September 25, 2024 Medicine of the Soul
As long as I have the power of choice, I will be free.
Freedom. The most precious thing

I want to get up every day with this full perception of freedom.
Every morning, with my eyes open, I want to perceive it present, it is the very first consideration.
Also because if it were to end somehow, if I were to realize that it is no longer present and that it is no longer there, I know that from that moment on I would shut down and I would self-destruct until there is nothing left of me.
Freedom is the most precious thing.
I don’t care if I sometimes see it embraced by loneliness.
Because loneliness does not weigh me down.
On the contrary, I find it soothing, pleasant, desirable.
Instead, what has always bothered me the most is the feeling of being controlled, even by feelings.
I would certainly not be able to be a truly happy person if I could not decide at any time whom I should love, whom I should dislike, whom I should desire.
That is why I want freedom.
It has been a long time since I first met her, Freedom, and immediately I was fascinated, conquered, enchanted by her.
I knew immediately that I would give her all of myself.
It is an experience that, when it happens, can neither be prevented nor defined, just like falling in love.
And from that moment on, I have always protected her in every moment of my life.
It is a strong bond that we have.
We are inseparable companions, friends, accomplices, eternal lovers.
Those who have never loved us will never understand.
Because freedom is a choice.
And as long as I have the chance to choose, I will be free.
Pity for those who have never met it, or for those who, crossing it by chance, have shunned it, or for those who have sold it in exchange for a reassuring promise of empty words of no value.
And who, sooner or later, will realize that there is something much worse than loneliness.
A prison full of restrictions, obligations, remorse and regret.
And with them their days will end.