October 13, 2024 Great Reset, Totalitarianism
Big Brother. In a future world, and perhaps in another dimension…
Big Brother
…I had a reminder today…
In the end, the Party would announce that two and two make five, and you would have to believe it.
It was inevitable that sooner or later they would make this claim: the logic of their position demanded it.Not only the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy.
The heresy of heresies was common sense.And what was frightening was not that they would kill you for thinking differently, but that they might be right.
After all, how do we know that two and two make four?Or that gravity works?
Or that the past is immutable?If both the past and the outside world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable — what then?

In a future world, in a different society and perhaps in another dimension, citizens are kept under control by electronic devices that follow them everywhere.
Their thoughts are “guided” by Big Brother, who rules through the well-known tools of lies and fear.
In addition, history is constantly changed and updated by so-called “book reviewers”.
In this way it is always in line with Big Brother’s decision of the moment.
For example, attacks are organised by the secret service.
In this way, the idea of the existence of a hypothetical “subversive gang” is created in the population, onto which the “good” citizens can pour their hatred.
In fact, it is Big Brother who, at times of greatest popular discontent, secretly orders the detonation of devices designed to cause carnage and devastation.
But, of course, he is omnipresent on television, expressing both his condolences for the victims and his firm determination to suppress the riots by any means necessary, urging citizens to denounce their neighbours, friends and even relatives if they are “suspects”.