October 1, 2024 Global Warming
A misguided eco-modernist paradigm that only serves the further centralization of power.
Food transition ? A misguided eco-modernist paradigm

The current ruling elite is convinced that it can do a better job than Mother Nature by modifying food and its genetic core through synthetic biology and genetic engineering.
This plan also includes removing farmers from their land (“farmerless farms” driven by artificial intelligence) and covering much of the countryside with wind farms and solar panels.
Although the problem of the world’s food system must be solved sooner or later, this distorted Agenda is simply a recipe for creating food insecurity, and more importantly, no country in the world has ever endorsed it.
From the Netherlands to India, farmers are protesting.
On the surface, all these demonstrations have little in common.
But they do.
Farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to survive, both because of neoliberal trade policies that import products that undermine domestic production and thereby reduce their profits, and because of cuts in government support and the implementation of zero-carbon policies that set impossible targets.
The goal is to alienate most farmers from the land and promote an agenda that, by its very structure, is bound to create food shortages and irreparably undermine our food security.
The Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum are promoting this global Agenda of “one-size-fits-all agriculture“, a project in which companies like Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta, and Cargill are collaborating with Microsoft, Google, and big tech giants to facilitate the creation of AI-driven farmerless farms, lab-created “food,” and a retail sector dominated by companies like Amazon and Walmart.
A cartel of data owners and e-commerce platforms that are already in a dominant position in the economy.
In fact, this agenda is the result of a digital-corporate-financial economic complex that seeks to transform and control all aspects of human life and behavior.
A system that is part of an authoritarian global elite that is able to coordinate its agenda globally through the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other supranational organizations, including influential think tanks and foundations (such as Gates and Rockefeller).
Their food and agriculture program is euphemistically called the “food transition”.
These large agribusinesses and “philanthropic” foundations present themselves to the public as the “saviors of humanity” through their widely publicized mainstream plans to “feed the world” with high-tech “precision” crops, “AI-analyzed science-driven” agriculture, and “green” (zero-emissions) production, whose mantra is “sustainability.
The “food transition” is also complemented by the carefully crafted and propagandized “climate emergency” narrative and an ideology of zero-emissions production linked to agriculture and carbon trading.
The “food transition” envisions farmers (the few who would remain in business) being further imprisoned in a corporate-controlled agriculture that serves the market needs of global corporations, carbon-trading related Ponzi schemes, institutional investors and speculators who have no connection to agriculture and who view food commodities and farmland as mere financial speculation.
This predatory commercialization of the landscape uses flawed premises and climate alarmism to legitimize the introduction of technologies that are supposed to free us all from climate collapse and Malthusian catastrophe.
In society at large, we also see that questioning of official narratives is discouraged, censored, and marginalized.
A wealthy elite increasingly funds science, determines what should be studied, how it should be treated, how the results should be disseminated, and how the technology produced should be used.
This elite has the power to prevent serious debate, and especially the power to vilify and censor those who question the dominant narrative.
The dominant mindset is that humanity’s problems must be solved through technological innovation determined by plutocrats and centralized power.
This haughty mentality (or outright arrogance) is symptomatic of a totalitarianism that seeks to impose a range of technologies on humanity without any democratic control.
These include self-spreading vaccines, plant and human genetic engineering, synthetic foods, geoengineering and transhumanism.
A misguided eco-modernist paradigm that only serves to further centralize power.
Whether it is the creation of patents on life forms, carbon trading, increasing dependence on the (corporate) market, or land investments, their eco-modernist policies only serve as a cover for generating and, more importantly, accumulating further wealth, as well as consolidating their control over the entire planet.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that these people, who have utter contempt for democratic principles (and thus for ordinary people), believe they have a divine right to undermine everyone’s food security, shut down debate, and further enrich themselves through their technologies and policies, playing with the future of humanity.