December 24, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
The real enemy to face is just that.

We often take stock of the more or less recent past, and our thoughts often revolve around good resolutions for the future.
These are promises that are often difficult to keep, because in a world that is now almost exclusively oriented toward desperate individual “self-preservation,” where people are literally afraid of everything and everyone, and where the only rules that apply are those of greed and ruthlessness toward one’s fellow human beings, the only good resolution we can make is to be bold without being afraid at all.
We should not be afraid to be spontaneous, always, even when we will inevitably feel tired, unmotivated, with a head full of doubts.
We will have to keep talking about our wounds, whispering our thoughts with the knot in our throat, dancing with the sadness in our hearts, so that we can always give something to those around us with passion and, above all, love.
Today, more than ever, it is necessary not to be afraid to go forward with our eyes open, to face the problems that lie before us step by step, and not to think that we can make them disappear by burying our heads in the sand.
The real enemy to face is fear itself.
We must learn to face our fears by looking deeper and deeper into ourselves, sometimes cruelly if necessary, without being afraid to analyze and explore our deepest depths.
Courage to break the chains that imprison us instead of giving up our dignity, possibly with the help of those who share the same ideals, instead of acting alone, shouting what we usually whisper.
To change our minds, our opinions, our beliefs.
To run away from conditioning, to distance ourselves from prejudices, from the labels that are attached to us and that we inevitably attach to others.
To wink at the child in us that reminds us how fearless and full of light we once were, and how fearless and full of light we can still be.
We must not be afraid to show ourselves for who we are, to gradually crumble the plaster that covers our hearts, to let down one defensive shield after another.
We must remove the pain, doubt, and disappointment that have grown over time to protect us from the falsehood of the world.
This is the only way to finally achieve what there is most of all nothing to be afraid of.
To love all that is beautiful in us.