December 22, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
If we don’t dream, what have we got ?
Fairy tales and dreams. Life doesn’t always have a happy ending
When we tell fairy tales to a child, we tell them of a world where good always triumphs over evil.
But the hypocrisy behind fairy tales is obvious.
Life does not always have a happy ending.
We have seen it and perhaps even experienced it ourselves.
So why do we continue ?
Why do we deceive the child in this way ?
We do it to protect her, because we have experienced how hard, ruthless and unfair life can be.
We cannot tell her :
“Learn to live your life on your own.
Don’t rely on anyone.Rely only on your own abilities.
No prince charming or fairy will ever come to your rescue”.
In the early years of life, what sustains us are dreams.
Unfortunately, many of these dreams fade without ever coming true.
Others, however, deceive us and hurt us forever.

But if we don’t dream, what do we have ?
Real life is hard enough on its own, even if you have a family behind you – for those who are lucky enough to have one, because that is not always the case.
And then there are those who have to face their fate alone.
So when we are young, we let go of the desire to be different, to transform ourselves into what we are not.
Instead of escaping time, we chase it, not realizing that soon we will be victims of a vicious circle, running frantically without stopping, never getting anywhere.
A never ending race.
We are victims of a society that massifies us and imposes its rules on us in order to make us feel adequate, appreciated and desired.
All this helps us to endure for a while, but what do we do when we realize that all this no longer satisfies us ?
It is no longer enough for us ?
That’s when we have to take our childhood dreams back by the hand and let our imagination take us by the hand to start running towards a new path to walk with determination and awareness.
With the awareness of our value and strength, beyond any homologation, the time will come for all of us, sooner or later, to choose our own path, freely and courageously, to come out of the darkness of an existence whose only purpose is often to survive, not to live.