October 9, 2024 MacroEcoAnemia
Nothing will be the same as before.
Disruption ? The West is destined for a very dark time

The West-as has been indicated many times-is destined for a very dark period.
Both financially and culturally.
In this way, innovation will also be thrown to zero.
A principle already known in the time of Adam Smith.
It is also easy to understand how centralized government control and nationalization of industries completely destroys the local economy.
Unable to create progress.
In addition to not creating productive jobs and not knowing how to manage any economic process.
And thanks to these insane characters we will also witness the complete destruction of our culture.
The total division of the world.
Step by step almost impassable walls will be built.
First between different states.
Then between different regions.
And finally – inevitably – between cities.
Unable even to speak a common “language”.
And of accomplishing any task.
This will be the real reason why their “dream” of making everyone “equal” will end in the usual, complete disaster.
In Western Europe and the USA we will see economic, political, religious and cultural disintegration.
Very similar to Yugoslavia.
With the very sad historical developments that we all know very well.