January 4, 2025 Artistic eroticism
Have I told you to kill your senses ?
I advise you to live the innocence of the senses.
Flirtation. A behavior that suggests the possibility of sexual intimacy
(Source: Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being)

A few days later, he showed up at the bar again.
When she saw him, she smiled at him like a friend :
“I still have to thank you.
That bald guy comes here often and he’s really unpleasant”.
“Forget him !”
“Why did he want to hurt me ?”
“He’s just a drunk.
I’ll tell you again, forget him !”
“If you ask me, I will forget him”.
The tall man looked into her eyes : “Promise me !”
“I promise”.
“It’s good to hear you promise me something”, the man said, continuing to look into her eyes.
The flirtation had begun : a behavior that suggests the possibility of sexual intimacy, even if this possibility remains without guarantee and purely theoretical.
“How is it possible to meet a woman like her in the ugliest part of Prague ?”
And Tereza :
“What about her ?
What is she doing in the ugliest part of Prague ?”
He told her that he lived not far away, that he was an engineer and that he had just happened to stop there on his way home from work.