November 2, 2024 Internet and virtual life
In this way the masses are being conditioned.
With “too much” technology combined with information bulimia.
Emptiness and depersonalization. They are paralyzing decision-making ability
The virtuality of discussions literally paralyzes people’s ability to make decisions.
It transfers negativity and indecision into the real world.
Great influencers have always known this very well.
And so they can always send public opinion where they want it.
And then suddenly they “strike” in the best moments.
What I wrote back then – reposted today, some 10 years after it was first published – sounds like a “visionary” post.
In reality, all that was needed was to open one’s eyes.
June 10, 2014
Almost all blogs and sites – not to mention forums – have become completely unreadable from my point of view.
Not only because of the large amount of troll comments of various kinds (Gatekeeper, Debunker).
But mainly because they have become a sleepy molasses towards “Titius” or the “Organization” of the day.
A general mediocrity to which everyone conforms.
A virtual outlet
The author always launches themes well known and liked by his readers.

Of course, the feedback will always be positive, with some dissent artfully created by the author’s own pre-emptive troll on duty.
Naturally, these sites/blogs are used exclusively to conduct communication studies for later use in academia and/or when launching media campaigns to appeal to the masses on an ad hoc basis to the known popular sentiment.
This is one of the reasons why, in recent years, think tanks have pushed hard for the use of media such as social networks, blogs and, in general, all virtual communication via the Internet.
But why?
The answer is simple.
Virtually you can accomplish anything and do anything you want.
Especially to rail against people, governments, politicians and any other undesirable person via a keyboard.
But in doing so, people have lost the desire to talk live, to meet, to dialog, to socialize.
In short, people vent virtually about their problems, their frustrations, their inhibitions, their repressed desires, to the point where they often go so far as to create a real second virtual identity to which they take refuge on a daily basis without having to face the real world.
A misused technology
Communication exclusively through virtual means – as much desired as imposed, even when one could very well do without it – is a direct consequence of all this.
Virtual relationships almost always end up that way.
People never really meet.
Would this be acquaintance without looking into each other’s eyes, hearing a tone of voice, seeing a look, a gesture, a posture ?
Personally, I have always used ultra-technological means.
I started connecting to the Internet when practically no one had it, I document every day, I write dozens of emails.
I certainly cannot deny the fundamental importance that technology has had in making my life better, in giving me a job, in allowing me to study and learn a lot more than I would have been able to at university.
But I come from a generation where when I went out with my friends, I wasn’t simultaneously chatting on WhatsApp and texting on my smartphone all the time.
When I went out to dinner, I would immediately catapult myself to my plate to eat, not take a picture of the dish first to share on Pinterest or Instagram.
If I met an interesting person, I would talk to them, not look up their first and last name on Facebook to friend them.
I would fall in love in front of a sunset, not after a pink heart sent in a chat room.
To say goodbye to a dear friend, I would hug her, not email her.
It seems that I have drawn a distorted portrait of everyday life.
But on the contrary, it is the reality that surrounds us.
All this is not only divisive.
But more importantly, it makes people think only of themselves.
To increase selfishness and thus not to share anything.
Not only material things, but especially everything about one’s own problems, desires, ambitions, feelings, aspirations.
This empties people of their spirituality and soul, creating an army of individuals without a thinking head and, above all, without a heart.
In addition to the distrust of personal relationships, which in many cases leads to total paranoia and complete social isolation of people who believe that they know others only through the information they somehow manage to find on the web or through virtual acquaintances.
Too bad that in the end you will only have a very distorted picture based mostly on your personal beliefs.
In most cases, those who think this way will always be conditioned by the majority of opinions expressed by others.
This is how the masses are conditioned.
With “too much” technology combined with information bulimia.
In short, our depersonalization that leads us to consider ourselves all “the same”.
Yes, of course, all equal.
But in mediocrity.
Artistic and cultural degradation
The result is even more evident when we analyze everything that is a product of the spirituality of our being, that is, music, painting, cinema.
Everything that is art.
The artistic and cultural degradation is obvious to anyone who wants to see it.
In the past, listening to music or watching movies, one could feel a desire for real change.
Today there is none of that.
We are witnessing the disintegration and simultaneous suffocation of society.
It is enough to see the wave of rampant Torquemada-style moralizing that the mass media hypocritically warn us about every day, demanding that we put salami slices over our eyes and refuse to see what is happening.
Politicians (and not only them) have never seemed so far removed from real life, from the problems of everyday life.
They are all from another planet, judging by their salaries and standard of living.
The financial markets are nothing more than a big circus that has to peddle us a new special effect every day so that there will be news that can manipulate the great masses who are really ignorant of the real situation and who have been well trained over time to buy what they are told.
For years before, the intention was to squeeze the consumer like a lemon, to get him to make crazy and in most cases superficial or totally unnecessary expenditures, to get him into debt beyond his means.
Now, instead, the intention is to easily take away everything he has dreamed of, by deluding himself that he can live beyond his means.

The excuse?
“Happy degrowth” (now repainted with the familiar slogan “Building Back Better”).
An elegant way to get the masses to accept starvation wages ($3-4 an hour, exploitation or wage dumping, whatever you want to call it) with the excuse that one has to respect the fiscal compact, the Bund-BTP spread and other concepts that mean nothing and, above all, have no impact on the performance of the financial markets.
The impact of all this on the financial markets : absolute zero.
It is good to keep emphasizing this.
Because the mainstream has obviously been saying the opposite for years.
But they are just the means to starve people.
Day after day, they continue to emphasize concepts like financial engineering, OTC transactions, financial globalization of the markets.
But they are nothing but the other side of such problems as deregulation, permissiveness, the growing corruption of first political and then financial summits, the bribes paid daily by various CEOs to obtain contracts and orders.
But since the ranks are held by these think tanks (which are nothing but monsters of cultural degradation), we can expect nothing but the collapse of educational standards, the deterioration of civic sense, the disempowerment and depersonalization of people.
So what can we do?
In a nutshell, having established that the vast majority of people are currently blind and do not see what is happening (or rather, they see it in an absolutely distorted way, not understanding its real causes, but only those that the think tanks, with the complicity of the corrupt media, want them to see), the only thing we can do is to act exclusively at the personal level.
In my opinion, there are no other possible solutions.