October 2, 2024 SHTF
Some tips for effective survival radio communications.
Natural Disaster Communication

We are all so connected in our daily lives that even the idea of living without cell phones scares us more than we care to admit.
This is just one reason why it is so important to prepare for the possibility that our main lines of communication could be compromised.
In the event of a natural disaster, radio communication may be the only way to get important news, communicate with others, and stay up-to-date on weather conditions and potential emergency situations.
Communicating in a SHTF situation requires not only the ability to receive messages, but also the ability to disseminate them.
Therefore, it is wise to be organized and have more than one way to contact others.
Emergency radio
Any emergency radio worth its salt should have a two-way option; if you can’t call for help, what’s the point?
Although there are laws requiring a license to transmit on certain radio channels, these rules and regulations are often ignored in an emergency situation.
Regardless of how you do it, being able to talk when you need help will be an integral part of your survival.
Regardless of the radio you purchase, be sure to consider power options.
If power is not available, consider a solar-powered or hand-cranked unit.
In addition, virtually all radios usually have a battery option.
Satellite phones
Satellite phones are an excellent option when regular cell phone antennas don’t work.
These small devices offer communication capabilities that others do not.
Many satellite phones have come a long way in recent years, and they also have text messaging and email capabilities.
So even if the voice communication is intermittent, what you type will reach the recipient clearly.
All in all, they are excellent devices that allow you to stay in touch when you need it most.
CB radios
CB radios are excellent short-range communication devices, but they have several limitations.
As they have fallen out of use in recent years, fewer and fewer people own them.
However, if you are driving on a busy highway or in a service area, a CB radio can provide you with valuable information that is different from what you can get over regular radio waves.
Walkie Talkie
Being able to easily communicate with your family members could save someone’s life in a survival situation.
Therefore, you should equip your family with a short-range communication radio so that you can stay in touch if you are temporarily separated.