of aerial spraying and human and environmental health have negative consequences that would repel public opinion“.
Finally, the researchers demand that “for the sake of life on our planet, the modification of the natural environment by the use of aerial particle spraying and other methods must cease immediately and permanently”.
Final thoughts
Researchers, through extensive scientific analysis, show that the so-called “condensation trails” of some aircraft do not correspond to the logical condensation and crystallization of ice caused by the heat of jet engines.
It has been clearly verified that there is a different radiometric pattern that proves the existence of chemical contrails or injection of tropospheric TAG aerosols.
On the other hand, the authors are very clear about the consequences and possible causes of the phenomenon.
It would be desirable to be able to repeat the test in different countries so that their study would not be an isolated case and the scientific community would be strengthened.
Your tests pave the way for further research into the components used in tropospheric spraying and the hypothesis that these components have the ability to excite, repeat or multiply electromagnetic waves with ionizing properties.
These aspects will be investigated in further studies.
However, some types of materials such as graphene can already be considered strong candidates for tropospheric fumigation based on the guidance provided by (Herndon, JM; Hoisington, RD; Whiteside, M. 2020), especially any geoengineered aerogels/hydrogels that cause chemical reactions in the troposphere, increase global warming and greenhouse gas production, and at the same time can enhance the effect of electromagnetic waves at their ionizing levels, as a photoconductive antenna would do for terahertz emission.
Although clues can be found in the scientific literature, it seems necessary to further investigate the physical evidence of material precipitated after spraying.
There is a need for photographs of the material, possible hydrogen peroxide reactions to rule out the presence of Fe₃O₄, as well as laboratory analysis to locate graphene or other materials, and systematization of the collection of materials.
This could help to determine the remnants of chemical reactions produced in the atmosphere, and thus elaborate the reverse engineering needed to elucidate the nature of the compounds and materials with which it was fumigated.
Numerous thematic blogs have explored the phenomenon in great depth.
And most likely, even this study will not really serve any purpose in this fight against the elites, which seems more and more like a mission impossible every day.
But we must at least try.