October 7, 2024 Totalitarianism
Unfortunately, the ignorance of history and the mechanisms that drive the greed and lust for power typical of certain people will eventually succeed in defeating the arrogance of all those who still believe in politics.
Dictatorship. Freedom is indeed being swallowed up bit by bit

In the Western world no one or almost no one really knows the meaning of the word dictatorship.
I think almost no one knows what it means not to be free (except for a foretaste on the occasion of the “farce virus”), what the mechanisms are that lead to the loss of freedom, and how it all becomes real only in the end, when it no longer exists.
No leader, not even the most bloodthirsty dictator, will ever say that his is a dictatorship.
He will always claim that he is a democrat and that the undemocrats are “the others”, those who want to overthrow him and take away the freedom of his people.
Dictators, all of them, always speak only of the people who gave them the right to rule, but in the end they have no qualms about sacrificing them to gain power, privileges and money.
But, most importantly, when things turn decisively toward the worst, they shield themselves from it to protect their own lives and the lives of those close to them.
This was the case, for example, with Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Ceauşescu and Pol Pot.
All of them claimed to lead the country by the will of their people, even as they starved and exterminated them, and we still have some cases today where dictators appeal to the people as the source of their right to rule the nation.
Moreover, there are also those who believe that a dictatorship must have its own starting point, a specific episode from which it originates, but this is also not true.
Not even after a revolution, which in itself is a tragic and decisive moment that can mark a turning point, does a dictatorship begin that does not have its own path, more or less long, made up of behaviors, actions, events that gradually consolidate it.
In fact, freedom is being swallowed up bit by bit, decree by decree, law by law, in small pieces that are insignificant in themselves, like a jigsaw puzzle in which each piece is seemingly irrelevant, but in the end, when placed in context with all the other pieces, it reveals the completeness of the picture.
Unfortunately, the ignorance of history and the mechanisms that drive the greed and lust for power typical of certain people will eventually succeed in defeating the arrogance of all those who still believe in politics.
They think they are still players in the game, while the game has long since been taken out of their hands, if they ever had them.
And if they do not want to defend first what is important to them, if they really care about the fate of their children, if they believe that it is enough to change the “gentlemen” in charge to protect a fragile democracy, it means that they are not only ignorant, but also naive.