October 19, 2024 Totalitarianism
Just observe the reality.
False opposites and name calling. Their effectiveness is very high
The theme of False Opposites is always present in an election where two factions appear to be opposed.
But in reality they are mirrored.

Today all ideologies are carried out “by complementary opposites”.
In short, opposing ideologies are created to clash with each other.
In which each faction believes that “you are either with us or against us”.
Often, adherence to one or the other ideology (including religious beliefs, support for one or the other football team and, in general, any issue where there are opposing factions) is supported by emotional rather than rational factors.
And this creates incommunicability between the sides.
And mutual hatred.
In fact, human beings have as an ancestral memory the identification of their clan as “we – the good guys”.
While outsiders or those who do not share the same ideas and customs are “the others – the bad guys”.
Just as in wolf packs (or chimpanzee groups), the encounter between different clans often leads to bloody clashes.
This biological trait has always been skilfully exploited both to foment war and to divide people into an infinite number of opposing ideologies.
In short, the population is caged into a myriad of false opposites.
The ultimate goal is :
To make people waste unnecessary energy in clashes between opposing factions venting pent-up anger in useless skirmishes.
For if the two opposing forces were to unite, they would soon become an unstoppable and therefore very dangerous force.The “compartmentalisation” of information.
In this way, people do not notice who is really pulling the strings.
Indeed, the creation of opposing ideologies prevents people from having a true picture of history, the present and environmental issues.
Simply put, the “compartmentalisation of information” serves to hide potentially dangerous information in a world where it is increasingly difficult to keep a secret.
In addition, associating a person with a concept with fanatical, malevolent or even insane characters is a good way of preventing arguments about such issues from being explored in depth.
After all, no one wants to be seen by others as crazy, fanatical or evil.
A strategy called “name calling.”
Popular on the internet and television.
Name calling and false dichotomies are the main tools of thought manipulation used in today’s mass media.
Unfortunately, they are very effective.
Just look at reality.