October 11, 2024 Mode characters common stories
A palindrome name reflecting the artist’s symmetries.
Ernesto Thayaht’s TuTa. Its creation was very simple

In 1919 Florentine artist Ernesto Michahelles designed his first suit (later called “Ernesto Thayaht’s TuTa”), “the most innovative, futuristic suit ever produced in the history of Italian fashion”.
T-shaped because it applied to everything, “a garment that dresses the whole person using all the fabric”.
Its manufacture was very simple : a single piece of cotton, a straight cut, numerous seams, seven buttons and a belt.
Ernesto Michahelles is remembered as one of the main protagonists of the Futurist movement, better known by the name of Thayaht.
A palindrome name that reflects the symmetries used by the artist, a long-time collaborator and illustrator for Mademoiselle Vionnet.
In contrast to the serious masculine suit, characterized by high collars, superfluous ties and tailored construction, Thayaht’s suit insisted on the concept of absolute functionality.
It was inexpensive, easily reproducible, and made of durable materials.
The Florentine newspaper “La Nazione” also promoted its popularity, publishing a pamphlet in 1920 in which Thayaht included patterns and the reason for its creation.
He also made a female version, explicitly focusing on functional aspects.
However, the invention was not very successful.