September 27, 2024 Medicine of the Soul
On starry nights her voice still echoes, telling stories no one knows.
Childhood memories. A fascinating artist

Undoubtedly, she would have been ideal for the role of Sheherazade, marked by the signs of time.
She had an extraordinary ability to arouse emotions in the children who gathered on summer evenings under the stars in front of her house, illuminated only by the fire that was lit there.
One image, like a photograph, has remained in my memory as a child.
We were sitting on a small wall that seemed so high to us because our feet did not touch the ground, little boys and girls eager for fantastic stories, when the reality of life was still far from everyday life.
Behind his figure, like a stage set, was a well, and in the background, far away, in the middle of the mountains, was the Savara stream, which shone on the clearest nights, reflecting the moonlight.
The stage lights were the stars and the burning fire.
She participated in the tale by trying to imitate with her hands and facial expressions the reactions of those who were the main characters.
Sometimes she would stand and mime the movements in such a way that she resembled an actress performing before an attentive audience.
The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were numerous, and she skillfully modified them so that they always seemed new.
Sometimes the atmosphere was gray and the characters were transformed into werewolves and vampires.
Snow White was one of the most fascinating fairy tales.
She was very good at telling it, especially when she pretended to be the queen who communicated with the mirror, or when she disguised herself as an old woman and handed out the poisoned apple.
At that moment I remember that her eyes were burning and all the children were frightened, me first.
Waiting for the climax, I would cover my eyes with my hands, keeping my fingers open because I was curious to see the scene.
I remember hearing this fairy tale dozens of times, and each time she told it in a completely different way.
She managed to change the events so that the main characters changed roles, and the Queen was not always evil.
Sometimes the villain was Snow White or Prince Charming.
Now I am sitting on the small wall and my feet are well on the ground.
The well is still there, and in the distance, in the middle of the hills, the Savara still flows, but there is no more fire, no more children covering their eyes in fear… and most of all, there is no more her.
Though on starry nights her voice still echoes, telling me stories that no one has ever known.